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I know this isn't the ideal solution, but how about a super-simple patcher to create a USB that boots to single-user mode, sets the NVRAM variable, and then reboots? It'd be as easy as restoring a BaseSystem to the drive, setting boot args as -s, and making root's .profile as "nvram ... && reboot".

This would allow for an easy fix when the variable got unset, and not require potentially tricky/expensive hardware fixes. What do you think? I don't have an affected Mac but I could probably implement this if you'd test it.

Alternately, a kernel extension to just set that nvram value at every startup/shutdown could work as well.

I know that software workarounds for hardware issues aren't always the answer, but a lot of users are squeamish about soldering on their MacBooks' logic boards.
I already have a program that does just this (using a LaunchDaemon), but, as I said, I'm currently working on a custom connector for the JTAG header on the logic board, that requires no soldering. Custom gMux firmware is a MUCH better solution than any unreliable NVRAM-based "fix", doesn't require any hardware modifications, and of course is permanent. If you want to see how easy flashing the firmware actually is, I made a video showing the flashing process.
Yup, they are still changing "unsupported" frameworks like OpenGL etc.... If you're big enough like Adobe, Microsoft or even SimCity (direct references in the code), Apple will push out updates for you, and break us without an after thought). We knew this would happen...

I actually disassembled the .4 OpenGL binary and compared with .2 (oldes one I have) : I noticed new support for "ExtendedTextures". It is even controllable via a plist (default) setting in . There's a whole bunch of new code supporting it - not yet sure how that has affected us.

I suspect more changes are coming when they start merging IOS and macOS this summer.

I would be careful with the modification dates on binaries. Sometimes functionality and logic won't change while the tools they use to build (compilers, linkers etc...) generates new code. I haven't check out the Resource forks...
Does anyone know of a software (nvram?) switch to disable a gpu? I know dude has a hardware fix in another thread, but modding my motherboard is out of the question.

Setting a would be great, but I imagine hard.

You know, I've tried to search also in other forums but it seems the nvram command "leaked" to disable a dual GPUs is only that available for MacBook Pro 15/17" with AMD and IntelHD3000 cards.
Is it safe to update my 17" Early 2008 MacBook Pro (MacBookPro4,1) 6GB RAM 512GB SSD (APFS) from Mojave Patcher installed 10.14.3 to 10.14.4 yet? I've already installed all the Mojave Patcher updates when prompted... and macOS updates from 10.14.2 to 10.14.3 were painless when Mojave Patcher post install patches were run when prompted.

Software Update shows" macOS 10.14.4 Update" is available... but unfortunately I don't have spare time or macOS skills to do a bunch of post upgrade hacking / KEXTing.


Even if 10.14.4 is working with acceleration, some apps are not rendered correctly through the OpenGL , so I'd advise to stay on ultra-stable 10.14.3 .
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Well, wait a bit for 10.14.5, or for 10.15 at the latest to be released and you might change completely your way of thinking. Besides, if you are happy to use a computer just for basic modern apps and browsing, than I suggest you get yourself an Android box for some $60 and it will fulfill all your basic needs plus a lot more. PC/Macs on the other hand represent for many actually a tool of work, creativity and what not. The "basic" stuff won't cut it. And don't come back to me with a cliché of the type: "buy a new mac", cause after its due diligence in research, no intelligent, well-informed person nowadays would fall for the pseudo marketing push "a la" Steve Jobs and buy again all those fancy, over-hipped, expensive, defective and unsupported products, spilled out from Apple year after year.
I´d be hesitant to lecture complete strangers about the usage of their equipment or suggest a change of their way of thinking.
I do not know if you read this reply more carefully than you read my last one, but I wrap it up once more:
- 10.14.4 is absolutely stable here on various machines (at home and, yes, even in my office with 7 users on such patched Macs - and btw., we do embedded engineering and not just "uncreative" stuff).
- I suggested to test first without transparency modding (as this might be a source of instability on other people´s Macs)
- I´d be one of the last persons around here to suggest to "just buy a new Mac" - my last machine I bought new was a Mac Mini G4 (you could have noticed my footer, again, carefully)
- last point: I said that a couple of people would be happy to use their computers longer with standard software on a modern OS and with day-to-day tasks - I do not know why you a) think I´m talking about myself and b) why you pull out the Android-crap comparison?

All in all: You are definitely barking up the wrong tree ;-)
Hi everyone. I really tried to conquer my audio issues myself before asking for help on this forum. I have successfully used this tool on a Macbook Pro 8,2 (Early 2011) and an iMac 8,1 (2008). I had replaced the wifi card on the iMac to an Atheros before the broadcom patches. I got wifi working with a kext I found online. I am still having audio issues on the iMac. With dosdude1's Legacy Audio Patcher I get bad audio clipping. The speakers are good, because they sound fine under a Linux Live USB. I have tried Clover (just a Clover USB stick) with Lilu and AppleALC kexts, VoodooHDA, then Lilu and AppleALC by themselves in /L/E/. A vanilla AppleHDA.kext installed on the iMac (pulled from a a supported 10.14.4 Mac) produces no audio devices. I am very stuck on this audio issue. I tried searching this thread and the ...ENTIRE INTERNET:confused:...and haven't found the same problem/fix I am having. Any help would be gladly appreciated.
Hi everyone. I really tried to conquer my audio issues myself before asking for help on this forum. I have successfully used this tool on a Macbook Pro 8,2 (Early 2011) and an iMac 8,1 (2008). I had replaced the wifi card on the iMac to an Atheros before the broadcom patches. I got wifi working with a kext I found online. I am still having audio issues on the iMac. With dosdude1's Legacy Audio Patcher I get bad audio clipping. The speakers are good, because they sound fine under a Linux Live USB. I have tried Clover (just a Clover USB stick) with Lilu and AppleALC kexts, VoodooHDA, then Lilu and AppleALC by themselves in /L/E/. A vanilla AppleHDA.kext installed on the iMac (pulled from a a supported 10.14.4 Mac) produces no audio devices. I am very stuck on this audio issue. I tried searching this thread and the ...ENTIRE INTERNET:confused:...and haven't found the same problem/fix I am having. Any help would be gladly appreciated.
First off, do a clean install to remove all those unnecessary Hackintosh kexts. Then, just install the Legacy Audio Patch, as well as the Volume Control Patch. Then, your audio will work just fine.
I was going to do a clean install tonight, but the audio 'tick tick tick' noise when I play anything persisted with the Legacy Audio Patch on a brand new-patched install with no Hackintosh stuff. As I tested different options I would uninstall the hackintosh stuff as I went. Also, I never noticed a Volume Control Patch... I will look again for that tonight.
I´d be hesitant to lecture complete strangers about the usage of their equipment or suggest a change of their way of thinking.
I do not know if you read this reply more carefully than you read my last one, but I wrap it up once more:
- 10.14.4 is absolutely stable here on various machines (at home and, yes, even in my office with 7 users on such patched Macs - and btw., we do embedded engineering and not just "uncreative" stuff).
- I suggested to test first without transparency modding (as this might be a source of instability on other people´s Macs)
- I´d be one of the last persons around here to suggest to "just buy a new Mac" - my last machine I bought new was a Mac Mini G4 (you could have noticed my footer, again, carefully)
- last point: I said that a couple of people would be happy to use their computers longer with standard software on a modern OS and with day-to-day tasks - I do not know why you a) think I´m talking about myself and b) why you pull out the Android-crap comparison?

All in all: You are definitely barking up the wrong tree ;-)
No desire to argue! For the heated and on-the-defense one could get, the reality is exactly and precisely such. No way around it. Sooner, or later it becomes face-slapping clear.
I already have a program that does just this (using a LaunchDaemon), but, as I said, I'm currently working on a custom connector for the JTAG header on the logic board, that requires no soldering. Custom gMux firmware is a MUCH better solution than any unreliable NVRAM-based "fix", doesn't require any hardware modifications, and of course is permanent. If you want to see how easy flashing the firmware actually is, I made a video showing the flashing process.

Any idea when this will be ready, I'd be glad to do whatever is necessary to help, I have plenty of test units available.
I already have a program that does just this (using a LaunchDaemon), but, as I said, I'm currently working on a custom connector for the JTAG header on the logic board, that requires no soldering. Custom gMux firmware is a MUCH better solution than any unreliable NVRAM-based "fix", doesn't require any hardware modifications, and of course is permanent. If you want to see how easy flashing the firmware actually is, I made a video showing the flashing process.
Didn't realize you already made a program to automatically re-apply the nvram fix. As usual, you are miles ahead of me. Editing my previous post.
I already have a program that does just this (using a LaunchDaemon), but, as I said, I'm currently working on a custom connector for the JTAG header on the logic board, that requires no soldering. Custom gMux firmware is a MUCH better solution than any unreliable NVRAM-based "fix", doesn't require any hardware modifications, and of course is permanent. If you want to see how easy flashing the firmware actually is, I made a video showing the flashing process.
Is it worth it to disable a dGPU to run Mojave on a non defective amd gpu? I feel like my MacBook is super sluggish using integrated on Mojave and high Sierra seems so snappy due to having a dGPU. What’s your opinion on that case?
First off, do a clean install to remove all those unnecessary Hackintosh kexts. Then, just install the Legacy Audio Patch, as well as the Volume Control Patch. Then, your audio will work just fine.

I'm using version 1.3.0 of your patcher with a 10.14.4 USB installer and there is no Volume Control Patch. Fresh install still has the clicking/ chirping noise while I play anything.


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I'm using version 1.3.0 of your patcher with a 10.14.4 USB installer and there is no Volume Control Patch. Fresh install still has the clicking/ chirping noise while I play anything.
You should receive a Volume Control Patch via Patch Updater when you get into the OS. Install that, and you should be good.
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I already have a program that does just this (using a LaunchDaemon), but, as I said, I'm currently working on a custom connector for the JTAG header on the logic board, that requires no soldering. Custom gMux firmware is a MUCH better solution than any unreliable NVRAM-based "fix", doesn't require any hardware modifications, and of course is permanent. If you want to see how easy flashing the firmware actually is, I made a video showing the flashing process.
Meant to ask, once you flash the firmware and the OS only sees the intel video installed, does the thunderbolt port allow external monitors to use the intel video? If so this would be a true fix for pretty much all the issues with these particular units.
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Does anyone have 10.14.3 if so can you make a Mojave patcher I would gladly pay for it I am getting quite annoyed with the constant reboots on my iMac 9,1 I tried everything and all instructions to get it up and running and really hard I have no safe mode to boot into io kit error
I am running 10.14.4 haven't had a KP since after 11:11 am I installed the hyrbid 18C54 patches so far they seem very stable will 10.14.4
Does anyone have 10.14.3 if so can you make a Mojave patcher I would gladly pay for it I am getting quite annoyed with the constant reboots on my iMac 9,1 I tried everything and all instructions to get it up and running and really hard I have no safe mode to boot into io kit error

Will you install in above 10.14.4 ? or fresh install?
Updated my 6,2 MBP (2010) to 10.14.4 and i got kernel panics every so often. Had to downgrade and installed 10.14.2 over it. (i dont have an installer for 10.14.3 handy - just the patched OTA file)
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Like I said, I got a bricked AMD GPU in my MBP early 2011 15" as well. It happened in 2017 after 6 years with a lot of audio work (connected Thunderbolt Display most of the time).
I replaced the defetcive chip once but the replacement lasted not even a year.
After that I decided to swap logic boards.

Did you swap for a 2012 Board? If not it's just a matter of time once more.
Did you swap for a 2012 Board? If not it's just a matter of time once more.

Yes. I learned my lesson. Couldn’t get a hand on the 1 GB nvidia version but the 512 MB Version performs pretty well and with the 2.3 i7 it’s super quiet now. It takes some serious rendering for the fans to kick in at an audible level.
And it almost fits out of the box.
no I am sticking to 10.14.3 until I can figure out the prelinked kernel and kernel cache errors with 10.14.4
I actually installed High Sierra on my iMac but got a security and of course my bad luck with macOS updates it just hangs on the first stage of the boot up and I just got off a 3 month internet suspension for exceeding my download and know getting close to a 6 month suspension as I have to do clean installs foe the past 2 weeks now looks like I might to wipe my hdd again and reinstall High Sierra again just frustrating as my MacBook s running 10.14.4 like a champ and its the same year as my iMac I am actually surprised I didn't break the glass I shoved it so hard off my desk
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Hi, dosdude1
Could you please put macOS Mojave Patcher(current version 1.3.0) to the old versions list?
I can not download the tool in either direct or mirror way, for I am in China I guess. I can download the tool of old versions in the old versions list.
I actually installed High Sierra on my iMac but got a security and of course my bad luck with macOS updates it just hangs on the first stage of the boot up and I just got off a 3 month internet suspension for exceeding my download and know getting close to a 6 month suspension as I have to do clean installs foe the past 2 weeks now looks like I might to wipe my hdd again and reinstall High Sierra again just frustrating as my MacBook s running 10.14.4 like a champ and its the same year as my iMac I am actually surprised I didn't break the glass I shoved it so hard off my desk

Careful with HighSierra 10.13.6 Security 002 contains a firmware update for old machines, I got it and during updating noticed the long beep with flashing sleep white led followed by big apple logo with big loading bar, it took 5 minutes to complete it, then updating continued its second stage for other 30 minutes.

If you have a monthly internet GB plan not unlimited, then downloading 3-4 times a Mojave Installer you'd have exceeded for sure. If you intend to pay someone to ship you an USB with Patched Mojave 10.14.3 Installer, I'd advise to ask to someone who is located in your same country. For example if located in Europe shipping to USA take 7days-30days or more, and you'd have to pay also customs taxes.
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Careful with HighSierra 10.13.6 Security 002 contains a firmware update for old machines, I got it and during updating noticed the long beep with flashing sleep white led followed by big apple logo with big loading bar, it took 5 minutes to complete it, then updating continued its second stage for other 30 minutes.

If you have a monthly internet GB plan not unlimited, then downloading 3-4 times a Mojave Installer you'd have exceeded for sure. If you intend to pay someone to ship you an USB with Patched Mojave 10.14.3 Installer, I'd advise to ask to someone who is located in your same country. For example if located in Europe shipping to USA take 7days-30days or more, and you'd have to pay also custom taxes.
Thank you dosdude has a new High Sierra patcher version 2.7.0 that suppose to include the latest updates
Anyone using Parallels Desktop on MacPro 3,1 with 10.14.4?
Installed Windows 10 VM and and VM cpu is also 100%...Any known incompatibility?
@ASentientBot can you make an example of making root's .profile as "nvram ... && reboot" ?
I need to execute a shell script from "single user mode" but I don't know exactly how to do it. Probably converting the shell script to a binary exec will work, but I'd want a simple shell script running from single user mode and possibly automatically without typing.
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