boot in safe mode
replace 2 files from archive in directories
nothing changes
Because you have to exit from "safe mode" in this way from CMD+S again:
nvram boot-args="-no_compat_check"
Yes indeed, that's why I was wondering why I needed it on my machine anymore. None of those .4 kexts need the Gestalt function that Shim provides ( I actually downloaded the source for .4 IOKit on Apple's open source website to triple check) But, doesn't seem to hurt (as @ASentientBot noted) just an opportunity to trim down the patcher post-install footprint for my particular machine (mbp 5,3), unless I'm missing something.
So it looks like we may have a viable .4 accelerated profile without the need for .3 retro-patches, kinda better. Using more of the .4 stock binaries and frameworks will do wonders for .4 stability.
As far as News+ is concerned, the crash log points to a thread that starts with TeaUI->NewsUI2 and ends with CoreImage via UIKitCore. So something is going on with Apple's new cross-platform frameworks - for sure (since UIKit is iOS based). I thought using the stock OpenGL would fix the GL context call - but apparently not. I'll take a look at the .4 CoreImage to see if I can glean anything. Replacing it won't work (I tried). Doesn't explain Flurry, but we may want to check if it was changed between .3 and .4 (at least it doesn't crash)
Yes, the new .4 kext don't need the _VSGestalt symbol, so they work OOB without Shim.
Instead even without shim, I only succeeded to boot .5 beta1 with its stock .5 kext and frameworks, except for AppleGraphicsDevicePolicy.kext plugin where I get an unresolved symbol (_Z15agdcGTraceTokenPK13IOFramebuffertbthtytyty), but system boot anyway with only framebuffer, even replacing with .4 AGDP kext, symbol resolved but still no acceleration.
I have observed that .5 beta1 able to boot from dual GPUs with .5 GPUWrangler but only with untouched .5 AGC kext, while from single IGPU only with .4 GPUWrangler.
Anyway as reported by others, to me for long term use only 10.14.3 is reliable.
These are just experiments to hoping to bring OpenGL acceleration on 10.15 .
But also only framebuffer is an acceptable compromise, just for example is possible to run "new iOS apps" like News+ in CoreImage mode, not so bad as I expected.
The picture attached is from .5 beta1 , Macbook7,1 with only framebuffer and without NDRVShim.
Brightness control, Night Shift, Flurry and News+ are correctly working.
A future 10.15 release working in this way will be more than acceptable.
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