Finally !!!
The problem is
kernel_task” High CPU Usage Bug
A solution was found to the problem:
1) First, enable the display of hidden folders:
- Go to the "Terminal"
- We drive in 2 teams:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder
2) Then we determine the computer model:
- Click "About this Mac"
- Next, click "More"
- Click on the "System Report"
Where the hardware is, find and remember the "Model ID". In my case, this is a MacBook6.1
3) Follow this path:
/ System / Library / Extensions
Select the IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext file, click the right button and select "Show package contents"
4) Go to
Contents / PlugIns , then on the file ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin.kext also select "Show package contents"
5) Next, in
Contents / Resources, find the file with the laptop model. As you remember: I had a MacBook 6.1. Delete this file! (If there is no necessary file, delete the nearest models)
6) Restart the computer. This procedure will probably have to be done after every Mac OS update.
To return the display of folders, as it was before, run the following command in the Terminal:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
killall Finder