Wow!! Amazing discovery.
@jackluke is right that just replacing the
macOS-blacklist file is sufficient.
I have no understanding of why this works. Do you? I'm very curious.
Again, fantastic work!
[doublepost=1558209402][/doublepost]Okay, I think I found a slightly improved version of
@Minh_Ton's News fix. Replacing the whole blacklist file effectively un-blacklists
every system file but AppKit, which I worry might cause problems in future. I played around with it a bit and found that just
whitelisting OpenCL.framework is enough to fix the News crash.
So, this one Terminal line is enough
sudo printf "\n/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework" >> /System/iOSSupport/dyld/macOS-whitelist.txt
I am still not clear on exactly what this fix
does, though. It's essentially allowing OpenCL to load in a Marzipan app, but I'm not sure exactly why that framework is needed on our old Macs but not Metal-enabled ones.
I look forward to more details from the original discoverer
@Minh_Ton because this is an awesome find. I'd love to understand it properly
Important edit!! I forgot a greater-than sign in the Terminal command the first time around. I hope nobody ran that because it would've overwritten the entire file rather than appending.