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A speculative idea regarding the graphics card support.

I haven’t messed with MacOS in VM’s much. But I know that usually in Windows VM’s the graphics card is usually presented as a generic card instead of the actual graphics card that’s physically inside the real computer.

Perhaps a little trickery would get around the support issue by falsely presenting another card as a VM does. Just a generic card like the VM presents.
A speculative idea regarding the graphics card support.

I haven’t messed with MacOS in VM’s much. But I know that usually in Windows VM’s the graphics card is usually presented as a generic card instead of the actual graphics card that’s physically inside the real computer.

Perhaps a little trickery would get around the support issue by falsely presenting another card as a VM does. Just a generic card like the VM presents.
Unlike Windows, I don't think I've ever seen someone manage to get acceleration working for Intel MacOS in a VM. It's a long-time problem with virtualizing MacOS.

Furthermore, what you're describing (putting an extra layer between the OS and physical GPU) is less doable when running the OS on physical hardware.
The modification script (found on dosdude1´s page) works fine for getting the update from Mojave beta 2 to beta 3.
Tried it yesterday and it still works even under the new/old update location in the system settings instead of app store.

Can you point me to the modification script you are referring to?
Unlike Windows, I don't think I've ever seen someone manage to get acceleration working for Intel MacOS in a VM. It's a long-time problem with virtualizing MacOS.

Furthermore, what you're describing (putting an extra layer between the OS and physical GPU) is less doable when running the OS on physical hardware.

We're still not sure where the fault is for Core2Duo and Early 2008 Mac Pro 3,1s.

Parallels and VMWare apply some type for 2D video acceleration with their add on tools. Not much but they have dynamic resolutions that fit the window or that host's res. Since Mac OS X 10.9 and later works in a VM it's hard to use them as test subjects for a real machine.

I have noticed in Mojave that Apple is porting over more UIKit private frameworks. Before there would about 3 UIKIt Private frameworks in High Sierra. Now there are about 6-7. As someone mentioned before that the private frameworks are intertwined with the OS, so its hard to single them out. Apple also added some iOS support to Mojave but removing that stuff doesn't seen to help either.

There are a couple angles to take and these were mentioned before.

1. See what frameworks are present in the bootable restore partition or installer and compare that to Mojave. Now this does not rule out frameworks that are there but aren't being run. This will only tell us which frameworks are new and check if they are suspects.

2. See what frameworks are in common with High Sierra and possibly replace the suspect frameworks from High Sierra to Mojave. This rational will only work for the same frameworks that are present in both OS'.

So far the updates I have seen from the Linux crowd that is running Mojave with KVM which gives them passthrough access to the video hardware is they are running I-series processors. And they are enabling SSE4.2 along with a couple other CPU instructions. They have them listed in Github. But since they are using newer hardware, it's not much help for us.

Side note: I did get Snow Leopard to work with 4k native res with my AMD Radeon 7xxx series video card without any true drivers. I used the DVI to Display port converter as it would only use DVI without a driver on my 4k display. Just using the generic ATISupport.kext that SL loads and whatever VGA driver it uses. I know drivers did not come out for it til Mtn Lion and I was unable to get any of those drivers to load on SL. My goal was to run Freehand natively and was able to that. I was also able to get 2016 version of Chrome and Firefox to load and run. The setup is not too bad as I don't have to switch out video cards to run SL. I may eventually get power adapter to hook up two video cards (one that is more compatible with SL). Basically re-route power from the two DVD Bays.

I'm done experimenting for while and am in the the process of cleaning up my Hard drives and getting back into iOS gaming development.
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C2D MacBook7,1 user checking in.

I've done some more investigation/AppleScripting/logging and am sifting through the results for possible causes of the famous grey-screen-cursor-and-then-panic, but a second opinion is always good. Anybody want to help look through these log files and see if there's any valuable information? (It's quite possible that there's not.)

Opcodes Log.txt: List of all files containing SSE4.2 instructions. I've tested replacing all of these from High Sierra. This does not fix the panic on my system.

nVidia Kexts.txt: List of any nVidia graphics related kexts I could find on High Sierra and Mojave. As you can see, anything Tesla-related is removed in Mojave. This is probably the cause of some "display not usable" messages in verbose boot console and will be interesting later when trying to enable QE/CI but probably not related to the crash.

Kext IDs Comparison.txt: Comparison of the loaded kexts on Parallels and bare metal on my system. Not yet investigated.

launchd Log.txt: I wrote a script to continually log the output of launchctl list as the system booted. This is its last output before the panic. Not yet investigated.

dmesg Log.txt: I did the same for dmesg. Not yet investigated.

Process Log.txt: I did the same for ps -ax. Not yet investigated.

dyld Log.txt: In single user mode, I ran:
launchctl setenv DYLD_PRINT_TO_FILE /Log.txt
launchctl setenv DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES 1

This is the content of /Log.txt after the panic. Not yet investigated.

I hope that there's some useful info buried somewhere in here :) I'll keep investigating too, of course.

Edit: typos


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Just got to the setup assistant in Mojave on MacBook7,1 by replacing /S*/L*/UserEventPlugins from High Sierra!!!!!

Edit: And the desktop!! It's working, guys. Someone with a MacPro3,1 should give this a try!

Edit: I'm sending this message from Safari on Mojave on my MacBook7,1. No QE/CI of course, can't change the brightness, sleep does not seem to work, nor does sound. I'll be trying out some kext patching and further testing to figure out which UserEventPlugin is the culprit (there are 50-odd), but to @dosdude1 and others, hello from the first 2010 MB to ever not KP in Mojave :D


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Just got to the setup assistant in Mojave on MacBook7,1 by replacing /S*/L*/UserEventPlugins from High Sierra!!!!!

Edit: And the desktop!! It's working, guys. Someone with a MacPro3,1 should give this a try!

Edit: I'm sending this message from Safari on Mojave on my MacBook7,1. No QE/CI of course, can't change the brightness, sleep does not seem to work, nor does sound. I'll be trying out some kext patching and further testing to figure out which UserEventPlugin is the culprit (there are 50-odd), but to @dosdude1 and others, hello from the first 2010 MB to ever not KP in Mojave :D

Oh my god. I have been waiting for this day to come.
Same here, my friend. Still working on QE/CI (sound works by replacing AppleHDA.kext) but I'm hopeful this can be my primary OS someday soon :)

Once dosdude1 can confirm this patch he will be able to patch the usb installer with the trackpad and keyboard drivers and then we will be able to patch the system with it.
Same here, my friend. Still working on QE/CI (sound works by replacing AppleHDA.kext) but I'm hopeful this can be my primary OS someday soon :)

You are my hero (Well, more like one of them. Wouldn’t want to forget the other amazing people on this thread.) bro. Thanks for everything.
It is (from developer 2 to developer 3). But if you have public beta 1, then you have to wait until public beta 2 is available). Just note that developer 2 = public 1.
It appears that Public Beta 'n' = Developer Preview/Beta 'n-1' not sure if its official... like DP2=PB1, DP3=PB2, etcetera... having that versioning consistency is good and crucial to ensuring the registered devs and the others in the regular public program can have consistent testing results, I sure hope it holds... even down to the build numbers..
Nothing have changed, basically. Minor UI glitches and incorrect LCD font smoothing are still present while using HD3000, but overall acceleration is ok - maps, CoreUI applications, safari works flawlessly. Hope we can find out how to fix grey bar in light mode, menu borders in dark mode, and font smoothing in some applications. Maybe Apple will fix it in GM... For now I would wait, there is no point for you to update. Hope my reply helps!
Say again, about that LCD font smoothing being incorrect? Maybe take an up close shot of rendered text on-screen, I'm sure it's a simple fix...
THANKS! Chromium worked right outta the gate. I appreciate it. Very cool. I may test Canary as well. Chromium is giving me issues with 1password but I think I can possibly work around that through terminal. Thanks iPhone 2G-3G. I appreciate it.
So definitely that means several months for regular chrome to work... Unless Google speeds it up. So good, there was a fix implemented!
-- Just F.Y.I the reason for the 1password issues and other websites is that those websites don't like Chromium's user-agent, I get around those issues when I used Chromium on linux with

No endorsement, just works for me. Just switch to a regular chrome useragent and i betcha 99% the issues will disappear. They're just artificial, like Prezi. It's stable for me, but then again I run all the linux kernel release candidates + unstable padoka graphics drivers... so your mileage may vary.
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Same here, my friend. Still working on QE/CI (sound works by replacing AppleHDA.kext) but I'm hopeful this can be my primary OS someday soon :)
I’ve been following this thread religiously since Mojave was announced and THIS is the news I’ve been waiting for! This gives me hope that soon my two unsupported macs (MacBook 5,1 and MacBook Pro 4,1) will join my 2012 on Mojave very soon! Thanks to you and everyone else on this thread working to keep our “old” Macs in the present!
Hard to predict, specialists here working on it. Currently, this computer platform has two issues with Mojave (or vice versa): a) Processor C2D and b) NVIDIA-only graphics
Nvidia won't really be an issue I think, they got NVDANV50Hal working which is the kext for 8600m GT...
Won't happen, unless leadership steps down and new people come on who are supportive of older machines.
[doublepost=1530929778][/doublepost]Guys, I think its best to wait until someone can get inside the code and rework it somehow to fix these issues.. i still can't get Mojave on my 2011 MB Pro, but I will just replace the 2011 board with a 2012 which I can get for under 200 bucks.. then i can install it.. But really, since this is a beta. I myself would not run beta anything on my system as its not stable.. so, I think its best we wait for the final release to come out.. Then de0compile it and find out what needs to be done to get it to work on unsupported systems. Just my 2c.
Now the ultimate 2011 upgraded macbook pro would be the 17"... perhaps we can try to fit the 15" logic board on there, maybe with superglue, but the LCD connectors should be compatible...
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I feel like I'm so close to getting graphics acceleration working! But I'm kinda stuck. So far, the full list of what I'm replacing is:

/S*/L*/UserEventPlugins <-- Fixes the panic. To do: check which one is the root cause and leave the rest alone

/S*/L*/E*/IOUSBHostFamily.kext <-- Fixes USB, keyboard/touchpad.

/S*/L*/E*/AppleHDA.kext <-- Fixes sound.

Now, I'm replacing:

The computer boots to the login screen which lacks the horrendous graphical glitches without these replacements. Login is way quicker and graphical glitch free. The fade into the desktop is smooth and the menu bar is transparent... but... then it panics. A second or two after reaching the desktop.

Attaching log here. Could some of the more experienced hackers check this one out? It's probably a simple fix. Thank you :)
Nvidia won't really be an issue I think, they got NVDANV50Hal working which is the kext for 8600m GT...

Got any details on this? I read through this whole thread as it was posted but I don't remember that and don't feel like searching through 68 posts right now ;). I feel like I'm really close.


  • GeForceTesla Panic.txt
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Just got to the setup assistant in Mojave on MacBook7,1 by replacing /S*/L*/UserEventPlugins from High Sierra!!!!!

Edit: And the desktop!! It's working, guys. Someone with a MacPro3,1 should give this a try!

Edit: I'm sending this message from Safari on Mojave on my MacBook7,1. No QE/CI of course, can't change the brightness, sleep does not seem to work, nor does sound. I'll be trying out some kext patching and further testing to figure out which UserEventPlugin is the culprit (there are 50-odd), but to @dosdude1 and others, hello from the first 2010 MB to ever not KP in Mojave :D
Just marvelous... other core2 microarchitecture-based machines including the MacPro3,1 like you said now have a chance... Just do what ASentientBot did! Also, for your 320m, I forgot the steps for older NVIDIA cards on Mojave, but just search this thread with "NVDANV50Hal" and you'll find it... I'm tired, I'll find it tomorrow... but QE/CI/OpenGL was done, just gotta find where the directions were...
I feel like I'm so close to getting graphics acceleration working! But I'm kinda stuck. So far, the full list of what I'm replacing is:

/S*/L*/UserEventPlugins <-- Fixes the panic. To do: check which one is the root cause and leave the rest alone

/S*/L*/E*/IOUSBHostFamily.kext <-- Fixes USB, keyboard/touchpad.

/S*/L*/E*/AppleHDA.kext <-- Fixes sound.

Now, I'm replacing:

The computer boots to the login screen which lacks the horrendous graphical glitches without these replacements. Login is way quicker and graphical glitch free. The fade into the desktop is smooth and the menu bar is transparent... but... then it panics. A second or two after reaching the desktop.

Attaching log here. Could some of the more experienced hackers check this one out? It's probably a simple fix. Thank you :)

Got any details on this? I read through this whole thread as it was posted but I don't remember that and don't feel like searching through 68 posts right now ;). I feel like I'm really close.
Verbose mode? Detailed panic log? No instant reboot? sudo nvram boot-args="keepsyms=1 -v debug=0x100"
try that
also, I'm quite certain the kext replacements you've done are infact correct, shouldn't be a problem. Don't try this one yet, but you may want toconsider replacing GeForce.kext. And also the regular nvdaresman...
  • Like
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I feel like I'm so close to getting graphics acceleration working! But I'm kinda stuck. So far, the full list of what I'm replacing is:

/S*/L*/UserEventPlugins <-- Fixes the panic. To do: check which one is the root cause and leave the rest alone

/S*/L*/E*/IOUSBHostFamily.kext <-- Fixes USB, keyboard/touchpad.

/S*/L*/E*/AppleHDA.kext <-- Fixes sound.

Now, I'm replacing:

The computer boots to the login screen which lacks the horrendous graphical glitches without these replacements. Login is way quicker and graphical glitch free. The fade into the desktop is smooth and the menu bar is transparent... but... then it panics. A second or two after reaching the desktop.

Attaching log here. Could some of the more experienced hackers check this one out? It's probably a simple fix. Thank you :)

Got any details on this? I read through this whole thread as it was posted but I don't remember that and don't feel like searching through 68 posts right now ;). I feel like I'm really close.
Wow now please amd video card!!!! Please please please
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Just marvelous... other core2 microarchitecture-based machines including the MacPro3,1 like you said now have a chance... Just do what ASentientBot did! Also, for your 320m, I forgot the steps for older NVIDIA cards on Mojave, but just search this thread with "NVDANV50Hal" and you'll find it... I'm tired, I'll find it tomorrow... but QE/CI/OpenGL was done, just gotta find where the directions were...
Verbose mode? Detailed panic log? No instant reboot? sudo nvram boot-args="keepsyms=1 -v debug=0x100"
try that

Yeah, I can't wait to see if those work too! Also still got to narrow down exactly which file in UserEventPlugins is causing the crash. I'm sure that just replacing the whole folder will break something downstream :p

Thanks, I'll take a look for that post.

I had keepsyms=1 and verbose mode, haven't done much more troubleshooting yet. What's debug=0x100 do?
Yeah, I can't wait to see if those work too! Also still got to narrow down exactly which file in UserEventPlugins is causing the crash. I'm sure that just replacing the whole folder will break something downstream :p

Thanks, I'll take a look for that post.

I had keepsyms=1 and verbose mode, haven't done much more troubleshooting yet. What's debug=0x100 do?

One clue is that High Sierra has two more files. Try only adding those.
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No go at my MP3,1 with eVGA GTX680 for Mac, black screen at the end of progress bar.

Cloned my mini2012 DP3 disk (ccc to HFS+ SSD), copied UserEventPlugins from 10.13.5 and Booting with -v -no_compat_check.

Edit: cloned install still boots ok on my mini2012, no errors there.
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No go at my MP3,1 with eVGA GTX680 for Mac, black screen at the end of progress bar.

Cloned my mini2012 DP3 disk, copied UserEventPlugins from 10.13.5 and Booting with -v -no_compat_check.

I assume this machine used to panic outright though, didn't it? Or was that just the MB/MBPs?

Black screen sounds like a different issue. Do you ever get to a grey screen with a cursor? Maybe some simple logging scripts like mine (from which I found that UserEventPlugins was the culprit on my system) will help us make some progress. I unfortunately don't have a MacPro3,1 or I'd do some testing myself.
I assume this machine used to panic outright though, didn't it? Or was that just the MB/MBPs?

Black screen sounds like a different issue. Do you ever get to a grey screen with a cursor? Maybe some simple logging scripts like mine (from which I found that UserEventPlugins was the culprit on my system) will help us make some progress. I unfortunately don't have a MacPro3,1 or I'd do some testing myself.
No grey screen and I didn’t notice anything strange on verbose mode.


On verbose boot, noticed:

Unsupported CPU
Unsupported CPU
Unsupported PCH
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@ASentientBot If I install using your tutorial with the package installer. Will I be able to replace the UserEventPlugins KEXTS and then boot or am I missing something?
Verbose mode? Detailed panic log? No instant reboot? sudo nvram boot-args="keepsyms=1 -v debug=0x100"
try that
also, I'm quite certain the kext replacements you've done are infact correct, shouldn't be a problem. Don't try this one yet, but you may want toconsider replacing GeForce.kext. And also the regular nvdaresman...

I'll mess around with replacing more files.

One interesting issue:
NVDAResmanTesla will not load because it can't find the symbol _VSLGestalt in IONDRVSupport. So I replaced IONDRVSupport. But then it won't load because it can't find _IOGetHardwareClamshellState in IOGraphicsFamily. So I replaced that too. Hence those two files.
@ASentientBot If I install using your tutorial with the package installer. Will I be able to replace the UserEventPlugins KEXTS and then boot or am I missing something?

That was my experience, yes. (I don't believe UserEventPlugins are kexts, for what it's worth. The full path is /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/.)
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I assume this machine used to panic outright though, didn't it? Or was that just the MB/MBPs?

Black screen sounds like a different issue. Do you ever get to a grey screen with a cursor? Maybe some simple logging scripts like mine (from which I found that UserEventPlugins was the culprit on my system) will help us make some progress. I unfortunately don't have a MacPro3,1 or I'd do some testing myself.

Noticed something on the verbose boot:

Unsupported CPU
Unsupported CPU
Unsupported PCH
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