No, this is not necessary. It's only required, if you don't boot with the -no_compat_check kernel flag.
The patcher adds that flag. I still needed to modify Preboot to boot.
No, this is not necessary. It's only required, if you don't boot with the -no_compat_check kernel flag.
The patcher adds that flag. I still needed to modify Preboot to boot.
i don't know what add or not add the patcher (i never used it), but, if you boot with no_compat_check, yout don't need to modify platformsupport. Maybe, you missed to add this flag on the preboot's boot.ini.
I do not see the difference.This is not a thread about Hackintoshs.
Thank you !I am using Macs Fan Control ( on my 15" MBP 8,2 and keying off the GPU PECI sensor.
I do not see the difference.
Kexts are ultimately the same for most devices
God, man, what are you writing?This thread and the Mojave Patcher are for running Mojave on unsupported Macs, not Hackintoshes. The work that is being done here is for Macs and as such we cannot help you unless you have an unsupported Mac. If you need help with getting Mojave on your Hackintosh then do some searching and you’ll find someone to help you. My apologies but this isn’t the right thread for you.
God, man, what are you writing?
The patcher in most cases simply replaces the kexts or replaces patched kexts. What a real Mac or Hakintosh, if I always have a retail system.
Kexts go under the hardware and version of the system, and not under Mac / Not Mac, understand?
Where can I find help, I would sort it out myself, so do not tell me what it is not for me or something else.
I have the same problems as the owners of Macs here, so why this nonsense?
Man, just stop this discussion.Sorry that I came across as rude. I understand that your issues come from the same source as ours but your machine isn’t an unsupported Mac. The people here are working on and testing solutions for unsupported Macs. No one here is trying to fix Hackintosh problems even if those problems are the same as those experienced on an unsupported Mac. I’m sorry but we are looking for solutions for our devices. The patcher won’t be updated for yours. I’m happy to help you to the best of my abilities but I’m not an expert so I’ll do what I can.
Thank you.Just didn't want you to spend time on further investigation since it seems to be working reliably with my (very questionable) patch!
As far as I can tell, everything needed to get Mojave as a usable primary system on MacBook7,1 is now done!
But any further advancements are always welcome. And thanks again for your amazing work finding the telemetry pluginThat must have been tedious haha.
[doublepost=1531290102][/doublepost]Wait, what'd the "I'll explain how" refer to? Did you figure out an alternative workaround? Would be cool to see your progress in any case.
[doublepost=1531290921][/doublepost]@jackluke ^^^
Man, just stop this discussion.
What does the patcher not be updated for me? Are you okay?
I do not need to update the patcher for me personally, what are you writing about?
Explain again, I have Hakintosh maximally mowing under iMac11,1.
Since the processor sockets are identical, I also have a 200-series video card on the Tesla core.
The patcher is also great for me, you understand this already at last.
I wrote that the man that remake the source of GeForceTesla also helped me.
And here in general you, I do not understand?
[doublepost=1531290102][/doublepost]Wait, what'd the "I'll explain how" refer to? Did you figure out an alternative workaround? Would be cool to see your progress in any case.
The problems I wrote, also wrote that I will try to solve them myself, I do not understand why you started a dialogue with me. I mostly wrote as if to another person.What are the problems that you’re experiencing?
Man, just stop this discussion.
What does the patcher not be updated for me? Are you okay?
I do not need to update the patcher for me personally, what are you writing about?
Explain again, I have Hakintosh maximally mowing under iMac11,1.
Since the processor sockets are identical, I also have a 200-series video card on the Tesla core.
The patcher is also great for me, you understand this already at last.
I wrote that the man that remake the source of GeForceTesla also helped me.
And here in general you, I do not understand?
You don't need the patcher at all. Simply change iMac11,1 SMBIOS to something newer and simply you can install Mojave. You can manually replace the kext's for hardware accelerated UI, but i think so, replacing the old ancient GPU with a newer (Metal compatible) one is a more better way, because you skipping the kext replacements too. Now, you can run vanilla, Mojave.
What are the problems that you’re experiencing?
Just to close the circle, I finally have managed to patch correctly on Mojave beta 2 (18A314h) the native NightShift on unsupported Mac. I assume it will work on any Mojave release.
Just follow this steps:
- Locate your Mojave path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreBrightness.framework/Versions/A/
- Replace inside this subfolder the CoreBrightness unix exe with the one I have attached.
You will achieve Night Shift both on Notification Center and System Preferences / Display without any issues.
NightPatch doesn’t work?
I prefer to eventually make manually these steps just to learn something, anyway to me into my Mac machines NightPatch never worked, and I don't think is yet Mojave ready.
I thought about that but I’m not a Hackintosh expert so I didn’t know how it could be done.
On a Hackintosh platform, every PC's needs a bootloader. That bootloader fakes information about "that Mac". On that information, the user can be freely replace ModelID and/or BoardID too. The Mojave installer and software update only checks that information, so on Hackintosh, it's easy to change.
You can patch it easly: The hex offsets are changed, but the methodoligy is the same.I prefer to eventually make manually these steps just to learn something, anyway to me into my Mac machines NightPatch never worked, and I don't think it is yet Mojave ready.
I assume all responsibility on my uploaded file if anyone get crashing.
You can patch it easly: The hex offsets are changed, but the methodoligy is the same.
You can patch it easly: The hex offsets are changed, but the methodoligy is the same.
If NightPatch works then it’s more convenient. I’ve broken my system before though. I had to fix it myself but then I reinstalled NightPatch and everything worked.
The current "patch" is not a real patch. The "patch" that are in dosdude's tool are simply a modified old binary from the NightShift framework. Because the binary are changed, the old (and modified) binary is not working now. But, because the things inside that binary are not much changed, you can simply change the hex values by hand. You need to find the function that checks modellid's, and alter the numbers (everything is worted clearly on that blog page)
I’m talking about this:
It's patching exact locations on that file. But i think, the locations inside that file are changed. Thats why that patches are not working. If you find the offsets and edit it manually, i think it will works.
Edit: Also, I know this isn't really the right place to ask, but what's up with the dynamic wallpaper? On dark mode it seems to just stay night all the time. Light mode seems to maybe work?
Edit: The stray processes seem to have calmed down on their own after a while.
Yet another edit: Apparently the dynamic wallpaper only really works in light mode, but a guy on reddit patched it. Sweet!