@dosdude1 @ASentientBot @parrotgeek1 Finally I have found the cause of poor performance of Catalina (at least on my Macmini 2010) Spotlight is wasting half power of my old Core 2 Duo CPU. I have excluded all USB pendrives and external hardisks partitions (option in System Preferences -> Spotlight -> Privacy) and now Catalina is as fast as Mojave, With CPU <10% IDLE. Maybe you could control Spotlight behavior to prevent full CPU usage...
Hi @Alex-Microsmeta
If it is the indexing of Spotlight that takes the resources of your CPU, have you thought to disable it permanently with Terminal:
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist
And if you want to go back and reactivate Spotlight:
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist
I never use Spotlight and disable it after each new install/update
SIP must be disable before
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