I just used this:
Now that you have "sudo mount -uw /" I'd advise to remove the telemetry.plugin .Code:sudo mount -uw / sudo chown -R 0:0 /System/Library/Extensions/ sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/ sudo kextcache -i / sudo kmutil install --update-all sudo kcditto
LegacyUSBInjector doesn't show on kextstat, only on System Report loaded Extensions with unknown signature and notarised no.
this is the prelinkedkernel for beta3 to boot legacy USB without CMD+S: https://forums.macrumors.com/thread...unsupported-macs-thread.2242172/post-28702758
Did you create any directories or symlinks beforehand to handle the missing Caches and PrelinkedKernels directories in /Library/Apple/System/Library. In my experience, 'sudo kextcache -i /' will spew an error at some point about not finding those (which existed in Catalina but not Big Sur). Perhaps upgrades from Catalina might leave the previous copies in place suppressing that error.