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Hey Everyone,

I apologize for asking a 'newb' question on this post. But as we are approaching the public release of Big Sur (Most likely in a few weeks), does the WIFI issues still exist for machines like the 2012 Mac Mini? I know that was identified as an issue in the very first post, but wasn't sure if there was a solution now that we are getting close to the official release.

Any information would be greatly appreciate. TIA.
Hey Everyone,

I apologize for asking a 'newb' question on this post. But as we are approaching the public release of Big Sur (Most likely in a few weeks), does the WIFI issues still exist for machines like the 2012 Mac Mini? I know that was identified as an issue in the very first post, but wasn't sure if there was a solution now that we are getting close to the official release.

Any information would be greatly appreciate. TIA.
Yes it is an issue, but using the brarrykn Big Sur micropatcher you can install Wi-Fi patches. And if you upgraded to 802.11ac Wi-Fi card you do not need Wi-Fi patches. More information can be found on the GitHub guide.
Hey Everyone,

I apologize for asking a 'newb' question on this post. But as we are approaching the public release of Big Sur (Most likely in a few weeks), does the WIFI issues still exist for machines like the 2012 Mac Mini? I know that was identified as an issue in the very first post, but wasn't sure if there was a solution now that we are getting close to the official release.

Any information would be greatly appreciate. TIA.
I still receive occasional reports from users, but as of beta 9 I am no longer able to reproduce the problems on my own Macs. Also, one user who reported a WiFi problem to me later reported that they experienced the same problem on a supported Mac, so there's a possibility that the remaining WiFi problems are due to Big Sur itself and not the WiFi patch.
I have just released Big Sur Micropatcher v0.4.3. Release notes:

Is this a random solution to speed up the H264 hardware for iMac 2011 and the Intel HD 3000? That's the only thing that doesn't work on my iMac 2011. Maybe buy a 2013er soon

Sry for my bad English
I still receive occasional reports from users, but as of beta 9 I am no longer able to reproduce the problems on my own Macs. Also, one user who reported a WiFi problem to me later reported that they experienced the same problem on a supported Mac, so there's a possibility that the remaining WiFi problems are due to Big Sur itself and not the WiFi patch.

So, what I'm hearing is the WiFi issue may be resolved with the newer beta / final release (possibly)? That's great news to hear!
Is this a random solution to speed up the H264 hardware for iMac 2011 and the Intel HD 3000? That's the only thing that doesn't work on my iMac 2011. Maybe buy a 2013er soon

Sry for my bad English
No, there will be unlikely a fast solution for this minor issue. You can do a search back through this thread, @jackluke explaining what is different with PrivateFrameworks in BigSur and why you cannot easily just drop an old framework into this folder. All the exec files have been pulled out and only the plist files remain. So plist patching still works. At least for the whitelisting needed for Continuity...

It would clearly help if someone could work on this issue....
I have just released Big Sur Micropatcher v0.4.3. Release notes:

MBP5,2 - updated my BS beta10 USB installer with contents of payloads of micro patcher 0.4.3.
Applied new to my existing BS beta10 installation on external SSD.
MacBookPro5,2 detected and options like for --2010 or --2009 correctly chosen.
Newly patched BS beta10 boots and runs fine.
Thank you Barry K. Nathan!


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I have just released Big Sur Micropatcher v0.4.3. Release notes:

Hi Barry!

Nice work, the automatic model detection. Red or blue pill :) The complete round with

  1. boot into the 0.4.2 patched USB installer
  2. the B10 volume
  3. boot back into B10 and unpatch the USB installer
  4. micro patch 0.4.3 the USB installer, again
  5. -iMac --no-wifi (option 2011 has been selected magically)

worked nicely on my Nvidia modded iMac 12,2 except the AppleBacklighFixup.kext has not been deleted in step 2, my fault again. Lack of concentration....
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Will i need to do anything besides install macOS Big Sur? (replaces my wifi card 802.11n from 802.11ac compatible Big Sur)
If it's a 2012/2013 MacBook, that's correct, you just need to install macOS Big Sur. Also, you'll want to add -e as a command line option for -- that way it will enable SIP, ARV, and volume sealing, and you'll have all the security features that a supported 2014/2015 Mac would have.
Tried also Micropatcher 0.4.3 on beta 9
but failed again as usual. Please see photo

i tried it twice booting from usb and from macOS


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I have a late 2013 iMac without a fusion drive. I plan on using the NVMe slot on the motherboard to add in an SSD, then use the SATA hard drive as an external hard drive, but still inside the shell. I saw that the Fusion Drive iMacs had performance issues, but would an iMac running the OS on a 1TB SSD be affected by this performance drop?
Tried also Micropatcher 0.4.3 on beta 9
but failed again as usual. Please see photo

i tried it twice booting from usb and from macOS
I was going to reply with directions for trying to fix it, but I think I should be able to make one more change to the procedure to reduce the risk of data loss in case anything goes wrong, so I need to run another test. This is going to delay me by at least a few hours, possibly longer. Sorry. (One of my attempts to come up with a fix failed to work and created a big mess on my test system, so I must be careful.)

Please make a Time Machine backup if you have not done so recently. If anything goes wrong with the procedure to fix your problem, you might need the backup in order to recover your data.

I have a late 2013 iMac without a fusion drive. I plan on using the NVMe slot on the motherboard to add in an SSD, then use the SATA hard drive as an external hard drive, but still inside the shell. I saw that the Fusion Drive iMacs had performance issues, but would an iMac running the OS on a 1TB SSD be affected by this performance drop?
No, SSDs aren't affected. Only Fusion Drives are affected.
Yes, without OpenCore. Just tested again, and they are fast and full responsives (keyboard with working leds) too. Chinese 20$ wired devices :)
I need to apply some bug fixes to the dev-v0.4.4 branch, then from there I'll probably create another branch (maybe dev-v0.4.4-B) that adds a patch to attempt to fix this problem (so booting into single user mode first isn't necessary and USB just works). Once I do that, I will need you to test it, because the problem does not happen on any of my own hardware.

I'll post again about it once I have dev-v0.4.4-B ready for testing. Hopefully this will be within the next few days.
Is it possible to have SIP enabled? MacBook Air 2012 installed using Micropatcher. Thanks
Yes, if you have upgraded to a 802.11n Wi-Fi card. The way to do that is to add a -e to when you are installing setvars to enable SIP. But, if you have the stock Wi-Fi card you need to have a Wi-Fi patch which requires SIP to be disabled.
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Is it possible to have SIP enabled? MacBook Air 2012 installed using Micropatcher. Thanks
I don't know if the WiFi patch is in its final form yet. It's even possible that eventually there will be different WiFi patches depending on whether the user wants to be able to enable SIP.

I'll probably test this myself in the next couple weeks, but I want to figure out if I'm making any more changes to the WiFi patch first.

In the meantime, you can try enabling SIP and see if WiFI keeps working. If not, you can disable SIP again.
@Barry K. Nathan about your newer micropatcher Legacy USB fix to use the kmutil binary from beta 3, (I also use for my patched prelinkedkernel a beta 3 kernel and its beta 3 kext), you use the --bundle-path (@testheit method) to build BootKernelExtensions.kc with @parrotgeek1 LegacyUSBInjector.kext embedded and also SystemKernelExtensions.kc with that kext ?

(I ask this because from my test for "UUID kernelcache Preboot matching" is sufficient to update BKE)

I mean LegacyUSBInjector.kext is bundled on both the kernelcollections or BKE only ?

If you put it also in SKE, instead of rebuild SKE, could you try to include it to build on the AuxiliaryKernelExtensions.kc ( /Library/Extensions/ ) ?

About the use of CMD+S and exit (on next beta 11, I release an updated basesystem fix for that), I guess this required HID: Legacy Shim 2 "booting delay" through single user mode is due to when with a non-APFS Mac simultaneously occurs:

1) BigSur is installed on an external USB hard disk and plugged for booting to a Legacy USB port (there are also USB 2.0 legacy port not only USB 1.1 )

2) As input devices are used:
- internal trackpad and internal keyboard (I guess both use an internal Legacy USB Hub)
- USB mouse and USB keyboard (both plugged to Legacy USB ports, or one USB port with a keyboard USB hub port for mouse or both plugged to an external USB 2.0 hub)
- bluetooth mouse and bluetooth keyboard (if internal bluetooth hardware version is 2.1+EDR then it's an internal Legacy USB Hub)
- mixed situation for example a bluetooth mouse and USB keyboard or an USB bluetooth for wireless mouse and internal keyboard

so in this particular case when root device and input devices are plugged to Legacy USB ports, I guess CMD+S and exit is required even using your newer micropatcher Legacy USB fix, but I could be wrong.
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I don't know if the WiFi patch is in its final form yet. It's even possible that eventually there will be different WiFi patches depending on whether the user wants to be able to enable SIP.

I'll probably test this myself in the next couple weeks, but I want to figure out if I'm making any more changes to the WiFi patch first.

In the meantime, you can try enabling SIP and see if WiFI keeps working. If not, you can disable SIP again.
I did enable SIP before ,but i got forbidden screen and unable to boot big sur
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I report that this my earlier patched framework (based on Catalina framework 10.15.6): BigSur patched CoreBrightness exec

still works correctly on BigSur beta 10, as I explained earlier even if BigSur frameworks exec are packaged in dyld shared cache, if you replace manually it inside the target folder (typically /System/Library/Frameworks/Name.framework/Versions/A/ ), the kernel will try to load your patched framework exec before the one in dyld shared cache.

(This could be used as basis guide to use for example a patched AppleGVA.framework)

Some advises to use patched frameworks on BigSur :

- amfi disabled (amfi_get_out_of_my_way=1 in nvram or in or ASentientBot Disable Library Validation plist)
- csrutil disable (or csrutil authenticated-root disable)
- editing the framework Resources/Info.plist SDK matching any values to 11.0 and macosx11.0internal (because 10.16 or 10.15 or earlier won't work or might work but with issues)
- replacing the framework in target folder through sudo mount -uw / (this requires snapshot booting disabled) or making a new snapshot with replaced framework from another macOS environment
- graphics kext framebuffer loaded (example ASentientBot patched Nvidia ResmanTesla or Intel HD3000 SNB)


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I guess I patched the HighSierra AppleGVA.framework to use it on BigSur, maybe @Ausdauersportler could try it, since currently I cannot test it on an IntelHD3000 GPU .

The attached for beta10 should be replaced here: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/

To replace this framework follow the conditions I wrote on previous post, but mainly requirements are: AMFI disabled, csrutil disable, with sudo mount -uw / replacing the framework is much easier, but also with snapshot booting can replace it from a BigSur macOS Installer then make a new snapshot with framework replaced (as when replace kext).


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I'm still catching up on this thread, but I have just released Big Sur Micropatcher v0.4.2. I had to deal with non-patcher stuff over the past several days, which is why I wasn't able to finish this release until now.

Release notes (edit: forgot one of the bug fixes):

Ready to test your micropatcher 0.4.4b when available :)
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