What is your device?Well, this RC2 / Final version is surprising me. I notice that it is faster than any previous version
What is your device?Well, this RC2 / Final version is surprising me. I notice that it is faster than any previous version
iMac Late 2012What is your device?
Did it change your CPU to an Arm one. 🥳Well, this RC2 / Final version is surprising me. I notice that it is faster than any previous version
Edit from earlier post....Nope.iMac Late 2012
3,1Ghz Intel Core i7
Fusion Drive
Nvidia GeForce GT 650M 512Mb
16Gb Ram
DD (Backup)the disk.Alright gents, getting ready on my end.
I currently have a Catalina/Windows 10 configuration and would like to keep the Windows 10 partition after upgrading to Big Sur. I’m assuming the only way I can attempt to do this would be to blow everything up and start from scratch?
it’s a mid 2012 15” MBP and have never attempted this before so looking for some tips from someone attempting something similar.
WinClone also does a great job with Windows partitions. If you move them to different configs, run Sysprep before image backup.DD (Backup)the disk.
Edit: DD = whole bit by bit copy disk.
Thanks. I will look into this, but I’m actually not too concerned about the personal data and willing to wipe everything if necessary to get it done.DD (Backup)the disk.
Edit: DD = whole bit by bit copy disk.
I have found it is always useful to keep at least one older version around. I actually have boot partitions/volumes with everything back to High Sierra on my dev machines.No, that's a spare one I'm selling, my main it's a MBP9,2 and I was thinking about that, if I should left a partition or any spare drive with Catalina in case of panic or any problem.
It's not safe to use this in a main working machine?
Stay on whatever you're on until official release.What is your device?
Please go back to the micro patcher site and read the online documentation and particular the section named Modifying the System volume yourself. You will be surprised.THANK YOU for any help it is much appreciated
See one of my earlier posts. I boot back into the big-sub-micropatcher recovery with default setters enabled. I mount -uw /Volumes/BigSur (or whatever your volume is.)EDIT: I wanted to edit this and mention that I am using a compatible Bluetooth/wifi card.
Hello everyone! Iv got a question. On my Mac Pro 4,1 flashed to 5,1, ever since high Sierra I would have to run this in order for handoff and continuity and unlock with Apple Watch to work right.
sudo mount -uw /
sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set:Mac-F221BEC8:ContinuitySupport true" "/System/Library/Frameworks/IOBluetooth.framework/Versions/A/Resources/SystemParameters.plist"
sudo -E perl -pi -e "s/\Mac-00BE6ED71E35EB86/\Mac-F221BEC8\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0/" /System/Library/Extensions/IO80211Family.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AirPortBrcm4360.kext/Contents/MacOS/AirPortBrcm4360
sudo touch /Library/Extensions
sudo kextcache -i /
But I can't run those commands on Big Sur. Mainly because it says the plugin for the airportbrcm4360 doesn't exist.
So, what iv been doing is installing Catalina first. Then running those commands to get handoff and everything working and then just updated to a version of Big Sur.
I ran into a new problem. The latest version of Big Sur breaks this.
My question is is how is everyone else with a Mac Pro 4,1 or 5,1 getting this to work.
THANK YOU for any help it is much appreciated
Thanks!! I’ll try this out as soon as I get a chance. Thanks for the infoSee one of my earlier posts. I boot back into the big-sub-micropatcher recovery with default setters enabled. I mount -uw /Volumes/BigSur (or whatever your volume is.)
Then run usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set:Mac-F221BEC8:ContinuitySupport true" "/Volumes/BigSur/System/Library/Frameworks/IOBluetooth.framework/Versions/A/Resources/SystemParameters.plist"
Finally you need to run
bless --folder //System/Volumes/BigSur/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --create-snapshot
You can reenable SIP, but cannot seal the boot volume.
It fixes Watch Unlock and sets Continuity to true. But my handoff is not working correctly.
Wish dosdue1 would give us an update.@dosdude1 has been fairly quiet about his own work, and honestly, with how much incredible work he's done over the past few years, it's fine if he can't do it and would prefer to focus on other things. I wouldn't hold my breath for a patcher as comprehensive as his. The micro patcher works well enough from what others say.