That ARV (Authenticated Root Volume) message:
Can't use last-sealed-snapshot or create-snapshot on non ARV volume
is really weird seems that the stock snapshot created by installation (that means stage3 installer completed properly) is locked, but meanwhile try this:
"BigSurfixes disable snapshot", "BigSurfixes delete snapshot" and try rebooting (even with ARV error) BigSur .
If this still produced that "ARV error" without desktop booting, then boot Mojave or Catalina and send the output of this: diskutil info /Volumes/YourBigSurLabel | grep Sealed
(you should type that diskutil info /Volumes/YourBigSurLabel
also from "BigSur recovery environment", if you get Seal "Broken" that installation of BigSur is sealed and hasn't completed properly)
If none worked, then I suggest to boot the "BaseSystem fix Installer" through OpenCoreAPFSloader4b, and then apply "BigSurfixes opencore preboot" and try booting through opencore the "Big Sur" disk .