It happened to me while updating from b2 to b3. For some unknown reason, when OCLP detected the b3 download, it prompted for the download of the 23G5075b KDK. Later on when I patched, the output said that he expected KDK 24A5279h but would anyway merge wit "second-best" 23G5075b, then I had the same error as you. Note that error appears on the "kext cache rebuild" phase so actually the patching was Ok but the error was on the cache rebuild command. It is apparently not related to OCLP or even 14.6 but to this specific KDK. You should be able to reproduce it by typing "sudo kextcache -i /" in the terminal.thanks but still no good. hmmm... what could it be?
Unlike you, to get a working beta I deleted all the KDKs, reverted to OCLP 1.5, and after some minutes I had OCLP asking me to downlad and patch with 24A5279h. It patched smoothly and I could even upgrade back to OCLP 1.6n since now the patcher would merge with "first-best" 24A5279h.
It seems that the same is happening with b3 -> b4, but now with 23G5066c instead of 24A5279h. Right now I've downloaded b4 and 23G5075b was downloaded again. I guess I'll have to delete it and download manually 23G5066c. The instruction given above by Stefan seem in line with this, I only just don't get why "Rename inside /Library/Developer/KDK's, KDK_14.6_23G5066c.kdk to KDK_14.6_23G5075b.kdk" since the patcher is asking for "first-best" 23G5066c actually...
P.S.: Ok, I'm even more surprised that actually 23G5066c was actually download (by OCLP ?), and the patcher is complaining that "found 14.6 (23G5075b), expected 14.6 (23G5066c)" ... Will update to the latest nightly to check if something is changed...
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