MBP5,2: 14.0 runs well with latest OCLP 1.0.1n (i.e. EFI and post-install patches). Only the show-desktop doesn't work (windows don't go away), as was already the case for earlier OCLPs.
Tried 14.1 beta on MBP5,2. Booting the USB installer hangs at an early stage. Same when using OTA, MacOS Installer hangs early while earlier phases of upgrade went well. This is the case with OCLP 0.6.9n, 1.0.0, and 1.0.1n.
I first did these trials on external USB target SSD, then plugged the same SSD to internal SATA, same behaviour.
KP logs attached.
Doesn't matter much as the existing 14.0 installation on this SSD survives the tests. Just to inform.
Thanks to developers for all the fantastic work!