Maybe you can install via the latest complete installer with 13.1.Failed install of 10.13.1 twice. After restart screen is black. Left it for a few minutes still nothing so I restarted again and it just reloads 10.13 with a message saying computer shut down as result of a fault. 4.1 flashed to 5.1. Looks like 10.13 will be my final upgrade/update
Mac Pro 3,1, AMD Radeon HD 7950.
10.13.1 installed fine and rebooted. Got a gray screen, and it stayed there.
Reapplied graphics drivers in post install, and it fired up as usual.
Only had red bug in Preview before, and it is now gone.
But now Metal seems disabled. Motion is jerky in general.
Photoshop says: "3D features and some filters (Flame/Tree/Picture Frame) require a minimum of 512MB of vRAM. Photoshop has detected less than that on your system. Updating the driver of your graphics card may resolve the issue."
Photoshop does not detect any graphics card.
System report lists the card. PCI information lists two instances of AMD Radeon HD 7950. Type "Display Controller" says driver is loaded, type "ATY,HamachiParent" says driver is not loaded.
Any clues?
Failed install of 10.13.1 twice. After restart screen is black. Left it for a few minutes still nothing so I restarted again and it just reloads 10.13 with a message saying computer shut down as result of a fault. 4.1 flashed to 5.1. Looks like 10.13 will be my final upgrade/update
Metal is back. Newly installed AMD drivers (37 of them) had version 1.58.32, and the older 1.58.30. Same date, though. Apparently, the post install did not work?
I just replaced them from yesterday's backup, and all is fine (except red bug was not fixed, as I believed before realizing there was no hardware acceleration).
I guess this is going to be a routine with new updates.
I Updated through App Store to
MacOS High Sierra
Version 10.13.1 (17B48)
Currently safari not working.
App Store not loading either anymore
Mail is not loading content.
Starts up and my (7) email accounts are on line with incoming and outgoing mail
BUT new and old email displays zero content
iTunes not loading Store or Radio content
Yet internet radio is working
Firefox works so I can get on internet.
Late 2009 Mac Mini with NVIDIA GeForce 9400 256MB, if it matters.
Looking forward to the fix/resolution
Thank you
Don't use NightEnabler, use the Night Shift Patch available in the Patch Updater application.MacbookPro 5,2 update to 10.13.1 went smoothly. One minor problem, NightEnabler runs and works but System Preferences Display Pane crashes.
Which drivers do you install ? Where can I find them ?
Thanks dosdude1. I looked there before and saw it was "installed". Reinforced with your suggestion I right-clicked and chose the "re-install" option. Without your advice I wouldn't have had any idea this could be reinstalled this way.Don't use NightEnabler, use the Night Shift Patch available in the Patch Updater application.
Thanks dosdude1. I looked there before and saw it was "installed". Reinforced with your suggestion I right-clicked and chose the "re-install" option. Without your advice I wouldn't have had any idea this could be reinstalled this way.
So after clearing the software update catalogue via Terminal have now installed the update and this old Mac Pro 2008 is working fine, managed to restore previous 'hacked' core brightness framework to replace new core brightness framework, now got NightShift back working.Clear software update catalog. Public Beta 5 is the same as the final version of 10.13.1. (run "sudo softwareupdate --clear-catalog" in Terminal).
Unfortunately I do not see the update via the App Store...however after a little while after the clearing option posted the app store gives me the update options. However during the update I just got a great screen with frozen incomplete progress bar. Left it sit overnight and woke up to it still in that state. Rebooted and still same. Ended up doing clean update from USB and back in business. Thanks.I just update successfully my Mac Pro 3,1 with a Nvidia GTX 680 via the AppStore and Safari, App Store and everything I tested is working OK. No problems yet.
After backing up with Time Machine, I ran Automation in Onyx, and then My MBP is working in Safari, Mail, and App Store.
I have a MBP 5,5 with SSD(APFS)-13 inch, mid-2009 MacBook Pro
Through Apple Store, I updated High Sierra 10.13.1 this afternoon.
After the update, Safari, Mail, and App Store do not working.
After backing up with Time Machine, I ran Automation in Onyx, and then My MBP is working in Safari, Mail, and App Store.
It shows up 10.13.1 in About This Mac, but I can't see "MacOS 10.13.1 update" in Updates installed in the Last 30 Days of App Store.
Do you have the Software Update Patch installed? (Check in Patch Updater, right click and select "re-install"). Also ensure Software Update Catalog is cleared (posted earlier about how to do this).I just can't figure out why my MBP 5,5 doesn't see any of the updates. I keep clicking the "Update" button and it just keeps telling me "No Updates Available." I've check the App store several times today but nothing has changed. I'm stumped. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Do you have the Software Update Patch installed? (Check in Patch Updater, right click and select "re-install"). Also ensure Software Update Catalog is cleared (posted earlier about how to do this).