I didn't know Kim Jong-Il was a hipster.
very thick-framed, large plastic glasses worn by people who are obviously trying to be fashionable all the time, are hipster glasses. Not everyone who wears glasses that are popular at the moment are hipsters. I have been wearing plastic glasses for over a decade, and I don't consider myself an
ahead-of-the-curve hipster.

I won't be a hipster in 10 years, when I'm still wearing plastic glasses.
Around 5 years ago, before the massive plastic glasses and sunglasses became popular again, everyone was wearing aviator sunglasses. I wore them as well, but I wore them before, and I continue to wear them.
I have a big head, and the only eyeglasses that look good on me are square-ish in shape, and somewhat large in size, with thick enough frame to not get lost on my face. I'm Chinese, I have thick black hair, thick, bushy eyebrows, and anything less than thick-ish framed glasses make me look old. Also, if the corners are rounded at all, they look ridiculous (plastic or not).