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Well here you go...this is me...a mac noob....


  • DSCF0049.JPG
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Abstract said:
Wow, nice photos. Did you hike up that mountain, or did you go by horseback?

The Haleakala Volcano? Nah, that's a hefty drive to the top of the 10,000 foot summmit, we just horseback rode through the crater itself, which was amazing!

Abstract said:
Anyway, looks like you have a lot of shots of the beach. If you love beaches, go to Australia. I hear they have lots of nice ones. :)

You did know that I backpacked through Australia for a couple months a few years ago, right? ;) Yes, I got my share of beaches there - I went all the way down the East Coast for Cairns to Sydney! The Great Barrier Reef (specifically the Whitsunday Islands) are still the best snorkeling sites I've ever been to. Hawaii definitely came in second though for me, especially around the Kanaio Coast and the Molokini Crater. But yes, Australia is one of my favorite places that I've visited. :cool:
raggedjimmi said:
I'm in my PJ's but oh well


My village is being invaded!


Thanks for that invention idea, Rotherford!

so u have a SG Epiphone , well i have this:



here's a pic of me this summer doing my work as a watercourse morphology analyst. I was out on the boat taking deep water samples


  • graemeonaboat.jpg
    212.1 KB · Views: 250 said:
here's a pic of me this summer doing my work as a watercourse morphology analyst. I was out on the boat taking deep water samples

Bay of Fundy or the river?

mad jew said:
What? No wise-cracks? If I get the courage up, I may even post one of me topless. :D

Did I just kill this thread? Guys? Where'd you all go? Come back.
Do I spot some chest hair peeking out, in the last photo of you in the red polo?!?!

devilot said:
Do I spot some chest hair peeking out, in the last photo of you in the red polo?!?!

Erm... Maybe...

FWIW I Veeted™ a few weeks later for a play I was in that I had to do topless. I was a French male prostitute. :eek:

mad jew said:
Erm... Maybe...

FWIW I Veeted™ a few weeks later for a play I was in that I had to do topless. I was a French male prostitute. :eek:


I was expecting some white text in that post at some point!
But none to be found!!:eek: :D

Good photos! I like the sunglasses!
840quadra said:
I was expecting some white text in that post at some point!

Haha. :D

Yeah, there's not much more to the story apart from some embarrassing photos of me around uni and a run-by kiss that my girlfriend wasn't all too happy about. :eek:

840quadra said:
I like the sunglasses!

I try to keep up with the latest fashions. :cool:
mad jew said:
Haha. :D

Yeah, there's not much more to the story apart from some embarrassing photos of me around uni and a run-by kiss that my girlfriend wasn't all too happy about. :eek:

I try to keep up with the latest fashions. :cool:

Better then I am doing ;)

Well it is good to see you (finally) I think I may need to put on some new fashions and show my mug on here again.
mad jew said:
What? No wise-cracks? If I get the courage up, I may even post one of me topless. :D

Did I just kill this thread? Guys? Where'd you all go? Come back.

I know you can do it! You don't like being a coward, do you? I'm sure you'll get up your courage.

Nice pics by the way.
mad jew said:
FWIW I Veeted™ a few weeks later for a play I was in that I had to do topless. I was a French male prostitute.
:eek: Anyhow, how old are you? You don't have to answer if you don't want to-- but you look youngish in your photos. Haha, actually, you look like you could be in Laguna Beach. :p
Abstract said:
Do we shop at the same store? Got around 15 of them for $3.
No dear, sorry to dissapoint-- his sunglasses are much more uni-sex and for men while yours are most certainly for women (and brave and/or foolish men). :p :D said:
I've done work on the Bay of Fundy, but this was on the Kennebecasis River and Grand Bay where it feeds into the St. John. do you know the area?

I know the area well. I'm from Saint John-- up towards Grand Bay, actually. And my dad (70) had a boat from the age of 14 up until a few years ago. Needless to say, I've been all through the area.

As this is the "pics" thread, I'll attach a photo of my son taken last Christmas. You can see the St. John River in the background and Kennebecasis Island.



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*has recovered slightly from the shirtless tease*

mad jew: You are younger than I imagined. I had imagined a slightly grumpy looking middle aged man. :eek: (But I was pretty sure that you're not jewish)
Squire said:
As this is the "pics" thread, I'll attach a photo of my son taken last Christmas. You can see the St. John River in the background and Kennebecasis Island.
He looks like a rascal! :D Does he give you a hard time? Haha. The view through the window/door is absolutely lovely.
devilot said:
He looks like a rascal! :D Does he give you a hard time? Haha. The view through the window/door is absolutely lovely.

He's definitely a rascal sometimes. But, you know, most of the time, he's a really good kid. For his birthday last month, we asked him what he wanted and he said that he wanted to get something for his little sister. Isn't that sweet?

The view. Oh, yeah, I had the pleasure of looking out those windows for twenty years or so. The view is great but the backyard is still very private. There's even a little "beach" down below.

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