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Squire said:
I know the area well. I'm from Saint John-- up towards Grand Bay, actually. And my dad (70) had a boat from the age of 14 up until a few years ago. Needless to say, I've been all through the area.

As this is the "pics" thread, I'll attach a photo of my son taken last Christmas. You can see the St. John River in the background and Kennebecasis Island.


wow another Saint Johner on MacRumors, who would have thought? I think I can tell where that photo is jut by the view, I know the rivers too well, I worked the past two years as a watercourse morphology analyst so I've been knee-deep in everything from the Kennebecasis to Marsh Creek :eek: it's is a beautiful area to study, the rivers are simply amazing when you consider how deep they are in places, it's a shame that much of my work has shown me how much they are in danger from suburban development and pollution, makes me sad to no end
mad jew said:
Sincerest apologies. :eek:




Mad Jew is yummy. :)

And one of the nicest posters we have, too. :D
Where's your white doctor's coat?

to me, to be "mad" you need a white doctor's coat, a clipboard, and a monocle or something. With thunder in the background.

and some bats or a raven or something.

iGary said:
Mad Jew is yummy. :)

And one of the nicest posters we have, too. :D

I concur! :D
edesignuk said:
So you have one of each, right? ;) :D

what, you think I'm an AMATEUR?

I have one in every color!
off white...
oat meal..

my clipboard is an old motherboard! huzzah!
I took off my aviators and cut my hair. No longer am I a filthy hippy...just for you KT, just for you. :p

Diatribe said:
Nah don't be shy... in the spirit of this being the picture thread I feel the need to comply... :D


Ummm, thanks for helping. Geez, that looks awful. I'm much better at taking photos of other people. Someone on MySpace tried emulating that one and put a very unflattering caption on it. :mad:

This other one is several weeks old and my hair is much longer now than that other from a few years ago. With this new one, you can see how bad my facial skin is cracking.

Obviously, I'm no competition for any of you...darn.


  • GahhItsMe.jpg
    96.4 KB · Views: 346
OutThere said:
I took off my aviators and cut my hair. No longer am I a filthy hippy...just for you KT, just for you. :p

Yesssss, a shout-out to KT!

Soon I will have ALL the men of MR wrapped around my pinkie!
*puts on white doctor's coat*
BWAHAHA!! (I can evil-laugh properly now.)

if only it were this easy IRL! :p
~Shard~ said:
Fine, we'll leave it at that then... ;)

i think we know who.....

should i post more pictures. is macrumors not sick of me yet? ah just wait to get a digital camera this month.
~Shard~ said:
What's the big deal edesignuk?, we've seen your pics before... And who would dare blackmail you? :confused:

e's pictures have been put to rather interesting purposes here on MacRumors. Buried deep within our history lies that which puts a smear upon the good name of edesignuk. If you observe this specimen carefully, it may come to light why he is reluctant to provide us with pictures. :p
PlaceofDis said:
i think we know who.....


Not me if that's what you're thinking!

Actually he's been trying to get me to post a pic but no no no no no... i'm too shy :eek: and minging :(
bousozoku said:
Ummm, thanks for helping. Geez, that looks awful. I'm much better at taking photos of other people. Someone on MySpace tried emulating that one and put a very unflattering caption on it. :mad:

This other one is several weeks old and my hair is much longer now than that other from a few years ago. With this new one, you can see how bad my facial skin is cracking.

Obviously, I'm no competition for any of you...darn.

Blast those beveled mirrors! I was going to call you out on having six fingers...:D
devilot said:
:eek: Anyhow, how old are you? You don't have to answer if you don't want to-- but you look youngish in your photos.

I'll give everyone a hint. I was at a friend's 21st birthday last night which is why I'm a little seedy today. The photos are at least a year old though. I should probably work on some newer ones.

Putting two and two together...

For everyone who came up with four, I think you need to try again...

gekko513 said:
*has recovered slightly from the shirtless tease*

mad jew: You are younger than I imagined. I had imagined a slightly grumpy looking middle aged man. :eek: (But I was pretty sure that you're not jewish)

Yeah, definitely not Jewish, definitely grumpy, and quite possibly middle aged if there are many more 21st this year... As for being shirtless, there's already a pic of me on these boards sans top.

iBlue said:
no need... ;)


i love the sunglasses pic too. thank you mad one. :D

Haha. Yeah, thanks. I've always thought you were a hottie.

iGary said:
Mad Jew is yummy. :)

And one of the nicest posters we have, too. :D

I don't think a guy's ever made me blush before.

Ohh, thanks iGary. I don't know about yummy and apparently I don't look nearly grumpy enough in these pictures but I'm glad I've got you fooled. :D

edesignuk said:
I'm being blackmailed in to here we go :eek:

Nice one. Very cool.

~Shard~ said:
What's the big deal edesignuk?, we've seen your pics before... And who would dare blackmail you? :confused:

It's not a question of who is doing the blackmailing but rather, how many times a week it's happening. ;)

Okay, this is where four would be the correct answer...

Thanks everyone for the kind comments. The most recent photos posted is probably from about a year or so ago so I'll work on some newer shots, with or without a lab coat...
dietcokevanilla said:
Actually he's been trying to get me to post a pic but no no no no no... i'm too shy :eek: and minging :(

Nooo! I don't believe you in the slightest. If your tar is anything to go by, this is all lies....:D And anyway, I posted my gurning, stumpy legged self....;)

Oh, and E - looking good. You been working out? ;) Not that I want to upset your missus or anything....:p said:
wow another Saint Johner on MacRumors, who would have thought? I think I can tell where that photo is jut by the view, I know the rivers too well...

I kind of figured you'd be able to pinpoint the location. It's about a kilometer or so up from the marina.

I worked the past two years as a watercourse morphology analyst so I've been knee-deep in everything from the Kennebecasis to Marsh Creek :eek: it's is a beautiful area to study, the rivers are simply amazing when you consider how deep they are in places, it's a shame that much of my work has shown me how much they are in danger from suburban development and pollution, makes me sad to no end

Yeah, pollution sucks. I learned early on to only go swimming behind the house when the current was running down river.

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