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mad jew said:
Haha. Yeah, thanks. I've always thought you were a hottie.

thanks, now i can say the feeling is mutal :p

I thought that since I'm on a bit of a role here, I'd post a shot of me kinda topless (wearing a heart monitor). I've got a dodgy ticker so I've been forced to wear one of these every few motnhs. It's the single most annoying thing to sleep with. :(

<snip suacy pic>

i found out recently that i have a bad ticker too. my resting pulse is always really high (in the high 90's to 100's) and they had some other indication something was wrong and sent me for an echocardiogram. it was then that i noticed they spent way too much time looking at (what i thought of as) the "red-shift / blue-shift" portion of the test... the blood was not completely going where it belongs. lousy valve is leaking/regurgitating. my heart just has to over-compensate for its poor efficiency so it beats rather fast. damn it i am not totally sure of the etiology of it because i went on vacation before i could find out more. part of me doesn't want to know and doesn't really care. if they think i am giving up a single one of my hobbies for it they got another thing coming. stupid heart.

<blah blah blah>

here's to the ones with bad tickers :D
gekko513 said:
Scary one. :eek:

perhaps the one with my fedora is better, still wondering if i like it and if it works for me.


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PlaceofDis said:
perhaps the one with my fedora is better, still wondering if i like it and if it works for me.
That's more like it. :D

Not that I mind scary pictures of you either. They're kind of like an art project.
seeing that topless pics are in I thought i'd have a play ;)


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iGary said:
On the other end of the spectrum -

Me finishing my 11th marathon in Delaware this spring (26.2-mile course):

for some reason, I keep giggling because your shirt says your name.

oh, and a while ago, I made a thread asking about what my senior pic should be.. I ended up going with this one I took at the last minute.


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katie ta achoo said:
*reads pic's caption*

*sniffs screen*

I don't smell nothin!

thats nothing! earlier today I almost convinced my mum that computer monitors could be used as a scratch n sniff! course once she said "i've never seen a live dead person before"... gotta love her :D... nobody else will :(

katie ta achoo said:
for some reason, I keep giggling because your shirt says your name.

oh, and a while ago, I made a thread asking about what my senior pic should be.. I ended up going with this one I took at the last minute.

That's so people can cheer you on as you run by.

You try hauling 200lbs over 26 miles. :eek:
Lau said:
In light of my recent, er, promotion :D I thought I'd post a couple of pics....

Me opening a box of creamed coconut, as you do, and me fiddling about with the timer function of my camera. I think the 2 second timer is designed for steady shots, not self portraits. Am too lazy to wait for the 10 second one though....

Quite nice. I'm surprised to see that your kitchen cabinets look quite a bit like those in apartments all over Orlando. Thank goodness you missed out on the poor wallpaper.

iGary said:
That's so people can cheer you on as you run by.

You try hauling 200lbs over 26 miles. :eek:

You could have left some of those pounds along the way. :)
raggedjimmi said:
thats nothing! earlier today I almost convinced my mum that computer monitors could be used as a scratch n sniff! course once she said "i've never seen a live dead person before"... gotta love her ... nobody else will

oh.. I convince my mom of other things..
CRTs were invented by Sir Cathode in 1703 when he was trying to make a new engine to drive the horse and carriage...
the internet was invented by a bunch of stoners who got bored and wondered "hey.. what if I plug this into this?"
I learn things at school...
(HA! lies! all of it!)

iGary said:
That's so people can cheer you on as you run by.

You try hauling 200lbs over 26 miles. :eek:

You runners are clever!!

*goes off to make shirt with her name on it*
katie ta achoo said:
oh, and a while ago, I made a thread asking about what my senior pic should be.. I ended up going with this one I took at the last minute.
It's adorable! You actually sort of look younger than in your other photos. :eek: But you look awesome.
devilot said:
It's adorable! You actually sort of look younger than in your other photos. :eek: But you look awesome.

Eee, thank you! :D
everyone at school thinks it's "very kt" :rolleyes:

and I'll add to the pictures fun!
(Mmm, image shack because MR upload is sllooowww)

That's my stand partner and I.
Well, we would BE stand partners if I weren't injured, but whaddya gonna do?
As you can see, my giant, white thumb reflected ALL of the flash.
I promise you, I'm not usually that white.

My bruise from a car door:

I labeled it for easy reading.
To all you people in the "ow! my PB is hot!" threads, I PRESENT TO YOU MY POWERBOOK BURN! I AM a sissy, but I'm not a sissy without a battle scar!
(YES, it's a battle scar! ...and it usually goes away in a few hours. 45 minutes if I lotion it.)
also, my bruise is gone now, but this pic shows how stupid and clumsy I am. It's 110% classic Kt.

causing a nuisance at a grocery store:

If they didn't want you to climb into the pumpkin bin, it shouldn't have been so big and inviting.
stupid stock boy.
by the time I was done, I had 4 pumpkins.
2nyRiggz said:
^^pumkin pie for everyone........i thought u was making a homeless statement or something:)


oh no, I can't make pumpkin pie out of pumpkins

I have to use canned pumpkin
that was on sale

that's how I roll.

I also use tofu in said pumpkin pie.
katie ta achoo said:
for some reason, I keep giggling because your shirt says your name.

oh, and a while ago, I made a thread asking about what my senior pic should be.. I ended up going with this one I took at the last minute.

haha... I love it! :)
gekko513 said:
mad jew: Sounds a bit scary to get lead up symptoms to heart attacks. What are those? Prickling in the left arm and stuff? Chest pain? Anyway, fingers are crossed here in Norway for it to be a mostly harmless condition. :)

Yeah, really sore left arm, dizziness, nausea, seeing stars and fainting. It all adds to the fun of life though - so long as I don't kick the bucket one day soon. :D

Thanks for the finger crossing. At this stage it's not looking terribly serious but I can't drink beer (never liked the stuff anyway) and I have to excersize a lot (did that anyway). :)

iGary, that's one inspirational pic. I've always admired you long distance runners. As a sprinter, I've never quite understood how someone could manage to run more than 5km, let alone 42km! :eek:

Keep it up and I hope your back's feeling better. :)

Love your attitude iBlue! If it's gonna get us, then so be it. So long as we all have fun in the meantime. To be honest, I reckon a heart attach would be the ideal way to die because it'll be so quick. Of course, I'm hoping it'll be later rather than sooner, for both of us. :D

katie ta achoo, you're gorgeous. :D
Some non camera phone pictures of me.

don't laugh too loud!:(

Most are at gatherings with friends, and the Wedding photo is for one of my relatives. The two young ladies are my cousins :) .

and remember, according to FEMA's BMI system, I am almost overweight by their standards :(


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mad jew said:
840quadra, you have some very nice looking friends.

Well 2 are Family, and the other 1 is engaged. I am happy for her though, her future husband is really cool, and he doesn't mind that her and I are still close friends.
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