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mad jew said:
Yeah, really sore left arm, dizziness, nausea, seeing stars and fainting. It all adds to the fun of life though - so long as I don't kick the bucket one day soon. :D ...

Aww crap! I was hoping my denial tactics would work but those are exactly my symptoms too except the fainting (so far) along with breathlessness.

Of course a topless shot of me might give the medical community a clue (it's also why I've not posted on the BMI thread, I know the answer but don't want to hear it). I have a feeling it's my love of junk food, lack of exercise and stressed out temperament:(
I gotta do something about it.............after the holidays(if I make it)
mpw said:
...after the holidays(if I make it)

Fingers crossed for you buddy. :D

I'm not too worried about it. I figure that by the time we all really start having trouble with it, a cure'll have been invented. :p

Two and a half hours - time spent looking at hotels in Jersey with flowers on them...

New approach: hotels in Jersey with flowers on them and empty junk food wrappers on the ground.
Whoa, it's been getting hot in here with all these topless pics!

*cough* MORE *cough*

mad jew said:
Ahem. And where exactly would yours be?...


Any answer with edesignuk in it will suffice.

:eek: What? topless pics??!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: I'm a *lady* you know :eek:

oh yeah, edesignuk's got a pic of me (no, NOT topless) but he knows he'd be SO DEAD if he posted it

dietcokevanilla said:
oh yeah, edesignuk's got a pic of me (no, NOT topless) but he knows he'd be SO DEAD if he posted it
I'm risking my life here mad jew by posting this, so you'd better appreciate it.


Ding dong! Dishy huh
edesignuk said:

e, how *could* you post that pic of me? :mad:

now everyone knows how gorgeous I am, my PM inbox is gonna be inundated... aaarrgh... what's a girl to do!

see, even mad jew is drooling uncontrollably...
dietcokevanilla said:
Whoa, it's been getting hot in here with all these topless pics!

*cough* MORE *cough*


Here it comes.......

I swear I don't usually look this buff, but I may as well post my buffest one, right? :D I don't know if it was the lighting or what, but this is insane. My other photos aren't worth posting. ;)

Insert obligatory white text here


  • IMG_2290.JPG
    29.7 KB · Views: 465
yippy, raggedjimmy, Abstract ... keep it coming guys. :D We're waiting for you e ;)

katie: I think I love you. Well I love your humour, anyway. :)
mad jew said:
Fingers crossed for you buddy. :D

I'm not too worried about it. I figure that by the time we all really start having trouble with it, a cure'll have been invented. :p

Two and a half hours - time spent looking at hotels in Jersey with flowers on them...

New approach: hotels in Jersey with flowers on them and empty junk food wrappers on the ground.
I dare not keep anything crossed for too long trying to avoid DVT.
and if you're looking for a hotel in Jersey you're half a world away

mpw said:
and if you're looking for a hotel in Jersey you're half a world away...

That'd be right, always half a world away. :rolleyes:

Well, I've narrowed it down to a mere 57 guesses...

...Which I'm not going to bore you with. I've got used to the Comic Sans. It's a cool way of picking out your posts from a crowd.
Omg... DCV, you're GORGEOUS!
Your lips are so full and beautiful!
You're the prettiest woman? I've ever seen!

Who did your makeup? I must hire them to do mine for my recital!

I'll be so pretty!! :D:D:D

gekko513 said:
yippy, raggedjimmy, Abstract ... keep it coming guys. :D We're waiting for you e ;)
oooo, I hear that!

*fans self*

katie: I think I love you. Well I love your humour, anyway. :)
katie ta achoo said:
Omg... DCV, you're GORGEOUS!
Your lips are so full and beautiful!
You're the prettiest woman? I've ever seen!

Who did your makeup? I must hire them to do mine for my recital!

I'll be so pretty!! :D:D:D

Why thank you. To achieve this make-up effect I use marker pens. Permanent ink works best... saves the hassle of having to wash off at night and re-apply in the morning.

dietcokevanilla said:
Why thank you. To achieve this make-up effect I use marker pens. Permanent ink works best... saves the hassle of having to wash off at night and re-apply in the morning.


Of course!

And here I was using Revlon from the drug store!

I've been so wrong... *shakes head in dismay*

Opps did I already post it? I will take er down...Its been a long week I guess..excuse the double post.

There thats need to see my ugly mug 2 times on one thread thats for sure.
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