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iGary said:
The funny thing about this picture is the guy back to the right of me. He looks about spent (this was taken about mile 24).
If you mean the dude in the red hat, yeah, he's in rough shape it seems. The guy in the white hat and green shirt/jersey seems to either have prosthetic legs, or some sort of constrictor-type sock to help circulation...
Whoops, almost forgot. While they aren't pictures of me (just of someone who looks very much like me), I took these last night at school, after playing poker until almost midnight.

Warning: might not be suitable for people allergic to ugly things or massive amounts of scotch tape.

Counterfit said:
If you mean the dude in the red hat, yeah, he's in rough shape it seems. The guy in the white hat and green shirt/jersey seems to either have prosthetic legs, or some sort of constrictor-type sock to help circulation...

Yeah, I was talking about the grren shirt prosthetics, just some kind of sock arrangement.

That was a great race...I did my personal best that day! I can't believe I look as decent as I do for mile 22 - most of my marathon pics are horrible at that point.

I'll post one from Big Surr last year so you can see what I mean. ;)
well since there seems to be so many bodybuilders here i think i better post some more recent photos. :D

well - just a few for now...

pretty late one night messing about...



ah, but here's the most important one: :p

iGary said:

Yah, but who is he showing off to? 90% of MacRumors members are male! :eek: ;)

I debated posting some of my professional modeling pics to one-up him (yes, I have actually been PAID to look good) but decided that would be quite petty. And what would that really prove? Hmm, not that that type of behavior has stopped me before... ;) :cool:

So, let the guy show off, it's fun to do it from time to time!
~Shard~ said:
Yah, but who is he showing off to? 90% of MacRumors members are male! :eek: ;)

I debated posting some of my professional modeling pics to one-up him (yes, I have actually been PAID to look good) but decided that would be quite petty. And what would that really prove? Hmm, not that that type of behavior has stopped me before... ;) :cool:

So, let the guy show off, it's fun to do it from time to time!

I'd shut this thread down if I showed off my beer gut. :D
iGary said:
I'd shut this thread down if I showed off my beer gut. :D

Heh heh - I'm sure there's people in far worse shape than you out there, iGary - let's see how many MacRumors members have ran in marathons like you! ;) :cool:
~Shard~ said:
Heh heh - I'm sure there's people in far worse shape than you out there, iGary - let's see how many MacRumors members have ran in marathons like you! ;) :cool:

Well thanks, I'm not one for the gym, so I suppose pecs and a 6-pack are out for me. :D
~Shard~ said:
I debated posting some of my professional modeling pics to one-up him (yes, I have actually been PAID to look good) but decided that would be quite petty. And what would that really prove? Hmm, not that that type of behavior has stopped me before...

come on ~Shard~ - show us how it's really done. :D besides, you want to have some good pics in the Mac Rumors member photo directory don't you?

i have got a fair bit bigger since my last photo posting so i figured i better post the newer pics or everyone would thing i'm still some skinny little kid. :eek: :p and in a few more months i'll have to post some new photo's - i might have to actaully pose for them. lol. :D
virividox said:
omg yeah not many members can say they have ran marathons!!! i know i couldnt do least not right now id have to train on the endurance oh and the shin splints ouch ouch ouch

I've only ran one complete one myself, and did a leg in a relay one - quite enough for me! I still do a lot of cardio as part of my overall training regimen, but nothing that would be considered marathon running anymore.

Although many would say it is more of a psychological hurdle than a physical one. :cool:
iGary said:
Well thanks, I'm not one for the gym, so I suppose pecs and a 6-pack are out for me. :D

Why have a 6-pack when you can have a keg? ;) I wouldn't worry about it - each person has their own way of keeping fit and healthy. Plus, I would argue that bodybuilders are some of the least healthiest people around - the human body just wasn't made to absorb some of the things those guys put it through!
cb911 said:
come on ~Shard~ - show us how it's really done. :D besides, you want to have some good pics in the Mac Rumors member photo directory don't you?

i have got a fair bit bigger since my last photo posting so i figured i better post the newer pics or everyone would thing i'm still some skinny little kid. :eek: :p and in a few more months i'll have to post some new photo's - i might have to actaully pose for them. lol. :D

Haha, nice try cb911! ;) I actually do have a few pics in here, one recent one just a page or so back, and some quite a while back which were, ironically, taken from a photo shoot I did a few years ago. I wasn't shirtless in any of them however, so sorry! I'd post one for a joke, but then anyone checking out the thread for the first time would be like, "Who's this narcissistic bastard?" Hmm, I guess that would be cool too since I do enjoy being a bastard and all... :cool:
From a recent shoot, currently on my employers' wholesale site's homepage:



The photographer kept grabbing handfuls of my hair, and yanking straight up on it. My hair is messy/spiky anyways, and him doing that just made it appear as if my head were bigger than a medicine ball. Perfect!

:rolleyes: :D
cb911 said:
i know this is kind of off topic, but Mike your site is all messed up dude. all the links point to files that are on your desktop. :eek:

the Doper Tees site? Yeah, I am pretty much just using it for web storage right now.

My company's site is
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