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w_parietti22 said:
8th Grade Pic. I cant believe I'm posting this... it didnt turn out very well.

I like that picture. The look on your face is priceless. I bet your parents have a million pictures of you with just a smile on your face.. this picture captured a different moment and I'm glad you posted it. :)
840quadra said:
I'm not sure, but I think he hates his new Glasses :confused:

:cool: :)


i like them!

he's a good sport so i tend to torment ;)


:D "this little piggy" that's hilarious! neut has some SKILLS in photoshop and even more in sense of humor apparently :)
njmac said:
I like that picture. The look on your face is priceless. I bet your parents have a million pictures of you with just a smile on your face.. this picture captured a different moment and I'm glad you posted it. :)

Are you saying my smile is good??? :eek: :D
Alright, as requested, here is my first go at our Wedding Photos!!! Now these were taken from our online viewing gallery as provided to us by the photographer, so they aren't the actual full images, just the resized ones he had posted. As I said earlier, we'll be receiving every photo in full quality on a CD, and any photos we want prints of, he'll do, as well as retouching selected photos we like in Photoshop, etc. So, the finished products will be a bit nicer and much better quality, but these will at least give you all an idea of the festivities. ;)

Out of all of our (hundreds of) images, I selected about 50 which I have posted in an online photo album on Yahoo! photos. This will do for now, as I realize it may not be the best site, etc. :eek: There were too many to choose from, so I tried to get a good sampling of things. And, as I described beforehand, our ceremony and everything was pretty simply and intimate, so there wasn't a lot to take pictures of in some respects. ;) As for the reception, they were just photos taken by my brother and sister-in-law, as we didn't have the photographer for that.

Oh, and the very last photos were taken from our Engagement Photo session. We had a couple in the park and downtown, however for something different, we also thought we'd get some pictures done in the gym. ;)

You should be able to view the album by clicking here. Please let me know what you think of them all, and as I get the full quality, "post-production" shots of our favorites, I'll post them individually, specifically for the Photo Directory - how does that sound?

And I'll be more than happy to tell stories, explain photos, whatever you like. Can't wait to hear your comments! :cool:
Great looking pics, good looking couple...congrats! I'd show my wedding pics but they are all on slate. :)
Shard, thanks for posting the pictures! Yay! The photos that I really love: 4248*, 4274*, 6720bw* (seems like one of the only pics where she has a genuine smile :D ), 6734bw*, 6752, 6774*, and 6778. All the ones w/ '*' are my favorites. Hee.
Very nice pictures ~Shard~, thank you for sharing. You are quite handsome and she is a very nice young lady. Hope you realize what a lucky guy you are. Just remember to tell her that you love her at least once a day. I can see that you love each other very much. ;)
Wow! A great collection, ~Shard~. You make a fantastic couple.

What kind of uniform is your father-in-law wearing? Please forgive me for not knowing.

I can't explain why, but I like MG_4251 best (link). The well-dressed couple looking so casual. The big occasion with the unusual background. Happy expressions in a satisfied way instead of with "say cheese" smiles.

MG_4383 (with everyone outside, link) will be a treasured photo over the years. Meanshile, 1_1_CRW_6734bW (link) will be good for a few jokes about who's really the tough guy between the two of you.

Congratulations once again!
Duff-Man says...yeah, great pix there ~Shard~...looks like you all had a great day. Who is the person in the uniform...and is that the reason for living in Regina? ....Oh yeah!
~Shard~ said:
Oh, and the very last photos were taken from our Engagement Photo session. We had a couple in the park and downtown, however for something different, we also thought we'd get some pictures done in the gym. ;)

1_1_CRW_6734bW... nice bulging muscles... it doesn't seem like she was too thrilled to be there though. Anyway, nice photos. It was interesting seeing the father of the bride in the red coat, and then it dawned on me that you're Canadien.
opuste2nd said:
Great looking pics, good looking couple...congrats! I'd show my wedding pics but they are all on slate. :)

Thanks! Yeah, that's the beauty of having them in digital format. :)

devilot76 said:
Shard, thanks for posting the pictures! Yay! The photos that I really love: 4248*, 4274*, 6720bw* (seems like one of the only pics where she has a genuine smile :D ), 6734bw*, 6752, 6774*, and 6778. All the ones w/ '*' are my favorites. Hee.

And thanks to you too devilot76. Yeah, I know what you mean about her smile. At times I think she was actually more nervous at the wedding than I was! Although sometimes that's just the way she comes out in pictures. ;)

wdlove said:
Very nice pictures ~Shard~, thank you for sharing. You are quite handsome and she is a very nice young lady. Hope you realize what a lucky guy you are. Just remember to tell her that you love her at least once a day. I can see that you love each other very much. ;)

Thanks for the compliments wdlove, they are much appreciated. As for being lucky, yep, I know it - I know a good thing when I see it, and in this case, I won't be letting go. ;) :)
Doctor Q said:
Wow! A great collection, ~Shard~. You make a fantastic couple.

And thanks to you too, good Doctor!

Doctor Q said:
What kind of uniform is your father-in-law wearing? Please forgive me for not knowing.

No worries - it is an RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) uniform - it's called Red Surge. The RCMP is our federal police up here, and the main training facility for the entire country is here in Regina. He is actually the head firearms instructor of the RCMP, and competes in shooting, marksmanship, accuracy, etc. competitions all the time. In fact, for the past, well, over ten years at least, he has been awarded the Top Shot of all of North America - the best marksman in the entire continent! He has quite the trophy collection!

Doctor Q said:
I can't explain why, but I like MG_4251 best (link). The well-dressed couple looking so casual. The big occasion with the unusual background. Happy expressions in a satisfied way instead of with "say cheese" smiles.

Funny you should say that, that's one of my favorites as well. :cool:

Doctor Q said:
MG_4383 (with everyone outside, link) will be a treasured photo over the years. Meanshile, 1_1_CRW_6734bW (link) will be good for a few jokes about who's really the tough guy between the two of you.

Heh heh - yes indeed!

Doctor Q said:
Congratulations once again!

And thank you once again. :)
Duff-Man said:
Who is the person in the uniform...and is that the reason for living in Regina? ....Oh yeah!

Yeah, as I said above, that's my Father-in-Law, who is in the RCMP. That is the reason their family has been living here in Regina, since the main headquarters is here and he's the Head Firearms Trainer for all the recruits.

Further to that, the Chapel where we were married was the RCMP Chapel, on the base. It is actually the oldest building in all of Regina, and is simply beautiful.

wrc fan said:
1_1_CRW_6734bW... nice bulging muscles... it doesn't seem like she was too thrilled to be there though.

Heh - thanks, the photographer threw that one in and thought I'd like it. ;) And actually, Pam is the one who turned me onto the gym, and completely revamping and overhauling my lifestyle when we met. So the gym was more of her idea than anything! She usually goes more often than me as well. :eek:

And a final comment for now, for those of you who may not have figured it out yet: My name is Scott Anderson. My wife is Pam. So yes, I can truthfully say that I am married to Pamela Anderson. :eek: ;) :cool:
~Shard~ said:
Yeah, as I said above, that's my Father-in-Law, who is in the RCMP. That is the reason their family has been living here in Regina, since the main headquarters is here and he's the Head Firearms Trainer for all the recruits.
Duff-Man says...ah, as I suspected! I have friends here that work for the RCMP so of course I know about the Regina all makes sense now - there has to be a reason for people to live in Regina heheheh.

And as for being married to Pamela Anderson....well...will your videos be like hers? ....oh yeah!
Duff-Man said:
Duff-Man says...ah, as I suspected! I have friends here that work for the RCMP so of course I know about the Regina all makes sense now - there has to be a reason for people to live in Regina heheheh.

Very cool! Yeah, we have quite a few reasons for people to live here actually, but that I suppose is one of the best known. :)

Duff-Man said:
And as for being married to Pamela Anderson....well...will your videos be like hers? ....oh yeah!

I'll see what I can do for ya Duff-Man ...oh yeah! ;) :cool:
well Shard, it's about bloody time! :p

awesome pictures! you two are a great looking couple, and it looks like you're best friends. (just that pleasant comfortable vibe) it's nice not to see a bunch of stiff posed pictures. i love the one of you two in the park on the bench by the way. they were all great, thanks for sharing them!
many happy years to you both. :)
wrc fan said:
If I were her, I would've kept my original last name. I would think being called Pam Anderson would be awful. Like the guy "Michael Bolton" in Office Space.

Heh heh - nope, she's all over it! Her friends think it's great too. :)

iBlue said:
well Shard, it's about bloody time! :p

awesome pictures! you two are a great looking couple, and it looks like you're best friends. (just that pleasant comfortable vibe) it's nice not to see a bunch of stiff posed pictures. i love the one of you two in the park on the bench by the way. they were all great, thanks for sharing them!
many happy years to you both. ;)

You hit the nail on the head there iBlue - we are truly best friends, no word of a lie - I think that's so important. And yes, that one in the park is one of my favs as well. :cool:
w_parietti22 said:
Very nice Shard. :D

Thanks. :)

mad jew said:
So you did wear a shirt. Congratulations ~Shard~ :)

And thanks to you too mad jew. I'm just glad I could finally get some pictures up for everyone! As I said, when I get some quality prints of the best ones, I'll submit them formally for the Photo Directory. :cool: And maybe a couple with my shirt off for good measure as well. :p :D

mad jew said:
Those two comments are not necessarily related.

Understood, my friend. ;) :cool:
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