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Nice pictures, ~Shard. You both look very comfortable with each other, which is a great thing indeed. Congratulations once again.

Although, and don't take this wrong, I do have to express some sympathy to your wife regarding her new married name.
emw said:
Nice pictures, ~Shard. You both look very comfortable with each other, which is a great thing indeed. Congratulations once again.

Thanks emw! Yep, as I've said before, we're also best friends as well as spouses - it definitely makes a difference. :)

emw said:
Although, and don't take this wrong, I do have to express some sympathy to your wife regarding her new married name.

Actually she has quite a lot of fun with it - it's just her personality I guess... ;) I love it because I can say I'm married to Pamela Anderson! :cool:
Doctor Q said:
She can tell people that she's the real Pam Anderson and that the well-known one is jealous.

Precisely! After all, who would a girl rather be with, me or Kid Rock? :eek: :p ;) Yeah, the other one must be jealous... :cool:
Lacero said:
Okay, I've decided to show myself. But since I am too gorgeous, I'll only show a portion of my body at a time. I don't want my awesomest to blind all of you.

Here is the sole of my toe on the left foot.


You do realise you have shown your arm before, the pic is no longer there though:p
Cless said:
Just got a new hair style and color, so... time for pictures!

Looks awesome!

sometimes I wish I could pull off a punk-ish looking hairdo like that.

I tried it once and just looked like a moron. :(
nice pictures cless, and here are some of me... and my new tatto.


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I just went with my friend to the tattoo parlour to get her first tattoo, and it was a big one in a sensitive area (from near her ass and then down her side under her arm......not as big as you'd imagine from my description, but quite big), and she was in a lot of pain the entire time. Very brave of her. :eek:

I also have a new hair colour, but its just coffee-brown.
~Shard~ said:
I think it would be scary if we all tried to change our styles and appearances to try and look like our avatars... :eek: :cool:

I wouldn't mind the perky breasts and amazing features of my avatar (assuming we are talking more than just hair ;) ) but it would take some getting used to. Perhaps I am just blind to her flaws but I find her lovely in a not-madeup type of way. I would do it, if it were free and reversible.

I have often thought living the life of the opposite sex for a day/week/month would be quite the learning experience and help me to respect them in a whole new way. If I actually had to go outside though :rolleyes: :D
efoto said:
I have often thought living the life of the opposite sex for a day/week/month would be quite the learning experience and help me to respect them in a whole new way. If I actually had to go outside though :rolleyes: :D
I've often thought how much simpler things would be if I were a man... :rolleyes: Classic example, last night at the System of a Down concert, my bf was sad because according to him, the 'chicks' shirts are always cooler.' To which I replied that yes, women's attire has more overall variety than men's, but a man can get away w/ wearing the same article of clothing for a week whereas a woman will never live down wearing the same dress twice. :p
^^Not all men are monkeys. :p We only act like that when we're younger than 13, or older than 30. But there's a good 17 years in our lives where we care.

~Shard~ said:
Did you spill coffee in your hair again, Abstract? :p ;)
I was just trying to comb my hair with a coffee in my hand (again), and oopsy. You know the old story. Probably heard it a million times.

I'll post a photo of it soon once the 1st degree scalp burn heals. ;)
One day I'll have an avatar to design my image day!

I've just noticed that we're almost at page 100 of this this one of the longest threads on MR? :confused:
~Shard~ said:
I think it would be scary if we all tried to change our styles and appearances to try and look like our avatars... :eek: :cool:

YESSSS!! I want to look like Timothy Geithner! He's the young hot-shot economist! He's only in his 40s!!
katie ta achoo said:

Number of pics I've seen where PlaceofDis Has a shirt on: 4!
:p :rolleyes:

and nice 'Book, there, daveway

are you saying you want more with my shirt off? i could do that if there is demand haha, got to show off my nipple piercings i suppose ;)
PlaceofDis said:
are you saying you want more with my shirt off? i could do that if there is demand haha, got to show off my nipple piercings i suppose ;)

Do you even have to ask?

...if you're wondering if any are too racy to post to MR, you can email them to me for .. um... moral review...

yea, that's it.

*twiddles thumbs*
*whistles a song*

...what are you waiting for? my email's listed in my profile. :p

/I need friends IRL
//kt = :(
///:( <-- that's how I look when I need friends.
////checks email
~Shard~ said:
I think it would be scary if we all tried to change our styles and appearances to try and look like our avatars... :eek: :cool:

<-- Hehe, well I only recently qualified for an avatar... so I've "south-parked" myself.

no i'm not posting a real pic.
efoto said:
I wouldn't mind the perky breasts and amazing features of my avatar (assuming we are talking more than just hair ;) ) but it would take some getting used to. Perhaps I am just blind to her flaws but I find her lovely in a not-madeup type of way. I would do it, if it were free and reversible.

I have often thought living the life of the opposite sex for a day/week/month would be quite the learning experience and help me to respect them in a whole new way. If I actually had to go outside though :rolleyes: :D

Heh heh - an interesting concept, I like it... ;)

Abstract said:
I was just trying to comb my hair with a coffee in my hair (again), and oopsy. You know the old story. Probably heard it a million times.

I'll post a photo of it soon once the 1st degree scalp burn heals. ;)

Yeah, I know your pain Abstract - I mean, which one of us has that not happened to more than once?

Capt Underpants said:
I like the way you think! Captain Underpants here I come!

Wow, I don't know if I want to see a picture of that or not... :eek: Ah, what the heck, post one, I'm curious! ;)

Now, for me to freeze myself so my skin turns blue and pop one of my eyes out... Arrrgh matey! :cool:
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