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dietcokevanilla said:
<-- Hehe, well I only recently qualified for an avatar... so I've "south-parked" myself.

no i'm not posting a real pic.

Very nice! I like the leg and body additions. The standard South Park bodies are a little stumpy, yes?

Sadly, the South Park legs are fairly accurate as far as my legs go. Lau = hideously out of proportion.... :( :rolleyes:
Lau said:
Very nice! I like the leg and body additions. The standard South Park bodies are a little stumpy, yes?
Yeah far too short and dumpy looking...I'm not that tall but do have long legs :) Oh and I had to give her a few curves and a pair of boots to make it look a little bit more realistic.

Lau said:
Sadly, the South Park legs are fairly accurate as far as my legs go. Lau = hideously out of proportion.... :( :rolleyes:
Bah, nonsense... we've all seen your real pic so we know that's not true :p
You're far more brave than I am anyway for actually posting one!
OK, here I am:


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Okey Dokey I've been wrestling this in my mind for some time now as I absolutely hate people taking photos of me but I wouldn't mind the community of MacRumors knowing a little more about myself.

This is a self portrait done very quickly, as usual alcohol played a part in my decision (red tinged eyes) and I shave if I have to.

P.s. I'm older than I look :)


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dietcokevanilla said:
Yeah far too short and dumpy looking...I'm not that tall but do have long legs :) Oh and I had to give her a few curves and a pair of boots to make it look a little bit more realistic.

Bah, nonsense... we've all seen your real pic so we know that's not true :p
You're far more brave than I am anyway for actually posting one!

I have no idea why I did, actually. Seemed like a good idea at the time. I think the train of thought was - I like it when I can see what people look like from their websites, maybe I'll put one on mine, wait - maybe I should remain an enigma <snort>, nah, if it puts someone off interviewing me or whatever, they're going to think the same thing if they see me, right, ok, that's done, oh, wait, it's linked to in my signature, oh, sod it, why not put it in the gallery. Oh well, it's done now... :eek: :p
katie ta achoo said:
Do you even have to ask?

...if you're wondering if any are too racy to post to MR, you can email them to me for .. um... moral review...

yea, that's it.

*twiddles thumbs*
*whistles a song*

...what are you waiting for? my email's listed in my profile. :p

/I need friends IRL
//kt = :(
///:( <-- that's how I look when I need friends.
////checks email

here you go ;)


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gekko513 said:
PlaceofDis is still hot, I see. :D

thank you :)

katie ta achoo said:
! :)



(Just so this reply isn't all punctuation and smiley faces, I thought I'd write this.)

near speechless? good :D LoL, enjoy ;) :p

even though i dont think i am all that appealing, nice to know some people do think i am
PlaceofDis said:
thank you :)

near speechless? good :D LoL, enjoy ;) :p

even though i dont think i am all that appealing, nice to know some people do think i am

I have a thing for skinny, nerdy Mac users. :)

I'm looking at this at school, and now my symphony conductor thinks I'm (even more) nuts than usual. Whoops! :p
edesignuk said:
<David Attenborough(?)> Here we find e, at home, and at ease in his natural habitat...

Nice picture. Can we see you shirtless, too? ;)

(You've been working out, lately, haven't you. It shows :D )
edesignuk said:
<David Attenborough(?)> Here we find e, at home, and at ease in his natural habitat...

Well with a chair like that i find it hard to believe you wouldn't be at ease!

That's a really nice setup you have there! Brilliant! :)
PlaceofDis said:
thank you :)

near speechless? good :D LoL, enjoy ;) :p

even though i dont think i am all that appealing, nice to know some people do think i am

You're in BIG trouble. You stood me up man. I'm going to have to punish you- and not the way you like either!
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