The OpenCore software allows me to choose between Mojave and Catalina, which I would not be able to do from preferences, since Mojave is dimmed out.
My only irritation is that the boot choice screen is basically a typed two lines with the preferred boot (Catalina) being listed as 1 and the other boot (Mojave) being listed as 2.
The name of the operating system is not provided, just the name of the drive: Drive 1 and Mac HD.
The boot coice screen is available for about 1 to maybe 1-1/2 seconds.
If I type 2, the computer boots to Mojave on the Mac HD and if 1, the computer boots to Catalina on Drive 1.
If I do not type in a number (which there is barely time to do) the computer defaults to Catalina.
In the Wiki on installing OpenCore it shows a boot choice screen with images of three drives. I would assume that that screen remains either for a fairly long time, or until the choice is made.
What do I need to do to get that same sort of boot choice screen?
Thanks for the help. Making progress.