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macrumors 6502a
Aug 6, 2006
The new MBA screen looks really warm by default. Wonder if it would look closer to other screens if the color was adjusted some.
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macrumors regular
Aug 11, 2018
Pasadena MD USA
If anything, the new MBA screens are warmer, hence why the whites are not as bright. Its actually easier on the eyes, at least my aging eyes...
The new MBA screen looks really warm by default. Wonder if it would look closer to other screens if the color was adjusted some.

If you go back a page or so, you will see photos that I posted of my MBP 15 and MBA with the same picture, full brightness, and same color settings (REC 709 profile calibrated to around 7250 white point).


macrumors 65816
Nov 30, 2016
I want to try the 2018 Air. Using Macbook 12in 2017 now.
Screen is a tad brighter but If I can find a similar brighter screen I'd just keep go buy the MBA.

Is the screen that dim? If so are they working on repairs?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 6, 2008
I am very happy with my new Air. The screen is not an issue and I have no problem with the price. I like many others paid $2199 for the 2012 MBA with 500GB SSD and 8 GB RAM. So with the upgrades for a new design, I think the price is average Apple pricing.

I have been reading all the comments/complaints on the screen, keyboards etc. so that I can be apprised of issues in the event I've missed something and might want to return it. But so far, it's all good.

On Nov 12th I posted the comment above. I really was happy with this notebook. Then in December it started to fail. I'd open it and I'd get a gray test-pattern type screen that wouldn't let me login. Sometimes it would take 4-5 minutes to login. I documented everything and then called Apple after it happened three times. They had me download some files for their Engineers to see if they could see what was going on. The very next day, the Apple support rep called me saying he had heard from the engineers and it was not a software issue, but a hardware issue and that I'd have to take it to Apple for them to repair. The store was great and I expressed my preference to just replace the notebook since it was documented the it had failed early on. They didn't argue and replaced it.

So... here I am on a brand new 2018 MBA twin to my previous purchase and I can tell you the screen is different. Dang it, I'm so disappointed. This one is not as bright as my original 2018 Air. They told me that I have 60 days to return it if either anything goes wrong or I don't like it. Now I have to decide what to do. Do I keep it because I love the form factor, or do I return it because I have to have it almost on full brightness just to read the screen. A lot of money in this thing for me not to be ecstatic.

Sooo disappointed. What do I do?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 6, 2008
Yup. It's not as bright as the Pro or the little MacBook, but it's bright enough to where I can't notice unless I compare it to another device.
And I knew that when I bought the first 2018 MBA. But the replacement was dimmer and washed out compared to the first one I bought. So, to make my saga even longer... I went back to the Apple Store with the replacement Air and exchanged it for yet another 2018 MBA (same configuration as I've had. Luckily they had some in stock as mine was originally a custom order) I figured if this one was dull then my original one must be the anomaly and I'd just replace that one with a Pro and forget it. But thankfully, the third one is just like the first, a bit deeper and richer in color. I don't have to move the brightness slider all the way to the end, I can go a touch past half way and it's plenty bright. Obviously, it's not the Pro, but this is perfect for me if nothing goes wrong with this one. But I wish I had screenshots to show you how much dimmer/duller and washed out the last one was compared to this one.


macrumors newbie
May 27, 2017
I have some advice:
1. Stop comparing products to higher level products. I'm willing to bet that this problem would never have happened if you didn't compare the MBA to other computers.
2. Realize, hopefully prior to purchase, that the MBA is not a 'pro' level machine.
3. Stop with the '*gates'.
4. Return a device that you're not happy with and buy something else.

1. How is it possible to ignore differences you so clearly see when working on the same line of machines day in day out then move to the next one!? This is not a conscious mechanism. "Oh, let's turn on compare mode"
2. What if that's completely understood. Does that still make the MB 2017 a 'pro' machine because the screen is brighter and better?


macrumors regular
Jul 8, 2012
It´s not sunlight... its light coming from windows, normal windows, normal light.

I really appreciate (...) your effort to underestimate the seriousness of my problem. Makes me wonder about your motivations when you don't even own a macbook air 2018...

I have one, a real one.

I have a real problem.

I paid 1450 USD for a computer, i'm suffering from my eyes and apple doesn't tell me, after been asked about it, how many nits my computer is capable of.

I asked 3 diff apple people.

You said you do a lot of research before buying computers, so can you tell me how and where i can find official product specs about how many nits the new macbook air is capable of? The product webpage (not the compare tool) says zero about the nits. Unlike the macbook pro, imac, ipad.. all 500/600 nits.

The reviews i read online say it has maxed out at 234 nits...

I need that parameter.

I don't even know if i have a faulty panel or not, how can i know if if don't know the parameter?


thanks for understanding... and it seems the macbook air cant even reach 300 nits, it seems.. read tech reviews online saying maxed out at 234.

The 12'' macbook and the previous macbook air are brighter.. that tells you all you need to know.

I'm speechless.

NIT information, as you have learned in this thread, is available within a few keystrokes of internet research. MacRumors, for example. Your anxiety tells me that you need to return the unit. Get a different laptop if NIT is critical to your peace of mind and do the upfront research before buying. Caveat emptor.


macrumors member
Jan 7, 2019
I measured brightness using my phone light sensor on the Air 2015 I'm using and the Air 2018 at the store. I got 300nits on both. MBP was over 500.


macrumors newbie
Apr 4, 2019
I measured brightness using my phone light sensor on the Air 2015 I'm using and the Air 2018 at the store. I got 300nits on both. MBP was over 500.

Apple seems to have boosted the max brightness through the latest Mojave update. The compare models tool on their website now lists the MacBook Air as having 400 nits brightness. I'd be curious to know if your light sensor reads it as any different though.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 21, 2010
Apple seems to have boosted the max brightness through the latest Mojave update. The compare models tool on their website now lists the MacBook Air as having 400 nits brightness. I'd be curious to know if your light sensor reads it as any different though.

I thought this is the
Subject of hardware to have it 300 nits or 400 nits. But after mojave update it is really much brighter now.

This is not reasonable as it was listed as 300nits in the beginning and now the same box is coming with 400nits screen like overcloked hardware.

I wonder if this will effect the lifetime of the screen.


macrumors member
Jan 7, 2019
Apple seems to have boosted the max brightness through the latest Mojave update. The compare models tool on their website now lists the MacBook Air as having 400 nits brightness. I'd be curious to know if your light sensor reads it as any different though.
It does. I measured again, even the MPB shows 600+ now. I thought my sensor is off, but I get regular 300nits on my 2015 MBA.
I wonder if this will effect the lifetime of the screen.
Me too. The last thing we need is another "gate".
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macrumors newbie
Mar 15, 2020
Tamarama, Sydney
I know this is a few years old, but I just opened a new thread about a similar problem. My new iMac gives me ear ringing and weird headaches - I never get either of these issues. Apple were unbelievably vile: "we can't tell you that" and so on - as you experienced.

So I'm like I have been using Macs for over two decades, I'm trying to work out which component of the new iMac is behind these issues so I can adjust it or something and they kept saying "you can adjust the brightness" etc. It was such bad service it was surreal.

And I know how good their service used to be so it's kind of sad to witness their decline. I am on the verge of cleaning my iMac and donating it to someone who would not use it enough to care about the flicking or whatever it is. I was not even making a complaint to Apple - I just wanted some guidance on how to deal with this. So I feel your pain and if you found a solution please tell me.

I am going through comparing specs on this one to my old one, trying to work out what it all means. If i set this one to the same resolution as my old 2012 one, would that help? Or make it worse. I asked Apple "help" and they kept quoting from brochures. I have gone from Apple evangelist to actually hating them.
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