You should know regex is a core feature of Perl. You classify it as "bad" because it doesn't conform to Apple's claims (see Apple's diagram). I showed an independent regex engine, that of Python, also doesn't show that the M1 is superior.
You should know that benchmarking just one feature of Perl, a language with a very high feature count, is a terrible benchmark. Even if that feature is a very important Perl feature (which of course regexes are, nobody disputes that), you're being far too narrow. Especially when you then proceed to make sweeping generalizations based on this result.
Hell, I wouldn't trust your test to accurately predict general regex performance. It's a weird regex to care about even if literally all you use a computer for is to plow through data sets with regex.
If you actually are an academic, you know full well you are being the exact opposite of rigorous in your approach to finding out whether M1 is faster than your i9, and in your responses to criticism. I think you're just here to troll.