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Well, with it being 12:01 AM EST on Monday, any media reports about large electronics shipments from China? ;)
Doubt it'll ship tomorrow
first they'd have to charge our cards, then they'd have to "prepare for shipment"
not to mention-
it is currently 12:02 AM New York Time. I don't see anything on my order.

I'll bet my money on Tuesday announcemen for Friday delivery
I don't trust anything said about 3g release dates

I really hope you are correct. But to be honest, I ordered my 3g within 5 minutes of order launch, and I have no authorization on credit cards to speak of or any other notification of pending shipment. In short, I'll believe it when I see it.
I don't think there will be an 'announcement' by Apple about the iPad starting to ship.Most likely just an email about charging your credit card or an order status change ;)
It really depends on the story Steve Jobs wants to tell during the conference call on Tuesday. If he wants to say we sold X iPads, with X being a very large number, they will process the orders prior to the call. If he wants to maintain the mystique he will announce when they will be available. As many have said, if we do not know tomorrow, we will know after the conference call on Tuesday.
I just hope I get mine this week. I cancelled my 32GB for a 64GB iPad 3G. But my order says "Late April".
i would absolutely love for it be shipped that early but my guts are being a downer and telling me closer to the 2nd week of may...fingers crossed for this week though!
Well, if it doesn't ship Monday it will probably ship Tuesday or Wednesday, of course if doesn't then I bet it will ship Thursday, if not, then it has to be Friday, if it doesn't ship Friday, I would guess It will be Monday the 26th, if not, I'm sure Tuesday, no shipping on Tuesday...hmmm with out a doubt Wednesday...

Well at least we can 99% guarantee it will not arrive on April 31st:D
I noticed my account has a small charge amount withdrawn! I suspect that I will get an email that my product is ready for shipment or that it has shipped and here's the tracking info this week.
Just checked on apple's website, the shipping date has postpone to May 7th. D**m it.:eek:

Holy ****. He's right.

At first i thought he was just trolling. But the website says that on the "Buy" page now!!!!


That's 2+ more weeks!!!

Goddammit Apple. Now you've really pissed me off.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Those are for the new orders! I noticed on my account that I am charged and ready for shipment. I suspect that you can buy one at the store by the end of the week. Have fun waiting in lines!!
Nice to at least have some sort of defined date, even if it isn't what you are after.

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