How many windows do you typically have open at once then? All of your posts point to relatively simple Window Management needs. Mine is usually 60+ if I'm on Snow Leopard and has to drop down to ~20 on Lion because Lion can't handle lots of Windows.
Depends on what I'm actually doing. Unix server maintenance ? Can be high up in the 40s and 60s too, depending on how many servers/tasks to perform on each.
I use GNU screen a lot of simplify and shrink the count when possible too. Tabs help reduce the active number of windows too. So yes, while I don't have 40 to 60 Windows open, I have many tabs and those tabs are split up.
When coding, frankly, I keep it minimal. 1 tab/window per open file, I try to limit it to 2 or 3 classes at a time, otherwise debugging becomes a nightmare.
This doesn't count all the other stuff I have open like music player/browser/finder/mail. Each task is relegated to a desktop for cleanliness. I don't check my e-mail on the desktop I'm working in Terminal from and vice versa.
Also, Expose/Spaces is coming back, just through outside developers. See ReSpaceApp.
Good, why are you still here whining about Mission Control, pissing in everyone's cereal then ?
Also, since you here. You never did managed to provide any good reason why:
1) Exactly how is not being able to see the content of only one Space at a time better?
I can see the content of only one Space at a time. It's right there in front of me right now...
2) Why are overlapping windows that still overlap and hide content when "spread" better exactly?
What are you talking about ? Are you talking about Mission Control's application switcher ? Because if you are, you're not meant to actually use it to pick windows, only to pick applications... I've stated so earlier. Pick your application, then switch to App Expose to pick the window.
3) Why is having to play peek-a-boo using the Spacebar better?
I don't know what you're talking about, I've never done that.
4) Why is having to use App Expose, which takes you out of Mission Control and makes it so that you can't move your Window to another Space without Re-invoking Mission Control better?
Because it saves on a lot of visual scanning. More clicks does not mean more time spent. You're too focused on the number of keypresses/clicks/trackpad gestures, you're not seeing the big picture.
5) Why is repeatedly swiping to move between you Spaces always better than being able to see everything?
you don't have to swipe. CMD-#, Mission Control -> click desktop. Pick your poison.
6) Why are small views of Spaces better than having the ability to see everything at once?
Because full screen pager apps suck ? They force you to again, visually scan your entire huge screen, moving your eyes all over the place.
7) Why should finding Windows be a game of hide-n-seek. Exactly how is this better?
It's not, it's now much simpler. Snow Leopard actually makes it like trying to pick out Spartacus in a crowd of slaves. All those squares popping up, all equally shapped, requiring close inspection of each.
In Lion/Mountain Lion, switch to App, App Expose. More keystrokes, less scanning, more productivity for your average person that's not so hung up on scanning his entire monitor each time he wants to find a duck.
Again, you're entitled to your opinion, I just think its time you moved on from it. Mission Control has won. Deal.