Just wanted to say thank you for the post about this app missed handylight which i was kicking myself but made this one.
Apply the "Watch Videos Offline" module in iCab. You may also want to increase the download limit in the settings applet.
Browse to the youtube video you want. Click the modules button and select "Watch Videos Offline".
edit - hmm. it's not working for me right now from my iPhone, but the iPad version is fine.
edit 2 - I just tried again and it is working fine on both the iPhone and iPad.
I was lucky enough to get MiTube before it got pulled. Does anyone know how to transfer Mxtube movie files using SSH so they can be viewed in MiTube?
I have my MxTube files on my pc and have found where MiTube stores it's saved files (user/applications/(bunch of random letters)/documents) but if I just drop the mp4 files there they don't show up. Is there a plist document somewhere like MxTube had that I need to edit so they show up?
have a look at the firefox extention easy youtube downloader... it downloads the mp4 direct off youtube server without any encodingYou know there is a firefox extension that does this same thing on your mac/pc, ive been using it for years and its great, pretty much the only reason I use firefox, for those who havent heard of it its called media converter.
have a look at the firefox extention easy youtube downloader... it downloads the mp4 direct off youtube server without any encoding
and thanks to OP for the heads up on this app
Thanks for your reply. Doesn't that download youtube to your pc (correct me if I'm wrong)? I wan't to store random youtube clips on my iphone 4. Mitube does it perfectly but I want to be able to transfer the Mxtube clips I've already downloaded.
SSH into your phone and move them
I was talking to ARF900 about firefox extention hence the quoteThanks for your reply. Doesn't that download youtube to your pc (correct me if I'm wrong)? I wan't to store random youtube clips on my iphone 4. Mitube does it perfectly but I want to be able to transfer the Mxtube clips I've already downloaded.
I was talking to ARF900 about firefox extention hence the quoteyou know since they mentioned a firefox extention
and then thanks the OP for the heads up.
you can transfer your downloaded mitube clips to PC via iTunes in the apps tab at the bottom
The guy who makes it has been on the phone to Google and says it might get put back on the App Store, but knowing Apple, I doubt it.
I was lucky enough to get it before it was pulled.
Wow, Youtube (owned by Google) isn't taking action to remove apps for their own OS? Not exactly the best proof that Google is OK with it.If Google has problem with them, they'd be pulled a long time ago. Once again all hail to the App Store censorship.
I was lucky enough to get MiTube before it got pulled. Does anyone know how to transfer Mxtube movie files using SSH so they can be viewed in MiTube?
I have my MxTube files on my pc and have found where MiTube stores it's saved files (user/applications/(bunch of random letters)/documents) but if I just drop the mp4 files there they don't show up. Is there a plist document somewhere like MxTube had that I need to edit so they show up?
if you see my last post with screenshot there is file sharing option to save files and add files to that app.... try that?
odd to add the ability to file share and not have it work both ways
There are several similar apps in the Android Marketplace. If Google has problem with them, they'd be pulled a long time ago. Once again all hail to the App Store censorship.