This is just a troubleshooting tip which had worked for me on two different MacBooks with SSD drives in the past whenever upgrading to major OS versions. Disable FV; this will take some time to decrypt the entire drive. Afterwards, boot into Recovery Mode and repair drive. Rebuild system caches with ‘kextcache’ command. Determine list of third-party kext files and remove those for reinstallation at a later date. Update your shared cache with ‘update_dyld_shared_cache’ command. Rebuild the Spotlight index, which can take about a day of normal use depending upon storage allocation. If you prefer, then re-enable FV. If needed, then reinstall third-party kext files. In my opinion, FV has been finicky with major OS upgrades, especially with the transition from JHFS+ to APFS in upgrading from OS 10.12 to 10.13. Of course, there is always the clean installation with a complete reformatting of your drive and installing the OS from external media, as opposed, to network recovery. If you use a non-conventional method or have a non-factory configured Apple platform for booting the OS, then expect problems when updating/upgrading the OS.