For anyone else troubleshooting - this didn't do anything for me.
Unfortunately, sudo bless didn't work either - apparently it's because my copy of windows 10 is installed in EFI mode.
Resetting the NVRAM (command-option-P-R) got my Mac to boot directly into windows 10. Unfortunately, I forgot this also resets SIP and disables the NVIDIA web driver. Once I managed to get SIP re-disabled and the NVIDIA drivers reinstalled, I found out that restarting via Bootchamp still makes the Mac boot from the wrong volume (no boot device found screen).
On top of that, all of my sound devices except my c-media USB device have disappeared. That's... unfortunate.
So I think my next course of action is to wipe my boot drive clean and reinstall MacOS, then look into using rEFInd as my boot manager. Overall though, keeping these things running is such a pain in the butt I might as well be running a hackintosh
My Windows 10 also installed in EFI mode.
Did you bless the correct partition?