EDIT: Oh, and if you're concerned about the cost of TB peripherals, check out the sale prices on Amazon for Western Digitals TB Duo products. Their 8TB can be had on Amazon.ca for $649 which includes a cable. Their 2TB Velociraptor TB Duo can be had on Amazon.com new for $590 (MSRP of $959) and used (repackaged?) for $424. The latter is giving the TB enclosure away for free considering the cost of the drives. A pair of those Velociraptor Duo's in RAID0 will give you 4TB with faster STRs than an SSD! And, the TB situation will only get better.
That's a good offer, if you need that kind of thing, but a bit anecdotal .
The WD Duos are for people who wonder what to connect to that extra socket on their iMacs .
What WD is actually doing, they give away the drives for free .
Which are good for bugger all , when you look for a fast TB external drive solution .
Dual VRs in Raid0, really ? I've been using that for 6 years, was hoping for a little better than that . Granted, no SATA 3 in my MP, but that's splitting hairs .
Of course you can replace the HDDs with SSDs, and buy another USB enclosure for the HDDs, but what's the point ?
Considering the limiting design of the MacCan, externals like those won't cut it .
Show me a dual JBOD enclosure with TB and USB 3.0, for under $200 , and there is a backward compatible, possibly future proof and high performance storage device .
Or a single drive one for $100, 4 bay for $300, etc .
And a TB-FW/USB 3.0 hub, fully compatible, for $100-200 .
I have to disagree, I don't see the TB situation getting better right now .