No, actually designers are usually a bunch of friendly people. We just don't like it when someone comes along and acts as a poser saying that they are doing a particular "design" because it's a great chance to make some big money- then asks us to help them do it. I spend a lot of time helping others who are pursuing design. But if they don't have the basics down and seem to be unwilling to devote time to learning those basics, well.. I have an aversion to that because it cheapens the industry. An industry that I'm pretty protective of and have spent thousands of hours learning.
And for the record, I'm NOT jealous that you are making money. The feeling is better described as frustration for what you are asking help with. If you would have come here with some tight designs and needed some crit to finish them off, I would have willingly helped. But then again, you don't listen to advice that is given... so maybe not.
For those of you who don't agree and think I'm being too harsh, well then you have no respect for what designers have to learn to be good at what we do. You can go anywhere and pickup a book on programming and teach yourself. Not so easy to do with design. Design requires multiple disciplines in order to be any good. Art history, design history, math, writing, color-theory, print production and pre-press, interface design, typography, photography, architecture, drawing skills, grid, proportion, gestalt theory, etc. Then there are all of the programs that you need to become expert at. Yeah, some of you "designers" want to skip directly over the fundamentals and go right into Photoshop/Illustrator because you think that is where the magic happens. That is what the OP appears to have done and I spotted it right away.
So, what's wrong with helping someone in his situation? Well, let's say he gets hired by a business for a measly $20, of which is is willing to take because he is "just getting started." Next, he creates/copies a few designs and then come here to have us fix them. Some of you generous people give him advice and maybe he manages to come out with something decent and takes them to the client who uses them in their business. Well that's okay, right? NO! First off, you have managed to devalue logo design to $20 and that has a slight ripple effect over the industry. Secondly, you have created a logo for the OPs portfolio that he can maybe use to get another (cheap) job from a (cheap) client and so it goes on and on. It reminds me of outsourcing!
The more you post, the deeper the hole you are digging for yourself in this thread. This elite designer's attitude you got going there is nerving.