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so I have horrible news! I just drive all the way to the other side of the city to find out some idiot at westworld computers in Edmonton Alberta Canada got my computer mixed up with the regular ones!! I'm so f***n pissed right now! I feel so horrible or getting everyones hopes up Im pissed!!! If I haven't been waiting so long I would cancel my order with them and order from someone else I can't believe it!! I'm so so sorry I'm sure all of u will now be just as pissed as I am!!

I'm 24 and I'm a girl by the way a really ****in pissed off girl! And I was waiting for a cab which cost me $20 to go all the way there just to find out some idiot can't read!!! I'm soooooo pissed I'll be talking to the manager tomorrow morning!!! And I will be getting something for free I don't know what yet but I will be... What should I ask for???
I'm 24 and I'm a girl by the way a really ****in pissed off girl! And I was waiting for a cab which cost me $20 to go all the way there just to find out some idiot can't read!!! I'm soooooo pissed I'll be talking to the manager tomorrow morning!!! And I will be getting something for free I don't know what yet but I will be... What should I ask for???

An iMac for me.
I'm 24 and I'm a girl by the way a really ****in pissed off girl! And I was waiting for a cab which cost me $20 to go all the way there just to find out some idiot can't read!!! I'm soooooo pissed I'll be talking to the manager tomorrow morning!!! And I will be getting something for free I don't know what yet but I will be... What should I ask for???

Ask for the guy who messed up, and then beat him with a wet noodle. For hours. Or days.
I'm 24 and I'm a girl by the way a really ****in pissed off girl! And I was waiting for a cab which cost me $20 to go all the way there just to find out some idiot can't read!!! I'm soooooo pissed I'll be talking to the manager tomorrow morning!!! And I will be getting something for free I don't know what yet but I will be... What should I ask for???

Get a free shirt or something at least.
i was pissed. now im sitting here back at home on my lame pc!!!!!!!!!! grrr i hate pc's!!!! i feel horrible... im gonna call the manage first thing in the morning and bitch... i wish i could cancel my order they dont deserve my money... ****in westworld worst place ever how do u mistake i BTO with a regular one... i thought since it was pretty close to the date im supposed to get it that it was possible really here... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH im so pissed!!! i yelled at the sales person but there was nothing he could do. i have to talk to the boss tomorrow!! god they are so frickn dumb!!!!!
so I have horrible news! I just drive all the way to the other side of the city to find out some idiot at westworld computers in Edmonton Alberta Canada got my computer mixed up with the regular ones!! I'm so f***n pissed right now! I feel so horrible or getting everyones hopes up Im pissed!!! If I haven't been waiting so long I would cancel my order with them and order from someone else I can't believe it!! I'm so so sorry I'm sure all of u will now be just as pissed as I am!!
First off all we want to kill you. (Kidding). Second you past all off us heart attack.(Not Kidding)

Wow. That sucks! I would definitely be hot if I was you. At a minimum, I would ask then to discount your new iMac (once it comes in) for at least the same amount that you spent on a taxi. I also wouldn't feel bad for "padding" that figure as well.

I cracked open a beer in hopes of celebrating the arrival of the 4850. Oh well, the beer still tastes just as good.

As for the 4850: it'll be here any day! (and babsvii should be one of the first ones to get one!)

i ordered from Westworld computers in edmonton alberta NO ONE ever buy from there again... i never will got my damn hopes up and the rest of the worlds... im so pissed i have never been more pissed ever... im going to get something good for free and when i do u will all hear about it... ahhhhh i thought i would be having fun right about now... instead im starring at this stupid pc.... god some ppl are so dumb i dont understand how this could have happen... and the sales guy was like well if u want we can refund the extra money and give u the other one... i was like why would i do what??? i have been waiting 5-6 weeks for this ****in thing why would i want to just settle for the other one??? thats ok ill wait another week (hopefully!!! fingers crossed)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol... refund the money for a regular one... thats good.

Best of luck speaking with the manager. Hopefully you get something cool, like a free iPod?
i ordered from Westworld computers in edmonton alberta NO ONE ever buy from there again... i never will got my damn hopes up and the rest of the worlds... im so pissed i have never been more pissed ever... im going to get something good for free and when i do u will all hear about it... ahhhhh i thought i would be having fun right about now... instead im starring at this stupid pc.... god some ppl are so dumb i dont understand how this could have happen... and the sales guy was like well if u want we can refund the extra money and give u the other one... i was like why would i do what??? i have been waiting 5-6 weeks for this ****in thing why would i want to just settle for the other one??? thats ok ill wait another week (hopefully!!! fingers crossed)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

**** them all!!!
Never use those type of computer shops. There nothing but trouble from what I've seen. Unless your ordering directly from Apple, I would not purchase it from anyone other than Best Buy. They've got absolutely fantastic customer service, and I've never had an issue that was not resolved in a peaceful and satisfying way for me.

I'd wait another week. If they don't get you the computer ask for the money back and order from Apple.
Never use those type of computer shops. There nothing but trouble from what I've seen. Unless your ordering directly from Apple, I would not purchase it from anyone other than Best Buy. They've got absolutely fantastic customer service, and I've never had an issue that was not resolved in a peaceful and satisfying way for me.

I'd wait another week. If they don't get you the computer ask for the money back and order from Apple.

well westworld is a certified apple carrier here in edmonton they were the ones selling apple here before we got an actual apple store... all they sell is apple so i thought they would know what the hell they were doing... i told them in front of everyone how pissed i was and that if i wasnt waiting for so damn long i would just cancel my order right there right now!! but i dont want to be back at the bottom of the list... if it is really gonna be here soon then i would rather suck it up and just wait... but i am pissed and im going to let the manager know that tomorrow... and the next time i do get called to come pick it up it better be the right computer!!!! and i wont say a word on here till i have it home and unpacked!!! ahhhh im pissed. :mad:
I would have demanded they give a 'loaner' iMac until the real one came in, seeing how you have to go back to your PC after such a letdown . They must have some refurbs or something laying around.

I would have also demanded a refund for cab money on the spot. No manager that can approve it? Well get him on the phone now, and approve it...

I know, in the grand scheme of things it was a small error made by a probably underpaid, under-educated, over-worked employee - but it is things like this that can really get someone steamed. Not to mention hurt someone's business when it is communicated on a large forum like this.

I would let them know you have discussed this with a large online Mac community (with a large Edmonton user base... :D) and that you are going to keep everyone updated with how they treat their customers...

Good luck and sorry for the letdown - but hey, at least you have this forum to turn to!
Okay... can we refrain from this type of thread until you're in the fricking SYSTEM PROFILER.

If UPS delivers your iMac to your house while you're at work, DON'T ANNOUNCE IT, who knows you might get burgled by the time you're home :D

Take pics, take records, THEN come here... don't be so itchy to be first... or this happens... :(

Also OP, you should at least be reimbursed for your pointless trip. That's unaccceptable...
Gosh babs, I really feel for you on this one. I'm sitting here feeling let down -- I can only imagine how you feel!

Hang in there girl. It'll be here soon...
i feel so disappointed... but what can you do?... im gonna call the manager and maybe iwork does seem reasonable... they should be able to do something i just dont get how someone makes that big of a mistake... next time they call im going to ask them a million questions... then when i get there im going to check the box before i take it and make sure there is nothing else they ****ed up on... i just wish i didnt give them my money... i would totally cancel it right now if it didnt mean me giving up my spot in the waiting list lol... oh well. i guess i just have to suck it up... teaches me from not buying though apple itself... :rolleyes: im just glad everyone on here is understanding, and not upset that i got every ones hopes up... damn my hopes were up and then torn down... i sat in the parking lot for like 10 mins before i left i couldnt believe i was leaving with nothing!!!! and the nerve of him trying to get me to take one of the regular ones.... what an idiot!!! ahhhh well back to the waiting game...
The dealer called and said my 2011 Mustang is ready! I'm going to go get it and if they don't produce it, I'm going to kill them and ask for a free car cover to compensate! :rolleyes:
You should try to get them to give you Apple Care for free for the false hope. I can imagine how you feel!

That's an excellent suggestion! If you ask for free goods (like iWork) that is a product with an associated cost, you may not get it; but those extended service plans are all gravy for the organization (as long as you never use it, of course :eek:).
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