I love Navigon
Feel sorry to all those who choose DumDum
I have a 3GS and have never experienced any of what you are mentioning. Wonder if it has to do with hardware differences in the 3G vs the 3GS.
... and for all my 3G friends, much improved user experience!!![]()
Speaking of "assisted" GPS, is there any way that the triangulation part can be turned of. Here in Australia we can buy unlocked iPhones (on 3G), and so I run mine without a plan, and just top up the prepaid whenever its necessary.
Since I've been playing with Navigon I've noticed that it bites into my prepaid, rapidly. Nothing else would be doing this as I hardly ever use the phone for calls, SMS etc, but as soon as I use GPS (at least with Navigon, with and without being in a TomTom car mount) my prepaid takes a sudden nosedive.....
Anyone else seen GPS doing the same thing?
This is exactly what I was bitching about when they introduced the triangulation feature in 1.4 without any way to turn it off. I knew it would suck for non-data plan users.![]()
This is exactly what I was bitching about when they introduced the triangulation feature in 1.4 without any way to turn it off. I knew it would suck for non-data plan users.![]()
It is not up to the apps whether "triangulation" (or more accurately positioning using nearby cell towers or WLAN access points) is used. The apps simply call the relevant API of the iPhone OS (Core location framework) to request location information. The OS then tries to determine the location as accurately as possible using whatever means are currently available (depending on whether GPS reception is possible, any known WLAN APs/cell towers are visible and WLAN is turned on). For determining the location without GPS, a data connection is required since it then has to query a (large and constantly updated) online database of known APs and cell towers.I looked on the Navigon site and also on iTunes but can't find any confirmation that Navigon introduced triangulation in 1.4. Can you point me to somewhere that confirms this and also this it actually uses data?
Do you have traffic turned on?
It will use cell tower triangulation as long as it doesn't have a GPS lock. It can also use nearby WLAN access points for positioning (that's why you often get a pretty accurate position indoors). Once it knows its rough position, it is also easier to acquire a GPS lock provided there is line of sight to a sufficient number of satellites.As to whether it uses cell tower triangulation, and if so, at what data cost, remains to be seen. Next time I'm out and about with it, I'll use the same routine and see if it shows any data usage.
I love Navigon
Feel sorry to all those who choose DumDum
It will use cell tower triangulation as long as it doesn't have a GPS lock. It can also use nearby WLAN access points for positioning (that's why you often get a pretty accurate position indoors). Once it knows its rough position, it is also easier to acquire a GPS lock provided there is line of sight to a sufficient number of satellites.
Check this page to learn more about how the non-GPS positioning works (Skyhook is the service used by the iPhone):
There is no other way for an approved app to determine the location (through GPS or cell ID) than going through the official Core location framework, since they do not have direct access to the hardware.Interesting stuff - thanks for the link. But how do we know that any given navigation app uses the Skyhook service?
They don't use the data service directly, but the Core location framework does when using cell towers or WLAN APs for positioning.Navigon have told me that they don't use any data service (although my unscientific test of the Assisted GPS would seem to suggest that they do).
Some shots:
Big news appears to be Twitter and Facebook integration and Panorama View3D
Some shots:
Big news appears to be Twitter and Facebook integration and Panorama View3D
So 1.5 won't be out until spring?
I read that here: http://eon.businesswire.com/portal/...d=news_view&newsId=20100209005973&newsLang=en
It's $10 for the panorama view