I am hoping for the following "fixes" in addition to the new features;
1. Better GPS signal acquisition. I have found that Navigon is pretty helpless to maintain GPS lock unless I put my iphone all the way up against the windshield. I normally have it in a cradle at the front of the dashboard and even though Google Maps has no issue with this location and tracking Navigon constantly reports I'm on side streets or loses lock entirely.
2. Turn by Turn directions are in Navigon since 1.4 but it's ridiculous that I have to go into "options" and then scroll down and select the option to see this. A small icon on screen that brought these up quickly would be much more helpful.
3. Routing logic. I hope My Routes does something about this. My wife was nearly in tears when Navigon insisted that she get off the highway all of a sudden due to "updated traffic information" sent her down a side street and then right back into the parking lot traffic jam on the highway. I've run into numerous problems with Navigon dealing with routing poorly, my four year old Garmin with ancient FM traffic does a FAR better job.
It would be great if Navigon could polish this app and fix critical routing/traffic issues instead of pasting feature after feature in. Do we really need to Twitter and Facebook people about where we are driving to?