Go to more, click on downloading(or something like that), then it will show you the progress.
Thank you, I do see it now! Looks like I got 133.4mb out of 580.7 done. I'll take off at lunch and finish the download.
Go to more, click on downloading(or something like that), then it will show you the progress.
Most likelly your connection.
Its a 1.5GB file.
If your internet is slow it will take forever.
Mine took 6 minutes.
So I have to ask, before I get home, waste the time downloading and installing this again. Anyone running it on a 3G, and see improved, or worsened performance?
You guys trying to update to 1.5 through your phone....it will take way too long and is not something you can do over lunch. It took several hours for me through iTunes. If it were me, I would do it through iTunes on a good connection to reduce error from starting and stopping through your phone.
3D view seems nice, but I'm in a reletively flat area. I did notice that the horizon has a slight curve to it now. The other thing I noticed is that perpendicular streets seem a little more pixlated in landscape mode with panoramic view activated. Switch back and forth from 3D and Panoramic in landscape and you'll know what I'm talking about.
I've just updated it on my 3G, seems like its stops lagging so much, feels a little more lively. Worth an update if you feel it lags (although I've ran it straight after the update, no reboot).
Panorama view also shows you where the sun is. I thought that was pretty cool. I also don't live in a hilly area, so I haven't check out the "full experience" of it. The maps looks a little better, but I'm not sure if it's worth $10... Maybe for hiking or bike trails, but i don't do both... $5 would have been a good price point.
So I have the Navigon MyRegion East, and it didn't get updated. It's still at 1.0, and word from Navigon to say if we'll also get this 1.5 update so we can also buy Panoramic view? I thought they were supposed to be identical other than the maps.
anyone able to comment on panoramic view running on 3g?
performance issues?
Painfully slow - unusable for me.
For the first time ever with Navigon, I'm getting severe GPS lag.
I've also had several freezes for 10-20 seconds each.
Noticing alot of texture pop-in. Blank grey area between the horizon and the clouded sky, then suddenly hills pop into view.
These problems are only when I activate the 3D panaorama view.
When I go back to the standard 3D view (no panorama), it works very well again.
Mmm, cool, and thanks. Will have to download and install when I get home tonight. I own both it and Tomtom, but have been so frustrated with Navigon's performance on my phone, I have pretty much stuck with Tomtom. (After their last update, it is a MUCH better product IMO).
With that said, I still think Navigon has a nicer interface, and some features, so hopefully this update makes it a bit easier to deal with.
Panorama view also shows you where the sun is. I thought that was pretty cool. I also don't live in a hilly area, so I haven't check out the "full experience" of it. The maps looks a little better, but I'm not sure if it's worth $10... Maybe for hiking or bike trails, but i don't do both... $5 would have been a good price point.
I downloaded and installed the 1.5 update last night and used it on my way to work this morning. I must say, things are VASTLY improved on my phone[edit - 3G iPhone]. The app loaded in a respectable time, the menu's and button presses actually responded acceptably, and map and voice sync were accurate. Lastly, very surprisingly to me, the iPod controls were actually usable. Prior to this update, attempting to use the built in iPod controls would guarantee an app lockup.
OK, responding to my own post for anyone with a 3G. Pre 1.5 update, I didn't even have Navigon installed any longer, due to it being, IMO, a laggy, slow, unresponsive, inaccurate poorly coded piece of software. Nothing worked right, and the only thing I had a guarantee of on a regular basis, is that I'd have to reboot my phone to get things working again.
I downloaded and installed the 1.5 update last night and used it on my way to work this morning. I must say, things are VASTLY improved on my phone. The app loaded in a respectable time, the menu's and button presses actually responded acceptably, and map and voice sync were accurate. Lastly, very surprisingly to me, the iPod controls were actually usable. Prior to this update, attempting to use the built in iPod controls would guarantee an app lockup.
I did not download, nor do I care too, the panoramic thing, as I have no interest in it. Obviously, the folks at Navigon have enhanced\fixed\whatever you want to call it, the code of the program for use with a 3G. If it keeps working like this, I'll remove Tomtom from my phone, and make Navigon my primary GPS app. It's not that Tomtom is bad, in fact, it works very, very well in my area, but after using Navigon, now that it is actually working, Tomtom just seems very outdated, interface wise. Yeah, that sounds shallow, but Navigon, again, when functioning as it is now, IMO, is a superior app, especially in the user interface portion.
Here's hoping it stays this way!