after you choose a destination it has the weather info on the screen along with parking recommendations.
Ah thanks I see it now. Is there any way to change it from Celsius to Fahrenheit?
after you choose a destination it has the weather info on the screen along with parking recommendations.
Is there any way to change it from Celsius to Fahrenheit?
I'm having the same issue now with Navigon 1.6. The first part of any audio commands from Navigon are clipping when played over my bluetooth Motorola T505. Previous versions of Navigon were just fine. Using ios4.01 on a 3GS if that matters. Anyone else noticing this bluetooth clipping? Thanks!
The only thing different is the maps.I thought with my new iphone 4 I could just get by with google maps but honestly without voice directions it can be .. well dangerous lol.
I really like the price tag of this app, especially if I can just get the east region since thats where I only drive basically.
So my question is: Is there any difference between the Full us vs Just the East Region (other then more maps)
Does both come with the panoramic 3d view and live traffic, or do both require you to purchase them separately (it sounds like traffic you are charged separately regardless, wasn't sure if the 3d view was as well.)
Thanks for that useful comment. Knowing that the problem isn't unique to iPhone 4 + Jawbone ICON points more narrowly to a problem with MN 1.6 but also possibly with iOS 4.x.
Can you clarify with certainty that clipping started only after you upgraded to MN 1.6, and not when you upgraded to iOS 4.0?
If so, that further isolates the problem to Navigon.
I wasn't paying close enough attention at the time and don't remember if I experienced clipping with MN 1.5 + iOS 4.0.
Has anyone else noticed that when you use the Contacts option (i.e. going through your address book) to navigate to an address, and that address has an apartment number in it, MobileNavigator (MN) fails miserably?
Lets say the address is
71 Avery Rd
#12 (or apt 13, or Unit B, whatever)
Atlanta, GA 30309