iPad 4 and Air kinda already match and they're already doing better in terms of performance with age.The next device to age like the iPad 2 did and even possibly surpass it would be the iPad Air 2.
That said, A8X+2GB RAM is bound to set a new record (unless Apple caps firmware updates to 5 max or something).
I expect the 2017 iPad to be good for at least 3-5 years. That would put A10X Pro at 4-7 years after adding the extra 1-2 years. That's a fairly long time in tech.Ehh I would say 2-3 but regardless you have a point, iOS devices with 2gb of ram are all performing excellent in iOS 11 betas so really it could become that the "pro" models simply are alittle quicker and have the enhanced multitasking ability. I reckon both the iPad and iPad Pro are getting 5 years support at least. They both are recent enough obviously Apple has no intention to make 2gb ram devices obsolete any time soon. If this is the case man people with the iPad Air 2 are in for a long support cycle (my guess is that'll be the first iOS device to get 6 years of updates. Very curious to see what happens over these next years as iOS 11 seems to mark a big shift in Apple's entire strategy for iPads.
Caveat with iPads is they're integrated systems. In future, I don't think performance will be the determining factor for continued support. Rather, it'll probably be new features and technologies. That's why I don't expect current high end tech to have significantly longer useful life than mid range.
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