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you know, i actually wrote an email to steve jobs about this issue a few days ago, i knew he would probably not read it, but was hoping someone would... a rep from Apple Canada just called me back concerning the email.

she wanted to know more details about my screen - i told her about the color casts and backlight bleeding, and how there seems to be lots of people with these issues based on all the forum posts and blogs i've read. they have made a "special" arrangement for me with the apple store for an exchange tonight. she also told me that she will contact me next week to follow up on the new screen.

i really hope the new screen will be much better than this one.
you know, i actually wrote an email to steve jobs about this issue a few days ago, i knew he would probably not read it, but was hoping someone would... a rep from Apple Canada just called me back concerning the email.

she wanted to know more details about my screen - i told her about the color casts and backlight bleeding, and how there seems to be lots of people with these issues based on all the forum posts and blogs i've read. they have made a "special" arrangement for me with the apple store for an exchange tonight. she also told me that she will contact me next week to follow up on the new screen.

i really hope the new screen will be much better than this one.

Good luck with that Darkroom.....tbh I very much doubt it will be much different. I'm glad they got back to you though and are trying to help. Let us know how you get on. Cheers:D
I want to buy my mom a 24" iMac, but I'll be monitoring this thread to keep tabs on this gradient problem. I'm in no hurry to place the order.

If you are in no hurry, and will be monitoring things here on the screen issues, then you are likely to never get an iMac. :D There will always be complaints about screen issues, because electronics occasionally have defects, and people occasionally disagree with Apple's balance of price/features. ;)
i hate to say this to those who are suffering from bad screens, or numerous returns, but my new one seems much better - certainly nothing i'll be taking back (knock on wood in hopes the colors don't begin to shift dramatically). although there are still some very very slight shifts in brightness that i still notice (much less than the first one) and these shifts are so subtle that it seems like the right side is a little more bright than the middle and left side, whereas the last one seemed to go from cool blue to yellow, and the sides were quite dark.

also, there is still a bit of bleeding when the screen is all black, and these new light leaks are in almost the same exact place as the previous one, but they seem much less prominent than the previous one (although on my first iMac, the bleeding really wasn't that bad - mostly along the bottom, and a bit on the top left, but not in the corners or sides)

of interest, this model is from the same factory (china) and is the same week of production (10) as my first iMac.

when i took it to the apple store, it was more difficult for me to see the blue color cast that was on my faulty iMac because of the lighting in the store, and the technician was hesitent to let me return it as from what he could tell it was in spec. however, a second tech allowed me to change it in the end, even though they couldn't see any errors.

additionally, while i was at the apple store i was looking closely at a 24" iMac that was on display, and it honestly looked perfect. i couldn't test it for screen bleed by changing the screen all black, but it had absolutely no color casts (that i could see under the light of the Apple Store) and seemed equally backlit as well.
i hate to say this to those who are suffering from bad screens, or numerous returns, but my new one seems much better - certainly nothing i'll be taking back (knock on wood in hopes the colors don't begin to shift dramatically). although there are still some very very slight shifts in brightness that i still notice (much less than the first one) and these shifts are so subtle that it seems like the right side is a little more bright than the middle and left side, whereas the last one seemed to go from cool blue to yellow, and the sides were quite dark.

also, there is still a bit of bleeding when the screen is all black, and these new light leaks are in almost the same exact place as the previous one, but they seem much less prominent than the previous one (although on my first iMac, the bleeding really wasn't that bad - mostly along the bottom, and a bit on the top left, but not in the corners or sides)

of interest, this model is from the same factory (china) and is the same week of production (10) as my first iMac.

when i took it to the apple store, it was more difficult for me to see the blue color cast that was on my faulty iMac because of the lighting in the store, and the technician was hesitent to let me return it as from what he could tell it was in spec. however, a second tech allowed me to change it in the end, even though they couldn't see any errors.

additionally, while i was at the apple store i was looking closely at a 24" iMac that was on display, and it honestly looked perfect. i couldn't test it for screen bleed by changing the screen all black, but it had absolutely no color casts (that i could see under the light of the Apple Store) and seemed equally backlit as well.

Glad to hear you are happy with #2. What you are describing sounds a lot like how I feel mine is - not perfect, but very good to make me feel happy about it. There are good ones out there. Obviously there are bad ones out there too. At least Apple will take them back if you get a bad one. Now get on with it: do that video editing, photo management and other goodness made easy by everything Mac. :)
It is not possible to correct display non-uniformities with
software alone. Some professional monitors use software
to improve uniformity -- but that also requires specialized
display hardware and individual measurement/calibration
of each LCD panel assembly.


Apple did a firmware update to the graphics card to fix the LCD problems. It was not a software fix.
My new 3.06 has screen bleed and gradient issue.
I'm not going to exchange (unless it starts to really bug me) as having no apple store anywhere near me I'd have to send it back. It's also BTO so I'd be waiting weeks and weeks for it back/replacement.
Screen bleed is really noticeable when going into front row, goes up to about half way from each lower corner, and I didn;t notice gradient issue until this morning (as it is dark now). I can see it in grey/white backgrounded safari windows as lighter on the left.
Its a bit upsetting, but like i say, I'd be without a mac for soooo long if I told them about it, and chances are it wouldn't be fixed anyway (and no doubt I'd have to pay high postage costs if apple say its ok)
Overall though, i'm very happy with my iMac, and i wouldn't change my purchase.
i hate to say this to those who are suffering from bad screens, or numerous returns, but my new one seems much better - certainly nothing i'll be taking back (knock on wood in hopes the colors don't begin to shift dramatically).

I'm very glad to hear it, Darkroom. I feel (slightly) vindicated. I hope you enjoy the use of your fine new machine. :)
...although there are still some very very slight shifts in brightness that i still notice (much less than the first one) and these shifts are so subtle that it seems like the right side is a little more bright than the middle and left side, whereas the last one seemed to go from cool blue to yellow, and the sides were quite dark.

Glad to hear your replacement is an improvement Darkroom. I'm sure you're busy enjoying your new iMac, but if you have a few moments I'd be interested to see photos to compare with the previous ones you posted.

I'm keeping my 2nd iMac as it's an improvement over the first, but it's still not quite perfect. I'd like to see what others who've gone through the hassle of returning theirs are deeming acceptable.
Waiting for #2

I sent mine 3.06 back today. I almost asked for a refund to order a different apple product such as a macbook pro or pro but they are expensive. My machine was not as bad as some but probably worse than those that are happy. I figured its worth a shot. I hope to get it next week. Apple was good about the return process. I am relieved to hear that Darkroom is satisfied. That gives me some hope.
I wish getting an apple employee to look at it was possible for me. I've no idea if mine is average, the best, or terrible. the gradient issue was pretty obvious browsing sites this morning. I think I'm just going to have to leave it though, as I'd just have to post it off and wait for ages and ages probably to just have it sent back telling me "its fine".
Whats the turn aournd on sending it off anyway? Anyone done it in the UK? It'd prob go al the way to the US or something stupid. Mine BTO with a 750Gb too so not even sure if I'm alowed to send it back, and even if so, it'd no doubt make a replacement longer.
Its an amazing machine otherwise, I think I can live with it... I think... If my wife noticies it though then I may have to reconsider :eek:
Obviously there is a sample bias on this forum considering most people that will be adamant about screen bleeding on the 24' iMac will be people that are haveing problems wich screen bleeding, but I was just curious if anyone on this forums has the new iMac or knows someone else that has an iMac without any screen bleeding or gradient issues.

I am glad that some people have minimum screen problems and are able to deal with it, but in my opinion you should not have to settle at all especially when you pay that kind of money. I guess I expect a little too much, but anyway I just wanted to know if people got the screen as advertised or if basically all of them have problems.
anyway I just wanted to know if people got the screen as advertised or if basically all of them have problems.

I think that you will find that there are some very good ones out there on the gradient issues, and some out there on the backlight bleeding that are acceptable, but it has been posted here before that there is a design defect that is causing the bleeding - something about the way the screen comes together with some padding in the case.

Personally, it is my belief that most iMacs are acceptable on both issues, and that the there is indeed a forum bias that will amplify the appearance of any defects. Heck, even if that is not true, there is little to worry about, as Apple will give you another one if you get a dud. That has been proven time and again, even by the most adamant screen skeptics like Leon and Darkroom.
I wonder if Apple IS ever going to try and fix this. I mean sure, it's not something that EVERY single person has a problem with, but for the most part it's an issue.

But like many have mentioned, every nice thing has it's flaw. The white iMacs (especially the 24") were amazingly gorgeous, as are the Alum models, but even the white ones had their problems.

I'm sure the next big revamp will have it's signature flaw as well, but hey, nothing we can do.

Apple still makes beautiful machines that not only look good, but work too [for the most part], and that's what needs to be appreciated.

...blah, stupid screen bleed, haha.
Scaremongering seems to be the most consistent pastime here. One contributor has spent the best part of a dozen pages ranting about screens being defective, and then he simply gets a replacement and all is well.
In the meantime, all he has achieved is to spoil the pleasure of anticipation that many enjoy when buying a new computer, and instilled a sense of foreboding in those about to get their new iMac.
There must be many who will be receiving their new iMacs today who will switch on their new machines in trepidation, fearing the so-called widespread screen problems they've heard about on here. Others might even be swayed into needlessly spending more money on another computer/monitor because they've read all the waffle here and suspect that all the iMac screens are a liability.
My 3.06 24" iMac is fine. The only little thing that has drawn my attention is a bit of fan noise when the screen is tilted. No big deal. I know three other people with new iMacs and theirs are fine too. The iMacs I have checked out at Apple Stores all look excellent. On the other hand, you've read here about one poster who proudly claims to have exchanged his iMac FIFTEEN TIMES in a few days, because none of the screens were to his satisfaction. To me, this says a lot more about someone's mentality, than about the iMacs. Would YOU exchange a machine 15 times in a few days? Of course not. The very thought is ludicrous. And so is the idea that anyone would take the postings of such a person seriously.
Enjoy your iMacs! They're great machines.
Scaremongering seems to be the most consistent pastime here. One contributor has spent the best part of a dozen pages ranting about screens being defective, and then he simply gets a replacement and all is well.
In the meantime, all he has achieved is to spoil the pleasure of anticipation that many enjoy when buying a new computer, and instilled a sense of foreboding in those about to get their new iMac.
There must be many who will be receiving their new iMacs today who will switch on their new machines in trepidation, fearing the so-called widespread screen problems they've heard about on here. Others might even be swayed into needlessly spending more money on another computer/monitor because they've read all the waffle here and suspect that all the iMac screens are a liability.
My 3.06 24" iMac is fine. The only little thing that has drawn my attention is a bit of fan noise when the screen is tilted. No big deal. I know three other people with new iMacs and theirs are fine too. The iMacs I have checked out at Apple Stores all look excellent. On the other hand, you've read here about one poster who proudly claims to have exchanged his iMac FIFTEEN TIMES in a few days, because none of the screens were to his satisfaction. To me, this says a lot more about someone's mentality, than about the iMacs. Would YOU exchange a machine 15 times in a few days? Of course not. The very thought is ludicrous. And so is the idea that anyone would take the postings of such a person seriously.
Enjoy your iMacs! They're great machines.

He's speaking the truth... Of course I'm new to this forum, but my iMac is amazing, I noticed a slight gradient but fixed it by switching to Adobe 1998 as previous posters on here suggested. The iMacs are great machines, I was even almost scared to turn mine on the first time fearing it would have problems etc. But, turns out everything's fine. I was mostly scared because I'm in Calgary AB which means I would have to send it all the way back and it might take weeks, and even then it wouldn't mean my iMac was ok. It might have come back with an even worse gradient or even have a back light bleeding problem. I'm glad i didn't need to send it back 16 times like dantay :p
He's speaking the truth... Of course I'm new to this forum, but my iMac is amazing, I noticed a slight gradient but fixed it by switching to Adobe 1998 as previous posters on here suggested. The iMacs are great machines, I was even almost scared to turn mine on the first time fearing it would have problems etc. But, turns out everything's fine. I was mostly scared because I'm in Calgary AB which means I would have to send it all the way back and it might take weeks, and even then it wouldn't mean my iMac was ok. It might have come back with an even worse gradient or even have a back light bleeding problem. I'm glad i didn't need to send it back 16 times like dantay :p

Here is a 11 page thread and here is a 6 page thread full of people who agree with you two. :)

I do too, of course.
He's speaking the truth...

no, he's a fanboy... or an apple employee... the alu iMacs have screen issues, why is that so unbelievable? i love apple just as much as anyone and have been a mac user since the 90s, but seeing color gradients and light leaks (even if they're considered "acceptable") is really unfortunate for Apple and their long time users. it's a product design flaw, not fear mongering from online forums...

I noticed a slight gradient but fixed it by switching to Adobe 1998 as previous posters on here suggested.

Adobe (1998) profile covers it up better, but it doesn't "fix" the problem...
So if you think that a defective iMac is the exception rather than the rule, you are a "fanboy" now. Gee, the bar certainly has been lowered lately on the fanboy label.
no, he's a fanboy... or an apple employee... the alu iMacs have screen issues, why is that so unbelievable? i love apple just as much as anyone and have been a mac user since the 90s, but seeing color gradients and light leaks (even if they're considered "acceptable") is really unfortunate for Apple and their long time users. it's a product design flaw, not fear mongering from online forums...

Adobe (1998) profile covers it up better, but it doesn't "fix" the problem...

I agree with you too, as far as i know all iMacs have problems. The thing is, some can be fixed or covered up. Like my screen. I believe you. I know. Mine had a problem, but now i can't notice it. Apple has screwed up on these screens mostly, I'm not denying that. Just saying I'm extremely happy with mine, even though i shouldn't have to "cover it up" because Apple made a mistake and is obviously not doing anything about it.
no, he's a fanboy... or an apple employee....

I did mention a minor noise from the fans. Is that what you mean by "Fanboy"? And I have no connection to Apple whatsoever, apart from a couple of Applecare registrations.

However, IF I was an Apple Store manager and someone came in to change a computer for the 15th time in a few days, I think I'd be performing a public service if I informed the local authorities of his identity, so they could cart him off to an appropriate clinic for psychological evaluation.
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