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From people's examples I think I have a good one. Not a perfect one but cetainly a keeper. I have no large scale gradients, but the corners are a slightly different/darker colour cast. Particularly at the right hand side.

It makes a wonderful secondary display or gaming/TV/DVD/IM etc. monitor. I personally would've been a bit disappointed if it was to be my main display. Despite the obvious badness of glossy for things like photoshop, having the corners discoloured is a HUGE nono from a graphic design perspective. But! Some less demanding people wouldn't have even noticed the colour cast in the corner, so YMMV. For example I'm not going to point it out to anyone who looks at the screen when they're visiting, and I know not a single person will see it. :D
However, I noticed two things afterwards – certain software hadn't been installed (Garageband for example), and the screen seemed to me to have a newly-noticed, slight gradient....I did another erase install to ensure this observation wasn't pure chance. Sure enough, it did not install Garageband and a couple of other programs, and the screen was definitely slightly lighter on the left. A repeat install again worked fine (all software fully loaded), and the gradient was minimal (if it all), as at the very outset.

This is something I'd be interested in discussing further, perhaps in another thread?

I recently did an erase and install on a 20" iMac I was preparing for office use. Using disk utility has no effect. I did a fresh format, selected erase & install, then clicked customize. I was curious as to why Garage Band, etc., was grayed out. I thought "it must be a glitch in the installer, surely the programs will install". They didn't.

Strangely if you click the button to deselect all, you could then select Garage Band, etc., as well as any of the other software you want to install. Alternatively, you can install the software from the install disks in the finder, once the system has installed successfully and been configured.

I do find it a mystery that it grays out and doesn't install several pieces of software on every second system install. Does anyone else have any insight on this matter?
So out of curiousity now, what would it mean if I looked at this:
and saw a supposed gradient issue on my PowerBook? The right side is a bit darker and yellower and the text on the right is in fact less readable.

So would you say this is a similar issue? I've never noticed it in the least in the almost three years I've had this computer. Is this just another mostly manufactured issue by people who refuse to be satisfied? I've seen a few iMacs and they've all looked fine, other than what's more of a vertical gradient issue on the 20".
New Screens?

Having started this thread I thought people on here may be interested to know that I have got my hands on a decent 24" unit! It is without any visable bleed and no gradient. I gave up on the 24" after a whole lot of bad screens and dispite my advise my mate bought a 24" on monday from the Bluewater store in the UK. I went over to have a look at it and to my complete shock there was no gradient and no bleed.....the screen also seemed to have a slight pattern to the screen when it was on solid an even pattern of minute lines. I was really pleased so returned my 20" and got a 24" it is a completely different screen to look at. This unit and my mates are week 20's from the czech foxconn plant serial number's
VM820XXXXX. Does anyone know the comand to put in to see what panel is fitted? I looks very different to the LG/Philips panel on the other units i've seen. I can't believe at last that (for this batch from this plant) apple seem to have sorted out the screen issues on the 24" iMacs! :D:D:D:D
Having started this thread I thought people on here may be interested to know that I have got my hands on a decent 24" unit! It is without any visable bleed and no gradient. I gave up on the 24" after a whole lot of bad screens and dispite my advise my mate bought a 24" on monday from the Bluewater store in the UK. I went over to have a look at it and to my complete shock there was no gradient and no bleed.....the screen also seemed to have a slight pattern to the screen when it was on solid an even pattern of minute lines. I was really pleased so returned my 20" and got a 24" it is a completely different screen to look at. This unit and my mates are week 20's from the czech foxconn plant serial number's
VM820XXXXX. Does anyone know the comand to put in to see what panel is fitted? I looks very different to the LG/Philips panel on the other units i've seen. I can't believe at last that (for this batch from this plant) apple seem to have sorted out the screen issues on the 24" iMacs! :D:D:D:D

Check this out:
This unit and my mates are week 20's from the czech foxconn plant serial number's
VM820XXXXX. Does anyone know the comand to put in to see what panel is fitted? I looks very different to the LG/Philips panel on the other units i've seen. I can't believe at last that (for this batch from this plant) apple seem to have sorted out the screen issues on the 24" iMacs! :D:D:D:D

Sweet! I just called Apple after sales and got confirmed that my iMac 24" is assembled at this plant. I´m very interested in what panel you guys got, please put out the info here if you can :)
Sweet! I just called Apple after sales and got confirmed that my iMac 24" is assembled at this plant. I´m very interested in what panel you guys got, please put out the info here if you can :)

I've had a lot of VM units and they all had the bleed and gradient to some extent.....what i'm saying is that the WEEK 20's from this plant in mine and my mates experiance are sorted......i'd had week 10/14/16 from this plant and they were all dodgy with regard to screen issues!
I've had a lot of VM units and they all had the bleed and gradient to some extent.....what i'm saying is that the WEEK 20's from this plant in mine and my mates experiance are sorted......i'd had week 10/14/16 from this plant and they were all dodgy with regard to screen issues!

So hopefully everything past week 20 should be ok from this plant? :confused:
Mine was 17,668 from that week and my mates was 4,453 from that week and are both ok so would hope so :D

That would be awesome. Hopefully they fixed all these glitches by now, for sure there´s been enough complaints :rolleyes:
Does anyone know the comand to put in to see what panel is fitted? I looks very different to the LG/Philips panel on the other units i've seen. I can't believe at last that (for this batch from this plant) apple seem to have sorted out the screen issues on the 24" iMacs! :D:D:D:D

ioreg -lw0 | grep IODisplayEDID | sed "/[^<]*</s///" | xxd -p -r | strings -6

I would be VERY surprised if your 24" iMac contains a different panel but please do post your results.
ioreg -lw0 | grep IODisplayEDID | sed "/[^<]*</s///" | xxd -p -r | strings -6

I would be VERY surprised if your 24" iMac contains a different panel but please do post your results.

Cheers for that......i'd also be surprised if its a different panel.....maybe they have revised the panel as it is clearly different from the huge number of units I now have personal experience of......i'm just over the moon I have got a screen I really can't pic fault with.....i no longer have to try to con myself into thinking its ok.....I can just enjoy this great bit of kit. I really do feel for all the people out there with sub-par screens.
Just checked my new 24 inch 2.8 .. S/N SW881
and its got ..

LM240WU2-SLB1 Color LCD

SW eh? That's made in the states your screen is ok? If you give one more digit of your serial number we can see what week it is. The Apple store I got mine from first bought out a W8809 (China week 9) and I was like no thanks......good to see they are on top of stock rotation as the box was filthy dusty too. That code is the LG Philips panel btw
dantay .. here you go .. S/N SW8812, when i purchased the iMac , I got the store to un pack it , I set up my account
and spent Two hours checking it out ( used a USB with some screen check applications Etc ) in the bright lighting of the store every thing seemed to be OK, the machine ran well with every thing I could throw at it, so I paid for it and took it home . Once I set it up at home I re checked the machine over again , and could see a slight difference in the screen , a very very slight light gradient showing on the Left hand side , and a very slight back light bleed on the bottom left hand side about 1/2 inch long, when on a black background and No dead or stuck pixels showing

The machine has been running for Two weeks now , and I don't know weather its me getting use to the screen , but the gradient problem has gone . :confused:

The computer is for home use , nothing professional and I think I have to say that in my view , its just wonderful , may be Ive been in some way lucky.
just checked the screen.....its the same LG Philips panel so I can only say that it must have been modified in its backlight implementation and installation method maybe.....either way 2 units from the same week are very good and what I would have expected first time round :D
Here a long time reader, first time poster!

I received my iMac (3.06 4gb 8800GS, 500gig HD) at the beginning of may, occasionally seeing some gradient issues, most at start up, when the screen is cold. Now today i discovered a dot in the screen, looks like a bunch of pixels that er not functioning properly. Immediately called Apple, since they never heard of the gradient issue before (Apple Care the Netherlands, don't they ever read forums??) they want to use examine my iMac. As soon as they are going to pick mine up, a replacement is being ordered.

Great service, however I will be iMac-less for about a week. This one was made in Tsjech Republic as-well, hope the new one has the good screen, I'll keep everyone posted!
i reluctantly told the apple sales woman on the phone that i would keep my 2nd replacement because even though it still has a gradient and screen bleed, it wasn't as bad as the first one, and that i assumed they would all be like this...

something new i noticed recently: when the screen is cold (on start up) there is a large dark patch that takes up nearly the entire center of the screen... seems ghetto, although it does disappear eventually.

i am now about a week past my 14 day return period, but i have apple care. what are my options? can i send this in to have the screen replaced at any time during the next 3 years? or since i "accepted" the screen does that mean that i now have to live with it?
i reluctantly told the apple sales woman on the phone that i would keep my 2nd replacement because even though it still has a gradient and screen bleed, it wasn't as bad as the first one, and that i assumed they would all be like this...

something new i noticed recently: when the screen is cold (on start up) there is a large dark patch that takes up nearly the entire center of the screen... seems ghetto, although it does disappear eventually.

i am now about a week past my 14 day return period, but i have apple care. what are my options? can i send this in to have the screen replaced at any time during the next 3 years? or since i "accepted" the screen does that mean that i now have to live with it?

I dunno mate.....its a bummer you have to con yourself into accepting sub-par goods from apple at all. I would speak to them and tell them your story and see what they say. I found looking at posts on this forum especially painfull as the background colour made the gradient look like some kind of colour wash.....completely unacceptable.
Good luck getting a resolution and ideally a week 20 unit :D
i am now about a week past my 14 day return period, but i have apple care. what are my options? can i send this in to have the screen replaced at any time during the next 3 years? or since i "accepted" the screen does that mean that i now have to live with it?

Unless you have a seriously obvious gradient (like Leon Kowalski's famous 2.5 to 1 machine) I think you will have a seriously difficult time getting your screen replaced. The two screen replacements under Applecare on my 24" iMac were both for obvious physical defects (a smudge on the panel and a bad backlight). I lucked out on the last replacement as it has no gradient to speak of and very minimal backlight bleed.

The "large dark patch" doesn't sound right at all. Not sure what's going on there. I did notice that with my prior panels with some gradient the problem seemed to lessen once the backlight warmed up.
Unless you have a seriously obvious gradient (like Leon Kowalski's famous 2.5 to 1 machine) I think you will have a seriously difficult time getting your screen replaced. The two screen replacements under Applecare on my 24" iMac were both for obvious physical defects (a smudge on the panel and a bad backlight). I lucked out on the last replacement as it has no gradient to speak of and very minimal backlight bleed.

The "large dark patch" doesn't sound right at all. Not sure what's going on there. I did notice that with my prior panels with some gradient the problem seemed to lessen once the backlight warmed up.

my gradient seems worse now... in fact, it's similar to those screens you showed me... i just don't notice them on a normal basis because i have set my desktop to the spacey 10.5 image instead of my normal medium grey (for obvious reasons)... it's noticeable on medium grey and light colors. also. and it seems that the screen bleeding has gotten worse - i don't remember it being as bad before...

wouldn't they replace the panel because of screen bleeding?

i just shot these: medium gray (over exposed), medium gray (under exposed), black (with some reflections - don't mind them).


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That bleed isn't too bad tbh.....the gradient is more the deal breaker.
That bleed isn't too bad tbh.....the gradient is more the deal breaker.

in normal use, the screen bleed doesn't affect me that much, only when i'm working on dark images / night shots in full screen (which can be often), but the color shifts are constant and most annoying... my screen is calibrated in those shots too, it's much much worse with the default iMac calibration.

i can't be without a computer for any period of time really, so i have to wait until i go on vacation to send it in for fixing. the apple store isn't close to me so i didn't really have the option of going there repeatedly - i live in the city so don't have (need) a car, and renting a car to go to the apple store to hopefully get an iMac with a good screen isn't something i was willing to do continuously... once was bad enough.

when it's time for me to send it in, if they tell me they won't fix it i'll freak out at them.
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