i just ordered Apple Care JUST so i could have onsite service on my display... i even checked online and asked apple on the phone if my desktop computer could get onsite service because of my iMac's gradient... i don't exactly live close to an apple store, nor do i care to pack and carry this heavy 24" iMac all the way across town...
"sure no problem, just give me your credit card number for Apple Care and then i'll transfer you to an onsite technician"...
"hi, i'm an onsite technician, and i can't do an onsite evaluation of your screen because i don't have the equipment to do so, you'll have to take it back to the apple store... bye!"...
Holy cow, what sort of service are you expecting?!? A gradient is not a "fixable" problem by any Apple tech. The only service is replacement of the panel. If you're within the 14 days of initial purchase most gradient-sensitive folks just replace the entire machine (I've even heard of some cats who exchanged iMacs up to 16 times!
I don't live anywhere near an Apple Store either but I have realistic expectations and nothing but great experiences with Applecare.
I had a slight smudge on the initial LCD panel that shipped with my current iMac that I didn't even notice until about 4 months into using it. I called Apple and they sent out a courier with all the boxes for shipping and picked it up. It was back within 4 days with a new LCD panel. When that LCD panel's backlight developed problems about 2 weeks ago I called them again and the same deal, only it was back in 3 days this time.
Oh, by the way, it may be a little late for you but if you ordered Applecare from Apple you paid too much. You can get it far cheaper from L.A. Computer (as I did) or on eBay.