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This is indeed great news! Waiting on my iMac i5 to ship, I've followed this thread with hope of a fix for these problems before my delivery. Billy, your iMac recommendation is very gracious and comforting especially after all you've been through. Thanks!


I will go to my university apple store and order a i5... Can't wait :)
To all those worrying about the heat of the iMac case, it is better to have the CPU running at 65C with the case at (say) 55C than to have the CPU at 95C and the case at 25C. As has been mentioned already, the iMac case is used as a secondary heatsink which is a good thing! Really it is! :)

Think of your car engine, would you prefer the engine to be at 100C and the radiator at 80C or would you prefer the engine to be at 120C and the radiator at 60C? Both scenarios have the same average temperature (90C) but one will cause the engine to overheat.

As an engineer (electronics) I can say that I have absolutely no concerns about the thermal design of my iMac. In fact it is way better than any tower based PC I have ever owned and is highly energy efficient and ultra-quiet at the same time. A really great piece of design from Apple IMHO.

Users should concentrate on "using" and let the engineers engineer!

No disrespect intended here by the way - I am a good engineer but a crap graphics designer. I'm sure there are many graphics designers out there who don't know anything about engineering (for example).

this is misleading. oftentimes the cpu itself of mac products are higher than their pc counterparts. yes, the aluminum shell helps in acting as a heatsink.. but you still have parts crammed into a made space as THIN as possible and with less fans.. which produces massive heat.

consumers should definitely be aware whether their mac produces too much heat... remember just 3-4 years ago where macbook pros could COOK eggs?
this is misleading. oftentimes the cpu itself of mac products are higher than their pc counterparts. yes, the aluminum shell helps in acting as a heatsink.. but you still have parts crammed into a made space as THIN as possible and with less fans.. which produces massive heat.

consumers should definitely be aware whether their mac produces too much heat... remember just 3-4 years ago where macbook pros could COOK eggs?

My now defunct Gateway laptop could almost fry the bacon:D. The scrambled eggs made a real mess:(. Several years ago there were bad batteries across many manufacturer's brands. I just replaced my late 2006 MBP 17" battery. The MBP stays on from 6 to 12 hours per day. Yes, it gets hot and I use a lap desk when it's on my lap. Three years of use is very good for a battery. I'm sure the i7 will get very warm if not hot since the i7 Nehalem in use is the newer (released September 2009 per Intel) desktop version and not a laptop processor. Perhaps that's one reason for the 27" display, to help dissipate the heat. I thought the 24" was beautiful but the 27" is WOW. Just wait for the dual 12 core MacPro. It will weigh in at 110 pounds which includes the built-in 5,000 btu air conditioner:):):)
Updated last night all issues are fine EXCEPT screen flickering! This is getting very annoying.. :mad:
Anyone else have an issue of their 27'' iMac scratching CDs? I'm returning mine in a few days to upgrade to quad core anyway, but this is a disappointing thing to see.
Why are people concerned about the temperature of the case of their iMac? I don't know about you guys, but I don't spend my time feeling up the back of my computer. I type on a room temperature keyboard and point with a slightly warmer mouse. I've yet to experience any burns from using my computer as intended.
Why are people concerned about the temperature of the case of their iMac? I don't know about you guys, but I don't spend my time feeling up the back of my computer. I type on a room temperature keyboard and point with a slightly warmer mouse. I've yet to experience any burns from using my computer as intended.

I guess if you haven't got a girl, It's the next best thing ;)
Did the update, still getting the screen flicker issue, but otherwise the problems seem to have been resolved. Well, I have two other issues, but those require independent updates:

The magic mouse still tracks way too slow.

"Faces" in iPhoto doesn't pull up any additional pictures besides the ones I have manually tagged. In short, it's not working.

Hopefully Apple continues to update their software, which they always do, given time.
not fixed by 10.6.2

I just installed the 10.6.2 update. Prior to this, I had the flashing screen problem many have written about, but I resolved it by installing Shades to control screen brightness. WELL, the 10.6.2 update has caused the flashes, and now complete screen blanking also, to return with a vengeance.
download and install MZoom to speed up magic mouse

Did the update, still getting the screen flicker issue, but otherwise the problems seem to have been resolved. Well, I have two other issues, but those require independent updates:

The magic mouse still tracks way too slow.

"Faces" in iPhoto doesn't pull up any additional pictures besides the ones I have manually tagged. In short, it's not working.

Hopefully Apple continues to update their software, which they always do, given time.

The problem with Apple as of late is that
is is rushing product out the door without
giving it enough test time.

The first most obvious problem was the
iPhone. It was rushed out to the masses
before it should have. Fortunately, most
of the original issues with the phone were
addressed with software updates.

In the case of the new iMac announcements
I think those were rushed out as well to
coincide with and offset the release of
Windows 7. It's becoming more and more
apparent that these new 27" machines perhaps
should have gone through further real-time

Well thats what you get when you pay attention and respond to windows users. Windows users were talking crap about apple not embracing new technologies and always being one step behind on video cards and stuff and not having the latest in tech. Here is the result. This is why windows is crap cuz they are rushing. And now apple took after them and rushing too. Welcome to betaapple mr guini piggies. Plus you got to embrace the other fact that nvidia and ati I mean amd are at killing each other and rushing products as well this is where unhealthy competition will get you. Defective video cards are just the norm. And not to mention this green initiative is getting on my nerves. Think about it you spin down a van that consumes .00001 watts perhaps a year that is going to save our planet ha. What ********. You save the planet by saving .00001 watt and destroying a video card so you can sell more and that will waist more ha!?!? You risk destroying a $500 card by saving what $2.00 a year. How much could a fan spinning at 2000 rpm year long consume? Also why is the fan not controlled by instruction flow to the gpu and not a temp spike. Isn't a temp spike just a little to late since your balls are done by that time. I know computers are fast but when it comes to video chips frying all it takes is nano seconds and it seems that we are taking to the other side of the tolerance. Why do we have to take the heat close to the almost dead side. We turn on the cooling fan or spin it up almost before we fry the card? And wonder why in most cases we do. And we get the flicker and the blank out screens and the artifacts. My friend had a mac pro for years with a crap 1900 ati card and it would always sound like a jet engine taking off. Artifacts and screen errors were a common place for him. Every time we take the machine in service the man stupid i mean genius would ******** us that it was in our head and they could not reproduce the errors so finally we took screen shots to prove it and they swap out the card with a newer shrink in nano process i think it went from 80 to 50 nano so no heating problem now. I guess will have to see in the summer time cuz it took them to winter to own up to their mistake. I'll have to see my imac 27 inch in the summer too. If i get flickers 2 days after my running it in -20 temps in chicago what should I expect in the summer when its going to be 100 plus. I can only imagine.
Still flickering?

Is the iMac 27" screen still flickering? I am asking this because I am maybe gonna buy one soon. And by the way... Is the i7 core working fine or should I get the i5? And still one question... Are the Magic Mouse and wireless keyboard a better pick than wired keyboard and the normal mouse? I have heard that the Magic Mouse doesn't work, that is empties the battery of itself and of the keyboard in a few weeks, and that it get's scratched easily. I haven't tried it so I can't know but this is what I have heard and read.

Thanks in advance for any answers! :apple:
Noise Located

I just bought a new 21.5 iMAC a few weeks ago and today it started making some weird static-like noises from the internal speakers. I don't have any others but, would imagine they would have made the sound also. Since it just started today, I back-tracked what I had done in the past couple days and I located the culprit. I had recently, today, downloaded a "gadget" on my iGoogle home page. It had an animation running, even though I wasn't playing the game. When I had the iTunes app focused (active) on my screen and a drop of blood fell to the bottom of the gadget's window, it would make the noise. The iMAC didn't make any noises unless I had the iTunes app active on my screen. I deleted the gadget and all is well. Having 25 years of SR. technical support experience and building Telecommunications networks from scratch has taught me a few key things.

1- Don't over-think the problem
2- Always document changes, just in-case you have to run backwards
3- Exhaust your options before pointing the finger

I hope this helps someone and prevents them from wasting a bunch of time.
I just bought a new 21.5 iMAC a few weeks ago and today it started making some weird static-like noises from the internal speakers. I don't have any others but, would imagine they would have made the sound also. Since it just started today, I back-tracked what I had done in the past couple days and I located the culprit. I had recently, today, downloaded a "gadget" on my iGoogle home page. It had an animation running, even though I wasn't playing the game. When I had the iTunes app focused (active) on my screen and a drop of blood fell to the bottom of the gadget's window, it would make the noise. The iMAC didn't make any noises unless I had the iTunes app active on my screen. I deleted the gadget and all is well. Having 25 years of SR. technical support experience and building Telecommunications networks from scratch has taught me a few key things.

1- Don't over-think the problem
2- Always document changes, just in-case you have to run backwards
3- Exhaust your options before pointing the finger

I hope this helps someone and prevents them from wasting a bunch of time.

HeHe Good thinkin :) , im glad you figured out your problem. I've always thought the same away about my gadgets and tech, always tried to fix it at home without even taking it in store ( you can say I'm a Tech Freak ) , so yea its good that you remembered what you did on your iMac that may have caused it.

Have Fun :)
No, this is what happens when technology advances and Apple is incapable of incorporating it into their products. The technology works for other manufacturers. Is Apple inept?


Apple sells user image, slick industrial design and usability, only modestly "capability". We have a thousand threads around here that wonder shy Apple lags on some technology. It just isn't that important to them.

Get over it

Well thats what you get when you pay attention and respond to windows users. Windows users were talking crap about apple not embracing new technologies and always being one step behind on video cards and stuff and not having the latest in tech. Here is the result. This is why windows is crap cuz they are rushing. And now apple took after them and rushing too.
The new lynnfield iMacs aren't lagging behind on tech at all.

At the time of their announcement, the new iMacs have the lynnfield i7s and the mobility 4850, both of which were introduced on the same month.

You could make an argument about no SSD option, but that is very expensive.
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