Fortunately, iMac's now come with a full one year warranty included.
for $2000 1 year of piece of mind is not good enough....
also bringing it into the apple store is a nag.
Build it fir longevity
Fortunately, iMac's now come with a full one year warranty included.
Base model 27"er is great for gaming. Under XP modern titles like Race Driver: Grid are silky smooth, provided I drop the res to 1920x1080.
Wouldn't be needed on the quad with the better video card. 2560x1440 in current games is a bit much for it.
Running the LCD in a lower res also smoothes out the graphics.
which part, gaming or failure through heat?
play what game? apple mouse are horrible for fast action 3d shooter, gpu not powerful enough for 3d game.
as for heat, dun think everyone live in uk, cool most of time, what about singapore, thailand , malaysia, texas, mexico, can you guarantee there will not be a heat problem. you live in a well, you cannot see the world from the well.
for $2000 1 year of piece of mind is not good enough....
also bringing it into the apple store is a nag.
Build it fir longevity
Hey Sherlock, you fail Detective 101.
This is what was posted on Engadget (and
I am actually quoting it which you should
have done)...
A big uptick sounds to me like a sizeable
amount of people -- enough for a news
website like Engadget and CNET to take
And, "Mr. I Can't Read Before Commenting,"
I never said it was just based on complaints on
THIS board. Where did I say that? In fact,
IF YOU ACTUALLY READ what I posted I said
that the Apple Discussion Forums are full of
complaints as well. In fact, the Engadget
article references that particular forum.
And hardly is anyone saying "The sky is
falling down." You actually said it, nobody
else did. The concern brought up here is
that mixed in with all the GOOD iMacs that
nobody is having a problem with is a
noticeable amount of individuals with the
SAME problems. Don't you think at the
very least that should be a concern? Seems
that CNET and ENGADGET did.
So THINK next time before you POST!
I have updated this post with information from a phone call with Apple today.
Geez, I thought you went away.
We still rehashing this stuff 2 pages later?
Dude, it doesn't matter if CNET or ENGADGET
said they had no problems with their machines.
The point is, there were enough people
complaining across the Internet for those
websites to hear them.
Don't you get it?
Please feel free to rehash this in another
day or two after we moved on.
It's like you read my original post, took out of
it what you THOUGHT I said, accused me of
saying things I didn't and every time I respond
trying to correct you it doesn't seep in.
What I write is perfectly understandable.
Thank you anyway.
I am afraid you are misinformed on this matter. When we are reading, our brains do not process information in a simple word-by-word linear fashion, but instead, we scan ahead and integrate those words ahead into our reading experience, giving that experience a familiar conversational flow. Natural breaks, such as periods and paragraph breaks, mirror the pauses in spoken conversation. The style in which you are posting gives the reader a disjointed sensation, as if you were pausing in the middle of a sentence for no apparent reason, and has a tendency to make the reader feel hostile toward your post, whether or not they agree with its content. I actually skip reading most of your posts because of this, and it seems as if many people who still do read them react to them in an uncharacteristically hostile
What I write is perfectly understandable.
Thank you anyway.
you shouldn write it that way. doesnt sound good, its strange, and its a pain to read. sorry but im being honest
You can't declare 'Failure through heat' because the iMac gets hot to the touch, as it's always been since they went aluminium.
UK houses tend not to be the same temperature as the outdoors. 70F tends to be the indoor temperature throughout the world, due to heating or air conditioning. And iMacs have hardly been failing in droves in hot countries.
Apple mouse = horrible = opinion.
If the GPU is not powerful enough, how come my Radeon 2600 - a weaker GPU - manages fine.
This thread is making me hesitant on purchasing my iMac tomorrow...But I still think I will go ahead and buy it. I know that people are having problems, but some on this board have not experienced problems. I hope I won't have problems with my iMac.
I was going to purchase my 27in tomorrow too, but this thread scared me...I'm still going to make a trip there, but now I don't feel 100% positive in making a purchase.