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Hey @all,

I've been following this thread for weeks now. It really really concerned me as I am planning on getting the 27".

It's a pitty that so many of you have problems with the flickering and memory leakage.

However, regarding that heat "issue", I have to say that I cannot quite understand. Yesterday, I finally got the chance to check it out at a local store. I was touching the back of the iMac as if I had some sort of fetish. It was warm but far from hot. In comparison to each notebook I ever owned, it was NOT HOT AT ALL. It was late yesterday so it must have run the entire already so at least with that heat issue which seemed abnormal.

I was honestly think that it would get so hot that you could not even touch it.

Crossing my fingers for all of you that have existing problems!


I understand your concerns but I'm pretty sure that this forum will be filled with happy posts in a few days/weeks/months when Apple finds the root of all this iMac-evil and decides to update.
Almost every first-run product has problems, but I agree that this is just frustrating, since I already ordered one..

I guess we just have to wait.. sigh..
Same Here

I'm having the exact same issues as OP, have not bothered to return it as I'll get the usual from support - "Have you plugged in the power cord" .. I can only presume (hope) that 10.6.2 will be here any day now. Starting to regret selling my 24" previous model now.

Edit: Just to add, I am also experiencing the screen flickering issues that are being talked about. I doubt this could be software related?
I guess that has something to do with the system becoming very hot,
which is software related in my opinion. but I'm not very familiar with this..

It certainly doesn't look healthy! I spent €1500 on this machine hoping for quality and I have been let down - not a great sign when your a recent switcher.
It certainly doesn't look healthy! I spent €1500 on this machine hoping for quality and I have been let down - not a great sign when your a recent switcher.

true that, what i would suggest is call helpdesk and ask...
I really think that there's a big chance a lot of these problems will be fixed with the new forthcoming update of OSX. (sorry for my english again.)

Apple always finds a way to make it up to you, don't worry
I really don't have the time to call, they ask really silly questions like "Is the computer plugged in to a power outlet? Have you restored? Have you reset PRAM? " Things like that..
We received 3 broken iMac's 27" standard config 10 days ago.

iMac 1
yellow screen (approx 1/3 from bottom up)
slowing down in time
extremely unstable
flickering screen / complete fallout
very slow startup (fixed)

iMac 2
yellow screen (approx 1/3 from bottom up)
slowing down in time
very slow startup (partially fixed)

iMac 3
slowing down in time
very slow startup (fixed)

We are still waiting for approvement to send back iMac 1 and iMac 2. We hope iMac 3 can be fixed with an update.
But we are extremely disappointed with the QC of Apple and the service of the Apple dealer.
He told me all iMac 27" orders are on hold, also from the Apple store, and no iMac is being delivered. He also told me they are waiting to hear from Apple if they are going to issue a recall of all new iMacs.

I'm from the Netherlands fwiw.
Im a very recent switcher to mac, all of one week, i got the 27" version and have had no problems at all, it may be as i am in the UK so received different batch? Or they may have sorted the problem out.... Who knows, all i can say is its an amazing piece of kit...
10.6.2 is out!

can anyone with issues (slow flash/airport/choppiness) chack if it fixed it ?

Do not have (yet) a 27" i5, but i'm downloading anyways the update, it has been crashing some apps - illustrator, photoshop and so on, and so on, design like programs, and it never did it, not even did the Kernel panic appeard

see if this does anything
Just finished the download. I hope it solves the problem because it is annoying to have to put the comp to sleep every hour or so. BTW this problem is not exclusive to USA cause I'm in New Zealand my 27" iMac acts up too. So hopefully if this doesn't fix it Apple will fix it soon.
Just finished the download. I hope it solves the problem because it is annoying to have to put the comp to sleep every hour or so. BTW this problem is not exclusive to USA cause I'm in New Zealand my 27" iMac acts up too. So hopefully if this doesn't fix it Apple will fix it soon.

Can you inform us if the update fixes your problems. Would be very nice if this fixes all the slowing downs of new iMacs :D Still waiting for mine to ship and I have been very stressed because all the problems coming up in the forumposts..
Can you inform us if the update fixes your problems. Would be very nice if this fixes all the slowing downs of new iMacs :D Still waiting for mine to ship and I have been very stressed because all the problems coming up in the forumposts..

I can't find an exact quote, but according to multiple users on this thread, it fixes both the airport related slowdowns while browsing and also the backlight bug.

Has anyone downloaded the software and found any fixes on the "bugs" the iMacs had? Tomorrow seems like the day to finally purchase my iMac. I just would like to make sure. Thanks!

Then why are my new Mac Mini -- whose processor is almost as fast as the iMac's -- and my 24" ACD display completely cool? I think it has more to do with the power supply being integrated into the display.

Because your ACD doesn't have a processor in it, nor a graphics card. In your mini, the processor insulated from the outside case by more space than in the iMac. The iMac has a heatsink right next to the aluminium case...
To all those worrying about the heat of the iMac case, it is better to have the CPU running at 65C with the case at (say) 55C than to have the CPU at 95C and the case at 25C. As has been mentioned already, the iMac case is used as a secondary heatsink which is a good thing! Really it is! :)

Think of your car engine, would you prefer the engine to be at 100C and the radiator at 80C or would you prefer the engine to be at 120C and the radiator at 60C? Both scenarios have the same average temperature (90C) but one will cause the engine to overheat.

As an engineer (electronics) I can say that I have absolutely no concerns about the thermal design of my iMac. In fact it is way better than any tower based PC I have ever owned and is highly energy efficient and ultra-quiet at the same time. A really great piece of design from Apple IMHO.

Users should concentrate on "using" and let the engineers engineer!

No disrespect intended here by the way - I am a good engineer but a crap graphics designer. I'm sure there are many graphics designers out there who don't know anything about engineering (for example).
To all those worrying about the heat of the iMac case, it is better to have the CPU running at 65C with the case at (say) 55C than to have the CPU at 95C and the case at 25C. As has been mentioned already, the iMac case is used as a secondary heatsink which is a good thing! Really it is! :)

Totally agree with you, so many posters have been going on about the heat at the back of the iMac as if it's a problem where as I see it that the aluminum case is doing its job. It's amused me that people have been banging on about this as though Apple had never even considered the dissipation of heat of the iMac.
UPDATE 11/9/09: Apple released OS update 10.6.2 which had now fixed all the above issues. I have been using the computer for over a hour now with no slowdown issues and the interference sounds coming through my Bose speakers is even gone. The machine finally works how it should! Thanks to everyone for their input and suggestions. I would highly recommend purchasing a new iMac now that they have fixed the problem.:D

This is indeed great news! Waiting on my iMac i5 to ship, I've followed this thread with hope of a fix for these problems before my delivery. Billy, your iMac recommendation is very gracious and comforting especially after all you've been through. Thanks!
I think I havent experienced real probs yet, I ws unable to download the Avatar trailer and play it in HD, but apat from that everything is fine with my 27".And boy, is this a nice display, it feels so CRT like that it makes working a joy again (after my average experiences on PCs with non-glossy displays...)
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