Hey @all,
I've been following this thread for weeks now. It really really concerned me as I am planning on getting the 27".
It's a pitty that so many of you have problems with the flickering and memory leakage.
However, regarding that heat "issue", I have to say that I cannot quite understand. Yesterday, I finally got the chance to check it out at a local store. I was touching the back of the iMac as if I had some sort of fetish. It was warm but far from hot. In comparison to each notebook I ever owned, it was NOT HOT AT ALL. It was late yesterday so it must have run the entire already so at least with that one...no heat issue which seemed abnormal.
I was honestly think that it would get so hot that you could not even touch it.
Crossing my fingers for all of you that have existing problems!
I understand your concerns but I'm pretty sure that this forum will be filled with happy posts in a few days/weeks/months when Apple finds the root of all this iMac-evil and decides to update.
Almost every first-run product has problems, but I agree that this is just frustrating, since I already ordered one..
I guess we just have to wait.. sigh..