Too bad... It's sad that many many people don't see the advantages of OS X and jumps quickly to conclusions... Perhaps if Apple had more users, it would change.
Chicken and Egg
Not when their marketshare is about 9 to 1 to begin with, I don't.
Apple was a major in the beginning .....
none of these AIO are new. they have been out for quite some time now, and still dont pull enough traffic to them to be much of a "threat" to mac.
Nah ..... all their previous attempts at an AIO were abysmal and not a patch on the iMac ..... now they are getting almost as good as Steve !!
to top things off. this is just another thread of "steve didnt give me what i wanted".
You bet your ass it is !!
First of all, the iPhone could be smelt 6 months before it was released with the rampant rumors. The iPhone story has nothing to do with the current topic.
The point being that people wanted Apple to produce a phone for years ..... and they did eventually ..... they wanted 3G ..... and they made it happen !!
Until then, guys like you would say just what you said to me before ..... Apple will never please you ..... go buy a Nokia !!
Apple won't ever put a TV tuner into its Mac. Why would it do that when it's trying to sell you TV shows through iTunes?
Apple is starting to forget about physical media. Because of this, no SD card slot.
Better graphics card? Sure, why not.
iSight lens cover? This would ruin the aesthetic, and would be pretty inconvenient.
All true ..... but .....
People do want a TV Tuner which is why independent manufactures are making money supplying them ..... Apple could cut them out and divert that revenue to themselves by offering this feature as an Option .....
Physical Media surely will die when kickass broadband and the "cloud" really takes off ..... but that is years away (probably even further away now that the economy is in a downward spiral) ..... they should offer SD and BluRay as an Option ..... Apple is losing sales in the meantime .....
As far as the iSight is concerned, that's no big deal really as the iPatch solves the problem for 5 bucks ..... however, WebCams started off having a Lens Cover and now that there is so much paranoia about the Government and NWO etc, they may well come back in demand !!
Now give me one good reason why Apple cant make a matching Mouse and Remote ??
So yes, it's clear you're unhappy about the update, but apple really can't (and won't ever) please everybody.
Indeed ..... but they could at least "try" to please more people ..... their market share clearly shows they aren't !!
Sorry mate but it's alot harder to hack because of it's Unix roots. It may have a smaller market share BUT is the better computer always.
OSX ftw please.
Not according to Non-MacGeeks !!
Apple OS X more vulnerable than Vista
OSX and Linux are more vulnerable than Windows
Apple Displaces Microsoft in Patch Reports
Never the less, OSX still pwns Windows
You've been thinking about getting an iMac for two years now, waiting for it to be "perfect" according to your criteria.
Actually it's been almost three years ..... unfortunately Apple doesn't want my money !!