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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 30, 2008
I ordered a BTO iMac on Monday around 4pm ET and it hasn't shipped yet.

Has anybody else's BTO iMac shipped yet?

Mine has (UK). Sorry.
It was estimated to ship today, but last night (20:30ish) it said "prepared for shipment" and this morning (05:00am) it says it was shipped yestuday and has a sooner delivery estimate than it previously did, so they must be getting through them.
My order was a top end 24", it was configured with a 750Gb hard drive increase and wireless kb/mouse. Order placed on 28th at 13:42 GMT via the royal mail employee purchase program apple store (not that I expect that makes a any difference to delivery times)
Mine hasn't shipped yet either

I ordered a new 3.06 imac Monday evening (around 8pm CST) customized with a 1 TB hard drive and a wireless keyboard, and it still has not shipped. Getting very impatient!
ordered monday and still not shipped :eek:

what did it say for "ships by" date in your order?
It said Ships by: April 29 - May 1 for the iMac.

ok thats what i expected - if everything goes well, it should ship by midnight tonight haha
so let us know by then what the status is.
good luck!

i'm just hoping they aren't running slow or waiting for more systems or anything weird like that
Did yours say April 29-May 1 as well? Will let you know when it ships out... good luck to you too!

my first post was confusing sorry - i was reacting to your post. i ordered mine on tuesday so it is supposed to ship by tmrw night
Ordered monday morning, shipped Wednesday (30th) evening.
Estimated delivery is May 2nd. Fedex shipping from RANCHO CORDOVA, CA
I ordered a build to order iMac on Monday morning and it said it had shipped yesterday, the 30th, and should be here tomorrow. Mine said ships April 29th-May 1st also. :apple:
I ordered a top-of-the-line 24" iMac with a 750GB Hard Drive on Monday afternoon. It say on Apple's site that it shipped on the 30th, but UPS' website has the status at 'received billing details'...

Good news is that my 4Gb of Crucial RAM arrive this morning
Ordered mine about 30 minutes after it went on sale. I got the 3.06ghz with a 1TB HD, two-day shipping. It shipped Tuesday and arrived an hour ago! Now I just need to lug it home on the subway.
Ordered mine about 30 minutes after it went on sale. I got the 3.06ghz with a 1TB HD, two-day shipping. It shipped Tuesday and arrived an hour ago! Now I just need to lug it home on the subway.

Didn't they deliver it to your home?

Mine has an estimated delivery date of 7th May. I'm so excited! Probably the 1st thing I am going to do is install Windows and play Half-Life 2: The Orange Box.
Czech holiday

I ordered my 3.06G/750GB/4GB on Monday evening here in London with an estimated shipping of 1 May / delivery 7-8 May and it's been sitting on 'Prepared for shipping' for the past couple of days.

I just received an email from the Apple Store saying there was a public holiday in the Czech Republic yesterday and it'll be shipping sometime today instead.

May day fun!
I ordered my 3.06G/750GB/4GB on Monday evening here in London with an estimated shipping of 1 May / delivery 7-8 May and it's been sitting on 'Prepared for shipping' for the past couple of days.

I just received an email from the Apple Store saying there was a public holiday in the Czech Republic yesterday and it'll be shipping sometime today instead.

May day fun!

Thanks for that info! i was starting to wonder why mine was stuck on 'Prepared for shipping' the last 2 days.
Regent Street in London is fully stocked. Maybe some UK people who are waiting might want to pay a visit to their local Apple Store and then cancel the online order.
Regent Street in London is fully stocked. Maybe some UK people who are waiting might want to pay a visit to their local Apple Store and then cancel the online order.

Thanks - but an order can't be cancelled once it's entered 'Prepared for shipment'
Mine finally switched from "Prepared for Shipment" to "Shipped" some time late last night after I went to bed. So they just barely got it shipped by the promised May 1.
3.06 ordered on Wednesday 30th, stock with the exception of 750Gb HD.

Not shipped yet. Says "delivery due 8th May".
Come on hurry up and get it shipped :apple:
Mine went from "Prepared to ship" (I was going to cancel it and go buy one at the store when this happened... heh. Damn.) to shipped sometime last night as well. Fed Ex'd and is in Sacramento right now. Delivery says tomorrow.


That would be cool.
I ordered a 3.06 ghz system on Wednesday evening. I went with the standard build, but my order said something about it being customized.

But it shipped this morning. Expected delivery: 5/7. That's my wife's birthday. It's going to be hard not to play with the new iMac on her birthday. :)
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