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Both are great ads. I really like apple going back to their roots and recognizing how they got to the present. Seeing the two ads side-by-side is the coolest part of it all. Apple being able to analyze the past will be key in keeping the company true to the customer, as it always has. They cannot forget this, if they do, they will be just another company. They need to keep thinking different.
I'm glad to see that Apple is finally moving away from the stupid minimalist commercials. I am so tired of the white background with the disembodied hand typing on the iPhone while corny preschool music is playing in the background.

Finally some change.

Now a NEWTON, I would BUY. A Newton can fit in your back pocket. An iPad needs a bag. That was the nail in the coffin for me.

...sticking with my iPhone because I just don't want to lug around this big huge thing.

The Newton was a decade before its time - it was an incredible piece of technology, and with ads that good, I'm surprised they ever went away. :eek:
"The Apple Newton was the first Personal Digital Assistant"

Jeff Hawkins would disagree with you, Arn. But let's not get into that sticky discussion. Let's agree Apple was the first company to use the term "PDA" and apply it to the class of handheld to which the Newton belonged. Though the Zoomer, released a year before, is arguably a PDA (and just as bad as the OMP).
Both are great ads. I really like apple going back to their roots and recognizing how they got to the present. Seeing the two ads side-by-side is the coolest part of it all. Apple being able to analyze the past will be key in keeping the company true to the customer, as it always has. They cannot forget this, if they do, they will be just another company. They need to keep thinking different.

agree - excellent new ad for a very quick review of the iPad in daily use - and a really neat review of the old newton one as well. incredibly hard to believe that the newton ad is 17 years old - that device was definitely way ahead of its time.

my wife and i really really love our ipads...
agree - excellent new ad for a very quick review of the iPad in daily use - and a really neat review of the old newton one as well. incredibly hard to believe that the newton ad is 17 years old - that device was definitely way ahead of its time.

my wife and i really really love our ipads...

and I really love my Newton... ;)

(well, long since replaced over the years with smaller Palm Pilots, and now an iPhone)
*CRINGE* the next time i hear about how MAGICAL the iPad is i'm going to throw my iPad Nano off the Jacque-Cartier!

that will be happening soon then if you leave the TV on and read about Apple on the internet...poor ipod nano

you do realize that your interpretation of "magical" does not apply to the masses...
Would they stop with the "its magical" tag line? Its cool yes, but not magical.

and your definition of magical is ... ?

anyway, it's advertising, not a documentary.

"greatest show on earth" might not be the greatest, but you can't prove or disprove it.

Barnum Statements.
I too agree that the "magical" line is pretty lame. I also agree that they shouldn't have said "all of the websites in the world" because that is also not true (I support Apple in not putting Flash on their devices, but please don't lie Apple).

The ad itself isn't bad, but not memorable and won't be chatter around the water cooler.

So with all that being said, Apple needs to go back to the drawing board with this one. They could make an iPad ad that is so much better.
The Newton ad is so much better, smarter and funnier (just saw both ads for the first time)

I guess Apple is less cool now and more "average-joe friendly", and that's why their doing so well, in part. I like the ad and the Newton nod, btw.:)
I find the new ad refreshing....I was getting tired of the fun, playful, and cute ads from Apple. It's as if Apple grew a pair. Good move, it got my attention.
Apple doesn't have a tagline. That's the problem. After showing that commercial to man on the street, then ask him, so what's an iPad? What's the answer? Is he supposed to buckle down and choose one of the 50 adjectives Apple has chosen? Adjectives don't answer the question "what."

Apple should break down and use the dreaded C-word: computer.

A few ideas:
What is iPad? It's a different kind of computer. It's a computer, but different. It's a computer, but there's no drive. There's no cable. It just works. I don't know, something!

Interesting perspective on the ad.

First, it means that this product is intensely personal to Apple. It's as if they feel that the Newton was great, but simply ahead of it's time. Now, the iPad avenges it!

Second, it's still amazing to me that the Blackberries and Palms of the world are so similar to the original concept of the Newton. Maybe Apple feels as if they're taking their product back, even if it was delayed by 20 years!
Awesome commercial as always. Makes you want the iPad.

Just like the Newton. Apple just knows how to mix technology with art.
Incredible times we're in and such a great tribute. Heck even OS X on our Mac's pays homage to the Newton: drag something out of your Dock ... *Puff* ... yes that came from the Newton!

I'm so loving my Mac's.
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