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funny to note. "Newton is magic" is used in the Newton commercial.

Nice to see some different advertising. But holding that iPad with one arm on a moped with no case or protection at all for it is just asking for trouble!!!! :eek:

Thought the use of it to read sheet music while playing a piano was excellent though! Great use and one I hadn't thought of yet.
I really like this commercial, if nothing else than just because it's a break from the white background iPhone commercials. Don't get me wrong, they're very well done and even a great way to learn about new apps - but perhaps they're getting a little stale.

It would be nice if Apple mixed it up and made a few different commercials in this style before the inevitable return to new plain-backgroud iPhone commercials next month for the iPhone HD release.
That's cool and all, but I wasn't sold on the iPad until I saw the New York Times commercial for their iPad app. Then I was sold on the iPad. I still haven't bought one though - I'm waiting for the new iPhone for now. I'll take another look at the iPad later. :) :apple:

I went to the Apple store today and said I want to buy a Newton. They told me it has been sold out of stock for over 20 years now! Wow, it must be popular!, I said.
Peter Coyote ! that's hilarious as I just got done watching an episode of The 4400 ... maybe they need to have Steve Jobs take a promicin test :p
Phew... refreshing after all the clean room style ads of the past. Nice voice talent.

I can't help but think this is in response to the gritty "Droid Does" ads.
It reminds me of the old Newton commercial.

I was a salesman in a retail store when the Newton was introduced at MacWorld Boston. I remember the rush into the store from people coming from MacWorld and wanting one. While MacWorld was happening, I was on the selling floor trying to learn how to make it recognize my handwriting....then the rush came through the doors.

We only had a few in stock that day, and we sold everyone of them. The Newton wasn't perfect, but I agree it was ahead of its time.
I too agree that the "magical" line is pretty lame. I also agree that they shouldn't have said "all of the websites in the world" because that is also not true (I support Apple in not putting Flash on their devices, but please don't lie Apple.

My bet is they are in the process of redefining what "all the websites in the world" means, by giving zero relevance (i.e., ignoring) that other technology. :D

Can't blame them.
This is in a way Apple's Newton come back, and they are gonna do it right this time. Pretty nice ad. The target audience is much older than previous iPod Touch audience. There isn't focus on games. Here are Books, Music, Productivity Apps and Web. Pretty Good :apple:
Bad Omens

Hmmmm, I certainly hope the iPad does not go the way Newton:D although that does seem very unlikely, nothing like tempting fate though...

I like the line "... and coming soon electronic mail... " It was a simpler time for sure :)
I'll Be Back

I reckon there will soon... 1-2 years... there will be a Newton revival... Like how the Terminator got back up after being shot in the movie... :D
yep, that was the loophole I was counting on. :)

Apple coined the term PDA, so, yes they invented the PDA.


I big to differ!

Psion was around before the Newton if I recall (Europe).

1984 also marked Psion's first foray into hardware; the Psion Organiser, the world's first handheld computer. In 1987 Psion began development of its "SIBO" ("SIxteen Bit Organiser") family of devices and its own new multitasking operating system called EPOC to run its PDA products.[1]

The Newton platform was an early personal digital assistant (PDA) hardware/software and the first tablet platform developed by Apple Computer (now Apple Inc.), the second platform being the iPhone OS, used in the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Development of the newton platform started in 1987 and officially ended on February 27, 1998.

The Newton project was a PDA platform. The PDA category did not exist for most of Newton's genesis, and the "personal digital assistant" term itself was coined relatively late in the development cycle by Apple's then-CEO John Sculley[1], the driving force behind the project. Newton was intended to be a complete reinvention of personal computing.

There is however an extensive history of pen computing that predates the Newton, though not generally in the form factor of what would now be called a PDA.

Although PDAs had been developing since the original Psion Organiser in 1984 [4][5], the Newton has left one particular lasting impression: the term personal digital assistant was first coined to refer to the Newton. [5]

Some of us where old enough to see this technology evolve out of its infancy first hand and I can assure you that PDA was reference many times in specific high profile circulating magazines back in 86-87 referencing the Psion overseas before "John Scully" blabbed it to the Newton. And let me tell you even in the USA the Newton was not loved en masse - but by an eclectic elite few that loved heavy and bulky yet powerful versatile devices. Functionally Newton had nothing over Psion when its Revo evolved.
I too agree that the "magical" line is pretty lame. I also agree that they shouldn't have said "all of the websites in the world" because that is also not true (I support Apple in not putting Flash on their devices, but please don't lie Apple).

The ad itself isn't bad, but not memorable and won't be chatter around the water cooler.

So with all that being said, Apple needs to go back to the drawing board with this one. They could make an iPad ad that is so much better.

Might I suggest doing so with the iPad_2 gen similar to the teased Apple Navigator commercial? Fully showing its power in a seemless harmony from 1 app/function/feature to the next in any particular walk of life/use?
I think it is interesting how much criticism there is for this ad. It's an ad, who cares. It just goes to show, no matter what is ever said, done, shown, talked about, there are people to tear it down. It's one thing not to like something, but to actively dissect it, well............
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Mobile/7B367 Safari/531.21.10)

Bravo in the old school shout out.
Hey, you take the Ipad into a time machine and I am sure if you go back to the 1600s you will be burned because they think the iPad is magical and you are a witch.:p
me likey the new ad.

Before Apple was the minority, and kind of catered to a niche market. Now Apple's marketing powers are always always always out (iPad craze?). I can't listen to a week of business shows without something about Apple popping up -- that's more than I hear about Berkshire Hathaway or Wal-Mart (but not Goldman Sachs).

Now there's a backlash from the general public against Apple. They could do well to represent themselves as the casual user's electronics company again, and not the Louis Vuitton of mp3 players.
Now there's a backlash from the general public against Apple. They could do well to represent themselves as the casual user's electronics company again, and not the Louis Vuitton of mp3 players.

I don't know anything about a backlash. Haters just gotta hate.

In some sense Apple has carved out their own piece of turf and avoided letting it become a specification arena. It won't matter that brand X has a faster processor, or a screen a little bigger or smaller, as much as Brand X has a problem because it isn't an Apple.
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