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Informative, but.... Terrible. not up to the high standards of Apple advertising. Not fun, not whimsical, not memorable.

I disagree there.. the iPad is such a unique product Apple needed to break the mold on how they presented it. Given the sales numbers so far... and how folks are waiting for weeks it seems.. this just builds on on how many more will want one.

Did have to laugh over the Newton ad :)

Just happy that they did not use the word. "magical". :D
I don't know anything about a backlash. Haters just gotta hate.

In some sense Apple has carved out their own piece of turf and avoided letting it become a specification arena. It won't matter that brand X has a faster processor, or a screen a little bigger or smaller, as much as Brand X has a problem because it isn't an Apple.

Says you with the Intel Mac - because it offers so much more performance than yesteryears aging and dieing Power cpu's. Yes Mac's perform so much better with resources, but I doubt Apple will go down the completely inferior road again with regards to specs.

Yes haters gotta hate.
Freakin amazing that Newton. Way way ahead of its time.

Still does SOOOoo many things that the iPad can't do.

As an artist, I *NEED* to have pen input. Painting with your finger is like, well, FINGER PAINTING. YUCK

And writing with a stylist is still much more natural than typing on a virtual keypad.

HOPEFULLY Apple will get tired of all this swiping and finger gesture stuff and let us interact more as we do in the real world.
I like them both, but the Newton ad more. I felt after watching both ads I could do more with the device shown in the Newton ad than the iPad ad.

Or maybe I'm just off my rocker.
I liked it! It capture the attention of many audiences from kids to old people. ;)

I think apple really hit the rhetorical perspective of this commercial well because it did appeal to my pathos. :p

-sent from my iPad:p
I personally thought it was a great commercial. A departure from their norm, yes. But why not? Why keep everything the same. Apple is known or changing things up, why not their ads? I like this direction they're going. It's a more "in your face" type of ad. Reminds me of those ads from Home Depot that I strangely like as well.

I like it. It's different. Apple needed to change their ads a little bit as the iPhone-type ads are getting a bit stale, and I'm glad they didn't follow suit with the iPad. I'm hoping they shift all their ads to something different, even the Mac ads as I don't think they're going to continue the "Mac and PC" ads anymore. A change in advertising grabs peoples attention, which is what this does.

Good job Apple, I enjoyed it. Change the new iPhone ads to to the more "in your face" style and stick it to them. :D
I like the ad but how dare they say "all the world's websites in your hand"? As we all know that ain't true 'cause all of the world's flash stuff is no-go. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my iPad but that part of the ad is kinda misleading and dishonest.....c'mon Apple!
I thought that it was a pretty good ad. The whole Apple white/clinical/simplistic/cheesy music vibe is getting a bit tired and stale now, IMO. Bring back some black laptops too eventually, white computers belong in kitchens and are better suited for females.

Back to the ad, what matters is - will the ad generate more sales and interest?
I believe that the answer to that would be yes.
Why would you ever carry your iPad like that girl is on the moped? Almost as if you're asking for something bad to happen, haha.
Now a NEWTON, I would BUY. A Newton can fit in your back pocket. An iPad needs a bag. That was the nail in the coffin for me.

...sticking with my iPhone because I just don't want to lug around this big huge thing.

The Newton was a decade before its time - it was an incredible piece of technology, and with ads that good, I'm surprised they ever went away. :eek:

A Newton is actually quite big (the latest version around 8.5"x5"); an iPad is around (9.5"x7.5") and twice as thin. My guess is that Apple will eventually come out with different form factors/size ... one day.

If you want an iPad that fits in your back pocket, an iPod touch or iPhone would probably be a better fit.

I love it.. :D Great to see them acknowledge a classic.

I love the Newton.. When the original iPod came out and had a blatantly newton-derived interface I was so happy that part of it lived on.. When the iphone was announced it seemed like the "new Newton". iPod Touch/iPhone/iPad is a bit like a new Newton line-up, and I'm so glad they got it right this time. The Newton was obviously too early.. I have a Newton eMate 300.. Lovely, if strange machine.

I dont understand the negative connotations for the Newton.. Wonky handwriting recognition maybe, high price maybe, but I bet most people who hate on them haven't even used the early ones never mind the later, much improved versions.
Saw it. Different, but good.

Now that Newton was mentioned, time to show some war scars.

Newton was definitely ahead of its time. Being one of the first independent Newton developers, it is incredible to see what was developed for that platform that either the early ARM processor could not handle nor the politics of Apple at the time could not allow to happen.

Motorola at the time had board seats on Apple and held back a lot of third party telecommunication developments that would have compromised the Motorola portfolio. This is one reason why Moto is a shadow of what it used to be -- way too many resting the 68K laurels and not going forward instead of hoping they could retire in time.

There was a start-up around that era that introduced "two way paging" where you could get a page on your Newton, scribble a text message and send a message back to the sender. Yes -- there was text messaging working on the Newton in prototype back in 1993 -- years before SMS took off!

Why didn't it happen on the next generation Newton devices? I was told the the Moto guys on Apple the board saw it was going to compromise their portfolio and held it back. This true? I have heard it too many times to no deny it.

Story goes Steve cames back to Apple, heard of this and kicked the Moto boys off the board. All was right with the world after that. Just another "It could have been."

If Moto was still on the Apple board, iPhone would have probably never happened. Good job Steve!
Killing the Newton will for ever be Steve Jobs biggest blunder.:eek:

It is classic corporate politics. Kill the children of the former leader of the pack so your children can prosper. That is why Newton died.

I was told that Newton was John Scully's baby and Jobs was out to kick out all of John Scully's legacy and crowd when he came back. Was told a few hundred were sent back to upper state New York when Scully went to Kodak.

Primal? Yes. Effective? Definitely.
Would they stop with the "its magical" tag line? Its cool yes, but not magical.

Peter Coyote is the voice in the commercial I do believe.

I knew someone would bring this up. Just as much as you would like Apple to stop using the word "magical" many of us would like for people to stop trippin' about it. Let it go, it only advertising, it's not hurting you. ;)
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